Hollyhock "nigra or nigrita" Seeds for Trade

Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

These black hollyhocks have been very reliable self-sowers for me and get lots of comments from neighbors. Planted once and now the whole back of my perennial border has a nice 8-10' tall backdrop. They are biennial, so you could plant this fall for flowers next year. I'm putting in new flower beds and want some variety. Send me anything that will grow in Zone 6, I'm even willing to take veggie seeds. In return I'll send you as many black hollyhock seeds as you request. I'll post if I run out...but honestly have thousands of buds ready to burst on the hollyhocks. Collected a huge sack full today. I've been taking care of babies over the last 5 years and can finally get back into my flower beds (littlest is 2 and can help outside now). Please help me have a colorful Spring.
Address listed in address exchange or you can d-mail me.

This message was edited Aug 9, 2011 6:18 PM

Concord, NH

HI i would love a bunch of your hollyhocks i have a large area id like to fill,i could send you 10 trades of beautiful perennial seeds ill give you a nice assortment.susan or i could send you a bagie full of mixed perennials seeds all flowers.

This message was edited Aug 9, 2011 7:40 AM

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Tessa remove your address immediately .. Have people d-mail you for it!!!!!!!!!

Nyssa, OR(Zone 6a)

gardenseeder63- sounds great. I'd like the 10 perennial flowers, I'm planning on doing color themed beds so would rather do that than a mix. How many seeds do you think you would need. They are large and germinate well. Maybe a quart sized bag?

Xeramtheum- Thanks for the pointer...another user informed me about the address exchange and I've edited my post. New at this =)

Concord, NH

thank you for the wonderful trade,susan

Rosamond, CA(Zone 8b)

I would love some. I have so many hh that they get like weeds here and I still love them. I would like to try a black garden for next year so a few of those would make a good back drop.
I have datura seeds, green Camphor beans, a zillion Mystic merlin Malva seeds, campanula, rose campion.

Guyton, GA(Zone 8b)

Thank you, my seeds are here.

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