My beautiful variegated tapioca

Sumter, SC

I dug up my largest v. tapioca last fall, and overwintered it indoors under florescent lights. I cut it in half, and within a few months, it started sending out new shoots. I planted it outdoors in early May, and it's loving our heat. These plants rarely exceed heights of 7-8' - because they're so brittle and lightly rooted, they break and get blown over in high winds.

Thumbnail by donnacreation
New Bern, NC(Zone 8a)

It is spectacular! Have never seen one.

Sumter, SC

Thanks, Entlie. I found this at Walmart a few years ago, and it's very easy to root cuttings. Since it had a 5' head start, I'm hoping it reaches a height of 14' over the next 2 months. Even when stormy winds blow them over, they start growing again as soon as they're uprighted. I was rooting about 20 last winter, but I got lazy and started watering them with my outdoor hose. The icy cold water killed them, as well a lots of other 'stuff' I was rooting. Live and learn.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I like that! Too bad it's not hardy in our zone .. it would look great in my front yard but I just don't have any room to spare in the greenhouse .. does it make flowers?

Sumter, SC

I don't think they bloom, MmeX, and, according to DG plantfile, they're grown for their foliage. It's not necessary to dig them up - minimal root system, tubers - because they root so easily. I don't think the rooting hormone I used last Oct was necessary. I do keep my enclosed backporch warm and humid 24/7.

Seabrook, SC(Zone 8b)

Anybody have any success propagating one? I'm too lazy too dig mine up, and so far I've not been successful.

Sumter, SC

I rooted about 20 last winter in a mix of perlite and peatmoss. I used rooting hormone, but I don't think it's necessary. They sprouted new leaves and were growing well until Dec, when I got lazy and started watering them with my outdoor hose. Blasting icy cold water in their newly formed roots killed them. They do need to be kept warm . I keep my enclosed back porch heated, so nightly temps stay above 50f and daytime temps are in the 70's and 80's. Good luck!

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