Asian pears, ripe?

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

My best producing tree this year was the "Asian Pear". That's all I could read on the tag, so don't know the variety. It is more pear shaped than round, so I guess Chinese? The problem is I've never eaten one, so don't know how to tell if they're ripe. I see that I should be looking for a "fragrant" pear, but not any sign of that yet. Does anyone know anything about these? I've looked them up, but was hoping for some real life experience :).

San Marcos, TX(Zone 8b)

They are already selling Asian Pears at farmers markets right now so I would test them by taste. They will give just a little bit more when pushing on them and there will be a subtle color change. They are supposed to ripen in late August but everything is hitting early this year due to the heat.

You probably have Ya Li or Tsu Li.

Reseach them on Google and see if anyone has a trick for testing them for ripeness.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Thanks! The names will help:)
My Farmers Market is pretty much limited to standard varieties, but I'll keep looking. There is one vendor who has Asian Pears at the swap shop, but they're round, like apples. My google (without names) leaned towards going by smell, um, I mean "fragrance",
Thanks again:)

San Marcos, TX(Zone 8b)

20TH Century is the standard but is inclined to fireblight. I started planting Shinko this year because is is disease resistant. If you find a good way to test ripeness, let us know.

Good luck!!!

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

My tree is full of them, on all three grafts - I need to know how to tell when they are ripe, too.

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