Tung Oil Info Needed

Gainesville, FL

I have a lot of Tung Oil Trees growing in the woods behind my house and I know very little about it. I have a pie shape lot with about 10 feet of woods in back my house. My lot is slopping and in the bottom half of the lot the Tung Oil is growing very well but nothing in the top part. I have thrown multiple seeds there(in the top part) but they don't seem to take hold. Do you know why? In the bottom of my lot where the Tung Oil is growing very well some of my other trees are dying (Mushroom root rot is what an extension service aghent told me). I have had 3 Laurel Oaks(small) and a Ligustrum Licidum die. My fifth tree is dying now and I believe it is a Carolina Prunus. Do you think the Tung Oil chokes these out? I think the Tung Oils are beautiful but hang over my yard where I am mowing. They are easy to cut but what I would like to know is can I save those that I cut to use in a fireplace? I found out from a neighbor that this area used to be a Tung Oil Plantation.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

all parts of the Tung-Oil Tree (Vernicia fordii) are poisonous if ingested and i would assume that breathing in the smoke from burning wood would be equally dangerous. it could also start a chimney flue fire as the oil was used to make paint and varnish.
i don't know why your other trees are dying but this tree is a tough survivor.

Gainesville, FL

Thanks, I am glad I ask this question. I never even thought of the oil causing a chimney flue fire. That makes sence. I hate to cut a tree especially one that is this beautiful. But this particular one about a foot from the bottom it takes a curve out of about a foot and make it hang over my lot. Almost lays on it.

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