CLOSED: Birthday Club # 13 Your Lucky Day!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Rule number one is HAVE FUN! If you can't bring a sense of humor or a smile to the party don't come.

Rule number two is about the "gifting" of birthday goodies. New plan that I hope will solve the problems of most of the people with financial issues. All goodies must fall into one of these 3 categories:

1. A handmade or crafted something that you do. Most everyone I know on DG sews, paints, crafts or does some sort of hobby that they could share in some small way with the birthday people. If it is only a handmade card that you can send for $.44 that is terrific.

2. Second category would be plants. Hey we are a gardening forum after all. A lot of folks have extras or starts or cuttings. Send what you can afford to ship.

3. Gift cards for plants, or gardening related items or anything else that people have mentioned in their wishlists. I am not going to set an amount. Make it whatever your budget allows. Once again it is about the thought and the effort. Anyone that does crafts would love a card to Micheals or JoAnns etc. I know I would. Keep in mind a lot of gift cards can be done online eliminating the postage issue all together.

Now that we have the ground rules set I encourage everyone to go to the New Likes and Dislikes link and adjust their posts accordingly. List your plant wants. List the places you like to shop or would like a gift card from.

Current Members:

Rouxcrew (Joy) Jan. 15
ClanCampbell (Chris) Feb.28
FruitoftheVine- (Susan) April 9
Janaestone - (Dianae) April 12
choochoogirl - (Lynn) May 1
momoftwo607 (Erin) May 6
Crit (Patti) May 10
GAgirl1066 (Paula) Sept. 1
Ridesredmule (Charlene) Oct. 1
Rvnsbrk - (Juanita) Oct 9
GardenQuail (Michelle) October 28
Dahtzu (Faye) December 25
Hope43 (Hope) Dec. 28

New Likes/ Wants Thread

This message was edited Aug 25, 2011 6:14 PM

Thumbnail by rvnsbrk
FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

OK! Happy Sunday! Not been much going on here and that is my fault. Been busy with my Mom visiting and doing all the chores around here. I apologize for bugging out for a few days.

Now since this is thread number 13, I want to do some kind of fun contest. I wish I had a fully formed idea, but you know me. I wing it a lot. No August birthdays. We have to do something. Wrong time of the year for my snow melt contest. Dang. Someone give me an idea. I'm all ears. If I keep having my Mother visit and eating like I've been, I'm gonna be all A** as well. :))


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Could do how many days till we get over 1/4" of rain at my house. ^_^ We have a fair coming up, and more than not it rains at least one of the days. It's a week long fair. lol

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Just a quick stop by to say hi and that I'm thinking of all of you :)
My retired guide dog is coming for a visit some time today and staying til August 9th. And I've been busy finishing the crocheted baby blanket. The baby it's for is due August 8th or 9th, so really want to get it done this week!
I see we have a new member... Welcome Lynn!
More later after the blanket is done... Look forward to getting caught up with everyone's news! Take care all :)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

So glad to see you Michelle!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for stopping by. That is neat that your old guide dog is coming for a visit. Really awesome!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Glad to see you Michelle. I just told my Mom today that I needed to check on you. Come when you can.

Thinking about a photo caption contest. I'll see what kind of a fun picture I can come up with tomorrow when it settles down a little here.

Nite all!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Everyone wish me luck! I entered a photo contest today with one of my nature shots :) It's the first time I've ever entered one, so we'll see how it goes LOL..

This is the picture that I submitted :)

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Dang it.. wrong picture LOL.. I gave them a closer picture than that one :)

THIS is the picture I submitted...

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Morning everyone. Crit did you get to the Hen & Chicks in time?
Chris that is a beautiful pic. Do hope you win. I love chasing Butterflies trying to get that special shot. Don't know how long it took me to get this one, and never did get one with fully opened wings. Pretty part of this is, I didn't plant the Zinnia, Bird did and what a good job it did.
Love & Hugs!

Thumbnail by dahtzu
Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Closer view of the chased Butterfly.

Thumbnail by dahtzu
FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Very nice pictures ladies!! Rushing out to do errands and I will think a little more about the parameters of a photo caption contest for this month.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Froot - I don't label anything either! Except the stuff you send has labels out there. Still love me? :D

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

No Faye .... she had already done all that she was going to do. She knew of a couple people who were going to be doing some and was going to let me know when. I had to do some "name dropping" as I had not been a member of ATP except for a couple of weeks and the other sight a bit longer, but my longest time was here. lol Also told her how thrilled you were with the ones you received!

I use to not tag things "ever" either A., but I do everything now! ^_^

This is a photo I just took under the roof by the pool. Yes ladies, that is in the shade. I feel so bad for my DH. His shop at the dealership has VERY LIMITED air movement, even with the big fans it just blows hot air around (kind of like some of us! No names mentioned!!! LOL) It jumps from 109.5 up to 110.5, depending on if the air is moving through or it is still. So, when I say I know what 110* in the shade feels like, I have PROOF! lol

This message was edited Aug 1, 2011 2:54 PM

Thumbnail by Crit
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)


Thumbnail by Crit
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Evening, Girlfriends :)

Oh my gosh, Chris, how exciting is that?! I'm crossing my fingers for you! When are the results going to be revealed?

One of our local papers runs a contest each Summer where folks submit a photo of their amateur landscape, and the winner is awarded a $1,000 shopping spree at the nursery that sponsors the contest. Nobody except the judges know who the Winner and Runner Up's are til they're published in the Fall.

Most of ya'll know, but in case you don't Patti or Amanda, we lived the not-so-glamorous life on the road with hubby's job for many years, and I just got back into gardening Spring of '09 shortly after we finally landed home. I had nothing to plant, not even a seed! Is it a coincidence I joined DG that Winter? Not a chance. After discovering the Plant & Seed Trading Forums (and shortly after the, I just knew no one would ever want to trade or swap with me if the plants or seeds I had weren't named. Boy, was I wrong! Many of my favorite plants growing now and others I've shared have been surprises. What brought the subject up anyway, my anal labels? LOL!

Will be watching for the Photo Caption Contest, Neener. Sounds like fun!

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Froot: I suspected but did not ask that you had some questionable roots in your gardening past. :D

I don't have a giant yard. I don't collect things like irises where it might be beneficial to know names. Fact is, most of my plants were grown from seed collected at a botanic garden in Massachusetts. We labeled plants by botanic name, and there is a very specific way to do it!

In my yard, I know which plants are which. Truthfully, with the DG subscription, like you, the trading forums were my main draw. I have been delighted from the get-go and having your plant tags are a wonderful reminder that a wonderful person gave me this wonderful plant.

I do keep a journal of sorts every year. I drew a very elaborate map last year when I planned my monarch habitat. I labeled everything on my map. But tags in the ground where they grow? Nah (with the exception of the plants that come to me tagged). My garden is a wild garden, like your "wild child" garden area. The whole of it is wild child. I can't even call it a cottage garden. It is a wildlife habitat, designated a "Monarch Waystation" but there are no rules except that I love bright pink/magenta, purple, yellow, orange, and blues. I have the white memory garden for Max which has been very therapeutic. AND I am a stalwart advocate for planting native species. This comes out of my desire to engage professionally in environmental restoration, where the study of ecology and how plants and animals interact in their environment. There are no tags in a piedmont prairie or savanah.

That's MY story. For those of you who don't know. ;)

Love to all, especially my Froot Loop.


FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Good Morning!

Here we go. Rules are simple. This is open to all in the people that participate in this thread. If you stop by to chat you can submit an entry. Post or d mail me your caption for the photo. Judging is subjective. The winner will be the caption that makes me laugh out loud. In the event of a tie I will involve the DH person to make the pick.

Prize will be (and I know you are all dying to have one of these) a piece of domino altered art and whatever other goodies I can find to add plant related or not.

This is the photo for the contest. Let the games begin!

Thumbnail by rvnsbrk
Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Been trying to get some of my to do list done before I go in to talk about surgery. Took Anna school shopping for some outfits. Mulching my gardens,de-weeding them too. Wells not working the way we hoped it would, so digging a new one could be in the very near future. We haven't had a good soaking rain since june. Water table keeps going down and down. Only limited use at this time. Also dealing with a lady who bought a piece of land locked property, thats a treat. She's trying to sue us so she can reopen the unpassable dirt road that was closed back in the 40's if not earlier. This year has not been a good one. I hope that it gets better.

Fruit - blackberry lilies opened yesterday. I love them! =)


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I love the tags that Fruit-Loop sent with the plants she sent me! I got a bunch of new iris and am tagging the ones that are named. Have tagged things put in the front flower bed, but I don't know how many are going to survive this heat.

114* at 5:30. May go up a bit before it starts to cool off around 8:30. I've seen it 100* at 10 or 11 at night many times.

Some may see this on another thread, and I'm sorry if you do, but:
On a sad note, I lost my best gardening friend this morning .... Polly. She had been sick since Friday. Went to the animal emergency room Saturday and back to my vet this morning. It wasn't 2 hours after I dropped her off they called to tell me they had lost her. They resusitated her once, but couldn't get her back the 2nd time. Blood tests showed stuff all over the charts from too low to too high. Kidneys were all but shut down and her heart just gave out. She would of been 8 in October. Didn't know if she had gotten heat exhaustion or what. She stayed in the house and had a doggy door to go in and out, but if I was outside, she was there with me. Several times I had to lock her in to make her stay inside. I brought her home and my DH dug a nice grave for her in this rock hard dry ground that we have. Every time I look out my back window or go to the back yard I will see it and think of her. Polly-Wog, Polly-Wog Dog, Polly-Wolly Doodle, Little Fat Dog...... RIP my dear little fur baby. See the heart on her side? That is how big her heart was!!!!!!! The little grandkids could waller her all over and she just loved it She WILL be missed!

Thumbnail by Crit
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

One more of my little gardening buddy. Wherever I was she was! Even in the house. Like my shadow. I miss her.

Thumbnail by Crit
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

If you decide to plant a memorial garden for her, Patti, you know I'll be glad to contribute seeds and / or plants. Don't have any named Polly but could send something to you that's your favorite color or type of flower(s). Pic is Daylily "Little Fat Dazzler", nice edger only 1' or so tall and blooms here in early June.

Bummer about your well, and your neighbor. What grade will Anna be in?

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Anna will be in Kindergarten. Our bunny passed away sunday. Sorry for your loss Crit. I don't know if I could ever have another bunny who loved to cuddle as much as he did.

Thumbnail by momoftwo607
FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Oh Patti, so sorry to hear about your dog. When we were at the ER vet on Wed. night last with one of our cats, there were 2 dogs in there being treated for heat exhaustion. This heat is a killer for everyone and everything.

Erin sorry about the bunny. I bet the kids took that hard.

Been a rough year so far for so many people.. Let's hope it starts to look up soon.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks all. So sorry about your bunny Erin!!!!!

I don't know how I am going to tell my 4 year old DGD (the one on the donkey) that Polly is gone. She always called Polly "her" dog and Bowzer was Breanna's, the 7 year old. It is going to crush them both. DH just said "you know we are going to have to get Bowser another playmate, he'll go crazy with no one to play with". I said I know. Kind of hard for him to play with my blind one, although it is so cute when she tries. She wants to, just has a hard time. Polly and Bowzer use to chase each other around the house. It was the Rat Terrier 500. When Polly would get tired, she'd just stop and wait for Bowzer to come back around. LMAO

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I want to do a Memorial Garden around her grave. Just not sure what I want to put in it yet. Thanks for the offer Fruity.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Patti and Erin.. so sorry to hear of your losses.. don't you love how we give them as much love as we do the rest of our family? :) They definitely become part of the family quickly.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Dang it...I'm so sorry about your bunny too.

Love everyone in this group. We hang together through thick and thin.

Amanda or anybody else, what kind of Moth is this?

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

WOW that one's a looker. I will get right on it OR you could post in the bug forum and get an ID lickety split!


Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Fruit - it is an imperial moth

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I was going to say a yellow and brown one! lol

Yes, our little furbabies leave paw prints on our heart!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Yepper an Imperial Erin is right. I had one on the front of the house a few nights ago.

Only have one entry so far for the caption contest. I think I may have confused ya'll though. You need to give me a caption for the photo that I posted please. The one of Pyewacket in his basket. I'm terrible at this. :0)

Chris I was thinking of you the other day. Glad you are here and things are sort of normal for you.

Gently raining here so I am going to see if I can skip the watering routine this morning. Have yet another annual vet trip to make today. Don't mind having these critters until everything comes due at once.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Good Morning All!!

Well let's see I've had 2 entries in the caption contest, so let's get some more ideas coming in. Got some much needed rain yesterday and if it would stay cloudy today it would be nice. Give everything a break.

Taking the day off from household chores today to make some cards for our military folks. I'll stop by later to be sure we are all still alive and well. :))

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I'm thinking about it neener. That's nice that you do the cards!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Thanks Crit. I just found out about this organization a few days ago from one of my stamp suppliers. They provide cards for deployed military so that they can send notes and things back home. Everything is handmade. It's a great way to use paper and other things that may not be useful for something that I would normally do. They want a lot of blank note cards and bright colors in general themes. It's a lot of fun to just be able to make them and not have to struggle with perfection.

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Nita, I've received cards from you and lady in my eyes, they were perfection.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

You're sweet Faye. Sometimes I'm just my own worst critic. I'll spend hours trying to find the right piece of paper or artwork.

Cooler here today everyone! Finally got the last of the Fall veggies planted. We'll see what I get. I've tried this before, and haven't done too well. As the days get shorter, my part sun area that kind of works, gets to be less part sun and more shady so I'm betting I just wasted a bunch of time. Maybe I'll at least get some spinach and kale.

My long awaited moonflower vine bloomed last night. Finally. WOW! The blooms were huge. There must at least 50 or 75 more on there so when it gets really going it should be a show. I have it on a pretty big rounded cage kind if trellis and it is still reaching over that and climbing up the corner of the house. I guess a 50 foot radio tower is out of the question for next year huh?

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Works of art is what they are and are perfect in my eyes too. Just think how you're spreading cheer to our Military families and making someone's day many times over miles away. Don't know how you do it all, girlie.

Hixson, TN

Crit,I am sorry for your loss. 4 years ago I lost a beloved pet, of 14 years. I wouldn't have another. I could not trust a new one. To take her place.I refused to look,or let another look on my behalf. Tears came just thinking about My Daisy.

A year ago. A neighbor. Who grew up a few houses away.( Bought a home back in the Neighborhood). Found me outside. Had a little Black Fur ball on his sholder. All 2 pounds of her. Said I brought you something. And what a something "She is". Now full grown, 8 pounds of Love and Energy. It is possible to have another Dog. She is well mannered, playful. still goes night night in her crate. I did not seek her. She just found me.
Her Name is Blk Pepper.what a friend, and perfect companion she is. Best I could ask for. When you are ready,there will be another special friend For You.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Lynn show us a picture of your little furbaby.

Mine are being really bad right now. One of them has a frog she is playing with in my office and the other one just went out across the yard with a frog legs dangling out of his mouth. Never knew I had so many amphibians around here until they came.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

No other dog will ever take the place of my Polly. Had a backslide today trying to take a nap, wishing she was on the bed with me.

My other dog was going into depression without her. Even though I have my 16 year old blind doggie, that I've had since the day she was born, he was missing his play buddy. I found an adorable little female at the Humane Society that looks just like him, only smaller. She is 8 lbs and about 1 1/2 years old. She fits right in, just like she's always been here. She's not my Polly .... but is my Bobbi. I sure miss Polly.

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