Soil Ammendments for controlling Frie Ants

Austin, TX(Zone 8a)

Is there any soil amendment for controlling fire ants from mounding in a square foot bed? I know anti-fuego works, but I want something I could mix directly into the soil before I plant vegetables. I've read that dried molasses works, but have never had any experience with it myself. Any insight would be helpful.

Fort Worth, TX

diatomaceous earth (food grade) and instant grits (uncooked)
To get rid of present mounds: Form a 1 to 2 inch solid circle of DE around the mound about 2 feet out. Then sprinkle the dry grits all over inside the circle. Those that walk across or thru the circle will die. The others that do not cross the DE will carry the grits into the mound as food, eventually feeding the queens and young. Those will explode after eating it. The ants will get smart and form dirt bridges over the DE or new tunnels under it to come outside the circle to forage. Keep watch and put down new circles or repair the bridged area. Be patient but be persistent. It works. Eventually the mounds will disappear and there will be no more ants.
To prevent them: just mix the DE into the soil as a soil amendment. Not too much tho as it will also kill all your small beneficial soil creatures.

This message was edited Aug 20, 2011 10:07 PM

This message was edited Aug 20, 2011 10:11 PM

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