CLOSED: Looking for Astilbe seeds - Fresh if possible

Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

My next door neighbor wants to grow some astilbe and loves the amethyst or pink ones. Probably any colorful ones would work against her red brick house - no white or cream. She has given me some newly harvested Johnson's Blue Hardy Geranium seeds and some newly harvested Party Girl Sidalcea seeds. I have other seeds from last year that are avialble too, including some dayliliy crosses whose pod parent is known, no Stellas here. Thanks for looking,


Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)


First of all: I can't offer you Astilbe seeds, because my plants died due to an extremely long dry period here.
You ask for fresh seeds, but a year old Astilbe seeds will germinate better than fresh seeds.
Just wanted to let you know that.


Beaver Falls, PA(Zone 6a)

Thank you so much for telling me, Jonna! I'm sorry to hear that you lost your astilbes. I don't grow them because I'm shade challenged here. My neighbors has very large oak trees that give her shade for them, but I have mostly full sun here.

Looks like there are a lot of people who are suffering from lack of rain, not just us in parts of the US. I hope you get some rain and the long dry spell is over for you.

Thanks again.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I have seeds from last year ready to trade and seeds from this year drying. I grow two types, Amethyst and Bressington Beauty, both originally from Bluestone. If you, or anyone else, is interested, let me know via dmail. (I sent you a copy of the post via dmail as well). The plants generate lots of seeds, so I have generous packets with more drying from this year.

Astilbe x arendsii 'Amethyst' a lavender variety

Astilbe x arendsii 'Bressingham Beauty' a pink variety

I wintersowed some of each seed and they germinated. They didn't bloom this spring, so I don't know if they are true to the parents. They are open pollinated and planted nearby. Both parent plants are very pretty and healthy, so their progeny should be pretty pastel astilbes, but surprises are always possible with seeds from open pollinated hybrid plants.

These varieties may do alright for you in filtered sun. Divisions of my original plants are in a cottage setting near rose bushes. It is a sunny south facing bed, but they get shade from the nearby Austin Wildeve Rose. They work well in that location.

I would gladly share some rain and humidity, but it looks like i am stuck with it. (The spell checker suggested I replace astilbes with gave me a chuckle.)

Concord, NH

i have pink and purple

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

GardenQuilts and gardenseeder63,

I'm interested in Astilbe seeds of you both.
I think I have some seeds that interests you if your wish lists are updated.
Have a look at my website to see if there are things on it that might interest you, maybe we can make a bigger trade.
ALL my seeds are available for trading.
D-mail me with your interests.


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