Help with jackamii please

St Joseph, MO(Zone 5b)

I traded for a jackmanii when it arrived there where prolly 3 stems well rooted. it was shipped with no dirt wrapped in paper towel still moist. there where some leaves but they where yellow. i planted it in a large pot and it seems to be dieing. the leaves r turning brown and falling off. there are still a few leaves at the top of the stems. plant arrived on 7-19-2011, we are having 100+ heat wave so i have the pot inside under a grow light. i bought another jackmanii off ebay and it is in same soil mix and also under the grow light not outside. the 1 off ebay was shipped in dirt and was nice and green and it is doing great, has even begun to sport new leaves. ok my question is should i cut the 1 back that is dieing or are the few leaves that are still on it helping it? i have never grown clemtis before so i dont know how to save it.
Thanks Angel

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

What does "prolly" mean?

Clematis roots sent without soil, but kept damp, are fine. Put that concern out of your mind.

If the leaves are dying, turning brown or crispy, cut them off. They are no longer providing any nourishment to the plant.

How deeply did you plant both clematises?

A photo would be a huge help.

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

Jacks are a pretty strong clematis. It's hard to kill them without really trying. Make sure the roots are in the shade and the leaves grow into the sun. Cut off all dead or dying leaves and stems. You may not get much growth this year but next year it will surprise you. Make sure and mulch it very good over the winter and in late winter or early spring prune it back to just above some good nodes (usually about 10 to 18 inches high). Feed it miracle grow every two weeks until it blooms and then don't feed it anymore. Pinch off dead blooms and they will sometimes give you a second flush.
Good luck. I have fallen in love with clematis and just can't get enough of them. I hope you enjoy yours for many years to come.

St Joseph, MO(Zone 5b)

thank you soooooo much for answers. wish me luck.

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

(pssst) "Prolly" is texting shorthand for "probably." No idea why, but thought I'd share that, in case you see it again someday. ;~)

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks. If I ever see it again I will probably forget what it means.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Happy birthday to Bookerc1 - have a wonderful day and a great year filled with clematis.

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Pirl! My poor clematis need some attention. They need dead-headed and a little re-direction on the trellises.


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Same here, Angie. It's simple to read what should be done with clematis at every step but when 100 or 500 other plants are also calling for attention in the heat of summer, it isn't easy to do it.

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