
Medina, OH

Have a Viburnum 8-10' wide, 5 ft. high. It was transplanted a year and a half ago. Foliage doing very well, but no flowers this spring. None last, either. What should I be doing to bring it back into bloom next spring?

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

With no idea which viburnum you have - an image would help - it is difficult to give a precise prescription for care.

In general, however: when you transplant a shrub that big, you are leaving most of its roots behind - likely 90%. This is a large stress on a plant, and it's primary task is getting its root system back so that it can support the stems and foliage. That's where the plant will put most/all its resources till it has enough roots to support the luxuries of reproduction. Flowering will likely resume when there is a strong complement of roots absorbing moisture and nutrients from the soil.

Additionally: pruning practices can confound flowering. I would not prune this plant except to remove dead branches. Viburnums set flowers on previous season's growth, and then flower in the new year. If winter or spring pruning is performed, flower buds are being removed.

If you have not done a soil test, do so to know what nutrient levels are. Add fertilizer at recommended rates, and keep your soil moisture levels at average. Water especially during drought periods, since your plant has reduced ability to absorb moisture.

I have planted many Viburnum species in all size ranges from bare root liners, seedlings, container stock, and small to large B&B. One project involved several hundred shrubs in 6-8' B&B. Species included Viburnum dentatum, Viburnum dilatatum, Viburnum xburkwoodii, Viburnum x 'Cayuga', Viburnum x 'Eskimo', Viburnum rufidulum, Viburnum nudum, Viburnum xcarlcephalum, Viburnum xpragense, and Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum. These were transplanted in late winter/early spring, and pretty much everything flowered that year. Then they went on hiatus to recover from this insult.

It would not surprise me for your plant to take another year or two to recover enough to perform as it had prior to being moved.

Medina, OH

Thank you so much. It makes sense to me and I shall just be patient.

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