Oranges that split - - - HELP

Garden Grove, CA

I have an orange tree that is about 15 feet tall. I don't know how old it is since I have lived in my house only three years. For two years now, the oranges have split while still green and on the tree. I figured that it was because of lack of water, so I was more careful this summer to water it more regularly. They still split. Does anyone know why the oranges are doing this. My neighbors say that this tree has a history of incredibly delicious oranges. HELP!!! I want to taste one!

Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

Oranges usually split if watering is given in large doses following drought. Generally, it is better to water evenly, taking into account the existing humidity and rainfall.


Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

I spoke to a producer about this, and he was certain that oranges split when there is too much potassium. I assume that potessium is added with fertilizers, so reducing the fertilizer will do the trick, but if potassium is in the soil already, you will need the advice of an expert because you will have to provide an antagonist.


Rethymno, Crete, Greece(Zone 10b)

Further info from professionals, they told me that high potassium levels cause the oranges to split; they did not say what the antidote should be, though.


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