Color Echoes VII Color Theory in the Garden

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Continuing from here, Part VI:

Let's keep looking for color echoes as well as color harmonies in our gardens.

Thumbnail by pirl
Dayton, OH

Thanks everyone for posting such beautiful picture's, I enjoy looking at all of them. Would like to have some of these to hang up in my house. Since I can't I'll to settle for the way they are.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks, roseycats. I love looking at all the various photos myself.

Here's simple green and yellow.

Thumbnail by pirl
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

The green of the sweet potato vine matches the edge on the coleus.

Thumbnail by pirl
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

The delphinium and spirea work well together.

Thumbnail by pirl
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Allium and common columbine.

Now it's back to stripping the guest bathroom wallpaper.

Schroon Lake, NY(Zone 4a)

Oh Pirl thanks for the looks so COOL!!!!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks, dmc! My daughter and her family are heading up your way August 5th.

Wasn't it lincolnitess who spoke of white and green? Here's one:

Thumbnail by pirl
Thomaston, CT

Pirl, your echoes are wonderful!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Marilyn. With the heat I've been unable to get out to take more photos but here's one from Sunday.

Lily 'Shocking' and crocosmia 'Lucifer'.

Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

Hey, Pirl, I think the heat is getting to you!
Forget something??

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

How did you guess! Heat indexes get me crazier than the actual heat.

Thanks for the reminder, Wee.

Here it is...

Thumbnail by pirl
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

The green and white is so refreshing. The delp and spirea are wonderful together too.

Here's one I didn't plan because I never thought the heuchera flowers would still be looking decent when the King Kong lilies were blooming, but they just manage to overlap. The purple stems on the heurchera are the same as the dark spots on the lily.

Thumbnail by lincolnitess
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thank you.

Isn't it terrific when the unplanned matches just happen? Love that combination.

Here's one I took this morning while facing the awful heat outside. Lily Rio Negro on the left and Black Beauty, upper right.

Thumbnail by pirl
Dayton, OH

Nice picture's Pirl

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Roseycats.

Here's Anastasia matching the astilbe in the background.

Thumbnail by pirl
Thomaston, CT

How nice it is to see beautiful lilies unmarred by the the red devil!

Dayton, OH

Beautiful Lily

Schroon Lake, NY(Zone 4a)

Wow I love the heuchera and King Kong lily! This is a seedling and a stray bread poppy.

Thumbnail by dmcdevitt
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Marilyn and Roseycats. I loved how the lily appeared to be suspended in mid air. (Or maybe it's just my eyes!)

Here's Rio Negro with hosta Diana Remembered and its white flowers as well as the white phlox in the background that echo the white edges of Rio Negro. I do love that lily and the frangrance is wonderful.

Thumbnail by pirl
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Very nice, dmc! They were made for each other.

Thomaston, CT

I love it when a stray bloom matches! Rio Negro is a wonderful lily, Pirl.....

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Folks, I know this heat wave is temporary and it's supposed to be hot in the summer, but does these temps make you think extra long and hard about what you will grow next year? While my first concern is of personal choice, I have to always think of deer resistant; now it's drought tolerant, and my neighbors on the street behind me may have to look at nothing but marigolds and BES's next year. Low maintenance is going on my list for 2012. I should have been outside at daybreak watering the flowers but I got engrossed in a good book and didn't get to bed until after 2 am..Oh, I was up at daybreak, but I just didn't have "the get up and go" to drag the hose out and start watering. that wallpaper all stripped off now? "Been there, done that!" At our former home where we lived for 27 years, we had a lot of wallpapered rooms. We always did our own papering too. No more wallpaper for us.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Rio Negro is such a pretty lily and goes so nicely with the white phlox.

I was out by 6:30 today to take my little dog for a walk and then deadheaded and did some clean up in front until about 9AM. By that time my clothes were soaked with sweat and I was getting dizzy everytime I bent over. Decided it was either go inside or have a heat stroke. My poor back yard is really suffering from neglect because it's all I can do to keep up with the front.

I like the way this Peach Rum Festival daylily brings out the peach tones in Ten Cent Wings.

Thumbnail by lincolnitess
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Planet Max daylily and Scherazade lily

Thumbnail by lincolnitess
Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

What a great thread! There is a lot of inspirational ideas here and on previous Color Echo threads..which I browsed on one earlier today and will go back over them this evening or wee hours in morning when I can't sleep.

Tabasco and Pirl..sounds like you've had good luck with buying used books from I know I have either checked Color Echos by Pamela Harper out of our public library or I owned it myself. The cover is so familiar to me and I just looked in my gardening library and don't find it. I recall taking a duplicate book to our seed swap in Feb. as a prize but I think it was Mid-Atlantic Gardening by one of the Viette Plant Nursery owners.

I've looked on our public library system today and we don't own a copy so maybe I can look downstairs in the used library book store operated by Friends of the Library.

My eye is also Continous Bloom by Pam will check for that one too.

Is the service on used books as fast as it is on new books at
I swear by them and is the only online book store I use. They seem to be cheaper in price and shipping cost than any of the other well known ones.

I think I saw ads on TV about another well known Book store chain going out of business or filed bankruptcy..maybe I can look there.

This message was edited Jul 25, 2011 11:57 AM

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Pippi, you can always grow some Angelonias, this is the first year I had planted them and they are tougher then Zinnias in the heat. You can find some seeds and it is coming in 3 colors, but I think the purple would go nice with your marigolds. This is my picture of the Angelonia and Agastache Accapullco. Etelka

Thumbnail by kiseta
Thomaston, CT

Linc, those are wonderful photos! I grow some color of angelonia every year....never stops blooming until frost!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Thanks Robin. Do you guys deadhead your angelonia? I didn't do well with it the year I tried it. May try again next year.

Schroon Lake, NY(Zone 4a)

Another Accident, a seedling that I like the color on with the Rude Beckies that I never seem to rip enough of out!!

Thumbnail by dmcdevitt
Schroon Lake, NY(Zone 4a)

I guess I should name my garden journal "the Accidental Gardener"

Thomaston, CT

Linc, I only snip off the stems that have finished blooming...the plants just keep sending out the blooms....this year I planted pink ones....

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

lincoln.....Have you ever thought about pairing thalictrum delvaii or one of the other meadow rues with your pink lilies?......pirl..Wow, your Blk Bty s are amazing--how long til you got that patch and how many bulbs were planted?

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

dmc another Wow!....pippi.. I got my book for $1 on amazon, was a former library book so its got plastic cover which I like. (Book store going out of buss. is Borders.)

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Kathy - Originally I planted three Black Beauty in May of 2006 and then added three every year until it looked like I wanted it to in 2009. I'll count the stems tomorrow to be sure.

Thumbnail by pirl
(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

I got my book from Amazon used for $.01 plus shipping. Took 3 weeks to get here but is like new. I would have paid more for expedited if I'd realized, but I have it mow, and it's great. I always liked her as a garden writer...


(Pam) Warren, CT(Zone 5b)

BTW, those Planet Max are amazing! I love the spider type, I think they fit in my garden better than the tets, and Purple is my passion!


Thomaston, CT

Clearing the Fog DL with coreopsis Redshift.....

Thumbnail by ROBINDOG
Schroon Lake, NY(Zone 4a)

Clearing the fog is a beautiful color...I love that rich ruby purply color and the green throat. Unfortunately a lot of the coreopsis doesn't survive here. So far Creme Brulee has hung in three years.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Very nice match, Marilyn, and both are beautiful plants.

dmc - have you tried Zagreb? It's a threadleaf.

Thumbnail by pirl

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