Earwig control

Sutherlin, OR

I seem to have "Hoards" of Earwigs residing under the foilage in my containers. Is there anyway to effectively control them? I live in OR... we have had way more rain than normal and to my memory this is the first year I have noticed so many earwigs as to be concerned.

Salem, OR(Zone 8a)

I live in Salem, Oregon.

I've had luck with, putting out wet newspaper, then in the morning I go lift up the newpaper/or cardboard. Standing ready with a spray bottle of soap & Water, or Simple Green mixture...spray them, and they are dead right away.

I've also used a dark wine bottle with oil and lemon or lime...someone said soy sauce too.
Fill with a couple inches of oil (any kind) they crawl in and drown.

I've also used just a simple plastic lid from cottage cheese container and put oil in it and tuck under plant, they are attracted to the oil, and drown.
Be persistant!

Good luck

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