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Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Okay ya'll help me out.

I am getting my plants together to ship to my not so secret swap butty (heeeeee) and I have never done this before. I mean I've sent a few seedlings in a small box, but this scares me. I wish I had paid strict attention to how Froot packaged her box, but I was so giddy with the plants I didn't really notice except for some popcorn peanuts. :D

I have the medium and large flat rate boxes from the PO. I will figure out how best they fit I think but i am worried about the package getting tossed around and plants breaking.

None of Froot's plants were damaged in transit. I am remembering someone talking about taping them down to the box or something to keep 'em from moving. Maybe criscross meshing them together with duct tape? Ha.

If there's a sticky post somewhere please send me a link. I want stuff to arrive in nice shape, especially since we are experiencing some "cooler" weather this week.


Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Oh Crit, glad you found a playmate for your lonely puppy, and some another rat terrier found a wonderful home. I have a wire terrier named shortie and he is so funny, he can make his ears have some of the funniest looks. One of our friends loves to talk to him cause shortie moves his ears, up, down, forward, you name it.

Lookie what I found in the shade garden blooming, I am a bit confused because the others are no where to be seen yet, too hot to come out ? Surprise lily, naked lady.

Thumbnail by happgarden
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

gosh I lost ya.. hope u save me some of those setosa brazilian mgs seeds for me.. Charleen. They do take forevever to dry , tho.

Happy Late Birthday, Peg.. Hope it was a great one.
Sure are some pretty blooms I have missed here from everyone.
I sent some of these out... hope all the seeds I sent did something for ya all. Hope the plants I sent out are doing okay too..

Thumbnail by joeswife
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I went ahead and put a bag over the first one Debra, You will get some. I promise....

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

.........(coming out from under the table), happgarden....i done got a naked lady, too!

Thumbnail by jsxtiger
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

OH! Me too! mine are up and have been since August first, they always pop up August first..
yers look purtier, Jax..

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Debra what is that dark purple plant in your pic? I have that all over the place, like it but it is a little wild child.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Joyce, that is my perilla beefsteak shizo, you prolly got some from me or fruity.. the seeds seem to travel with anythng I send, and I have sent a few plants of that out.My brother uses it in his recipes, he is a chef. It comes in green, too.
this begonia basket is ready to go somewhere..

Thumbnail by joeswife
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

My begonia's have all bit the dust. Even the ones in the shade on the patio. All goners.

OK, we are suppose to be 99 and 96 on Wednesday and Thursday, so I think I am going to attempt to sent out my plants to my swap buddy. They seem to be doing pretty good. Have kept them in the doppled shade garden out front, so get frequent waterings. I think I only killed one of them.

112* tomorrow, then down in the lower 100+'s . UGH!

Tyler, TX(Zone 8b)


Your list of swap members hasn't been updated that I r'cieved my wonderful box of goodies from Rides Red Mule arrived back on 7/12/11

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Will do, Chell. When you get a minute, would you please post a pic and / or a list of the plants Char shared with you? You rec'd them about the time your Dad had his accident, glad you're back with us, and do hope he's on the mend.

You ID'd that Perilla for me last year, Debra, a neighbor gave me. I kept them in a pot planted in the garden, didn't save seeds and tossed the plants in the Fall. This Spring she gave me several more and decided to use them for fillers in hanging baskets. Mine now don't look nearly as nice and perky as yours.

What a beautiful I nil, Alana, with colors that remind me of tropical seas.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Alana, can you post your beautiful morning glory on the morning glory forum>? It is so pretty. Hope you get some seeds.

Fruity, did I send you any helens flower? Mine are still blooming. Cool front coming and Happ you should be getting rain soon, so should we.
college girl made this beautiful fresh blueberry pie.. pass your plates around.

Thumbnail by joeswife
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

They might be in the mix you sent me, Debra. The plants are healthy but don't have any buds yet. I'll take a pic so you can help me with an ID. Oh my gosh, that pie looks delicious. I bought a bag of locally grown peaches Friday, my fav fruit, and intended to make a cobbler, but they're SO good & sweet just to munch on we don't have but a couple of them left.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

OMG Froot my mouth started to water just thinking about a bag of fresh peaches. :D

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Debra, I got the rain and the cooler front, but I am missing the piece of PIE! boohoo, that is a beautiful pie and bet it taste better than it looks...omg....

We got a brief rain shower downtown this morning, but that doesn't mean I got any at my house.

Hope everyone is cooling off a little, this has been a summer to remember.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

happ ...... I want to FORGET IT!!!!

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Weather was perfect here yesterday. Spent 13 hours in the front yard - catching up. Mowing, weeding...I hurt in places I didn't know I had and could fall asleep standing up right now - even after 10 hours of sleep last night. Took everything I had to roll out of bed this morning.
Found a robin's nest in the oak tree with two babies and an unhatched egg. Also had my kitty "Tweek" following me around everywhere I went. Evidently she was supervising. She even climbed the ladder and joined me on the roof when I was cleaning gutters.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Now Minn that is a friend that goes to the roof with you... rofl.

Not over yet I am afraid Crit. You are all the way down to 100, coat weather....boy wish I could send some cooler weather and rain your way.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Hi all, Mid to upper 80's this week. Yeah!!!!! Monsoons moved east a bit but back for the week end. Haven't had to drag the hose around for weeks, love the rain when it's nice.... Still in the process of cutting back my sticks, new blooms are on their way too. Also working on new iris bed, is next to drive and there is a bunch of rock that use to be on the drive. Rototilling and hand picking larger rock, throwing back into the drive..You would think there was an easier way to do that, lol. Temps. have been wonderful, upper 70's to low 80's, gosh I love living at altitude. Planting starts in ernest this week, time to get things established before frost (Sept 26-Oct 15, s'pose to be closer to mid Oct. but mother nature has her own way, anyone have any ideas of how to contact her for special requests? LOL.) Have a wonderful week all, later, Kathy.

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Here is my little Bobbi's "mug shot" from the Humane Society. lol I'll try to get some more, but she is always in my lap!!!

Thumbnail by Crit
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Stephanie and Kathy, oh my gosh, talk about being motivated. And what a treat seeing snowcapped mountains. Did I really say that? LOL

Joe Pye Weed is blooming along the sides of the roads, a sure sign Fall isn't too far away.

Cool temps are headed our way by the end of the week...finally...and are supposed to be in the LOW 80's for several days and 60's at night. Can't wait to turn off the A/C and fling the windows open again. It sure would give hubby relief from his throbbing sinuses.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Bobbi is awsome.
Fruity, really>? Is it Fall already? Where did our Gardening season go?

Thumbnail by joeswife
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

One extreme to the other. I think we are dropping down to 3 seasons a year instead of 4!

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Joe Pye is blooming ALL over my yard. 12 feet tall - think I need to thin it out some. So if anyone wants any - just let me know. I will be moving a lot of it down by the swamp (where it should be anyway) along with my ditch lily. I need to rototill a ton of yard down front where I pulled up all the buck thorn roots. would love to get a nice garden area going down there.
Had to get as much done as I could while my husband was at drill over the weekend. He accuses me of ignoring him when I am in the yard working. He wont help because he doesnt like to garden. I dont consider what I was doing "gardening". Cleaning up from LAST fall and spring, clearing brush, mowing, cleaning gutters, cleaning up his mess from cleaning gutters last week, weeding the yard and gardens, burning brush, cutting down dead tells me not to be a martyr, but it has to get done - regardless of whether or not he is going to help. I've learned I have to do it on my own if I want it done. Wonder if I will be raking by myself this fall...
Sorry - I will get off my soap box. Just really frustrated with him right now. At my wits end....
Beautiful here today. 70's with expected rain tonight. High's in the low 80's this week. I can smell fall in the air.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Today 88 °F T-storms
Wednesday 74 °F T-storms LOOK AT THIS HIGH!!!!!!
Thursday 83 | 67 °F Partly Cloudy
Friday 85 | 70 °F Chance of T-storms
Saturday 83 | 61 °F Clear

Debra I love that tag behind your flower, cracks me up..... ;)

Oh loved looking up at the mountains when I lived in Colorado, my two favorite places, the beach and the mountains....beautiful.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Minne., I'd love some joepye, wanna talk trade? I got a bunch of things I've been digging and still potting up new things (seedlings). Whatcha lookin for? Still have hundreds of iris too,lol. Yes, the mountain are beautiful, haven't been other than to go to the casinos and win money,lol. If I ever get caught up on all my planting, I want to go fishing, yummmmmm, trout!

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Kathy, would like anything you are willing to trade. I dont have much for variety right now - I have lots of ditch lily, autumn joy sedum and bleeding heart (pink). It took over when we lived in MS and I am still trying to get everything under control. How much do you want? do you want it now or do you want to wait until it is done blooming? I can cut it down, it should come back just fine. Up to you.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

New page, gals. Come on over:

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