Replacing a huge Honey Locust tree

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

I just removed a monster Honey Locust tree from the SW corner of my house. it was too close to my house and it was terrible about plugging up my second story gutters with those tiny leaves, but mostly those 6 inch twigs it sheds in the fall. I can clean my first story gutters, no problem - but I either have to pay someone to clean that second story gutter, or have someone here to help me- I don't bounce as well as I used to when I was younger!

But of course, the temps are extreme right now, and that tree shaded those windows on that side, and the driveway.

So I want to replant a tree in the general area - I am thinking of a smaller ornamental that won't get as tall as the HL did, or even an evergreen. I would really love a blue spruce there, but I am hearing about something (a fungus perhaps?) that is killing the blue spruce in our area.

Suggestions and/ or comments would be greatly appreciated. I am traveling right now, or I would post a photo of that corner of the house. ~Jan (south central Wisconsin)

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

The southwestern corner is an ideal location for a deciduous tree - not necessarily so for a conifer, since you might want to have those balmy winter sun rays available...

Your part of Wisconsin is not so far from Milwaukee (nor Horicon Marsh!), where there is a very fine grower: Johnson's Nursery. You might peruse their website and see some of the excellent plants that they grow which should be perfectly suited to your conditions.

I would think you want a plant in the 20-30' height range, if you have two stories of windows to shade. Trees that fit this bill include Yellowwood, American Hornbeam (= Musclewood), Flowering Crabapple, Japanese Tree Lilac, Hophornbeam, several of the very tough and ornamental Asian Maple group, and a number of others.

You may also want to get some gutter screens to save you and anyone else the trouble of that job - unless you're like my dad who had ten kids and figured there was always a backup if one went over the brink...

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

gutter screens - they work

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

I am actually less than 10 miles south of the Horicon Marsh, and am most definately in the flyway - and those large birds leave lots of evidence on my patio!

I hadn't thought of the spruce limiting the sun in the winter, I am glad I asked the question herre on DG. I will certainly check out Johnsons, thanks for the recommendation.

Is there a gutter screen that folks like better than others? I may have to bite the bullet and do this I don't have 10 kids, only 3 adults kids that are all still in the Guard and not home for long periods of time.

Thanks all!

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

i used some from HD - same ones the roof guy used on places i did not have a 30 ft. ladder to get too. i did the rest, they just snap in place and easy to cut when you get to the down spout.

Hustisford, WI(Zone 5a)

Thanks! ~Jan

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