Says It Grows To 10 Feet

Ellijay, GA(Zone 7a)

Question about MG in general. While some grow longer than others I'm finding ones I've planted are growing much longer than what the seed package says. I'm thinking if I give them more room to climb they may just go on endlessly. Any thoughts? As an example I have a trellis that reaches twelve feet in height yet the MG's reach the top and cascade over each other forming a "clump" kind of crying to climb more. Looks like they want to go another 4-5 feet.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

kdfisher - Welcome! Congrats on your very healthy vines! Yes! If they have the ideal growing conditions, they will get long. If you are growing annual MGs, they will die eventually. Just watch those seeds for volunteers if you are growing I. purpureas. Usually the other species of MGs are much tamer. Mine grow long too and I just wrap them or let them cascade over my arbors. I think it looks lovely to do that, especially when there are lots of blooms! ;-)

I would love to see a photo of your trellis and your vines! Are you getting blooms, yet?

Ellijay, GA(Zone 7a)

Thanks Becky:

No blooms yet. This is the second year for this annual MG location. First year didn't turn out too well. Most of it lumped to one side of the "trellis" It's actually on the side of the cabin I live in. This year I'm spending more time training it to look fuller....notice ladder. It may look funky now but in time I hope it fills out close to what I want. I've attached some small eye hooks to the wall and ran string in between (above windows and top). Hoping it drapes over the windows.

Thumbnail by kdfisher
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

kd - I love your cabin! What a lovely place you live! I think you have the right idea about training the vines to do what you want them to do! I think it will work and you will be very pleased! Do share an updated photo when it does, as I would love to see it! :-)

Ellijay, GA(Zone 7a)

Thanks Becky:

It's just a whee little place all by myself, though female companionship would be nice...


I'm trying to get this thing to fill out more as it gets bleak looking at the bottom (or it did last year). I do have more seedlings popping through the ground, but if I cut back the vines at the top to the nearest leaf node will it promote a bushier appearance overall? Reason being I'm not crazy about the clumping at the top mentioned previously. And these things don't seem to like to travel downward. Other plants do well with cutting but not sure about MG. A few flowers have appeared.

Thumbnail by kdfisher
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

kd - You can prune it back, but you will have to cut lower - like half-way up the trellis. You could cut only some at the middle point of the trellis and then prune the rest at the top if you don't want them climbing higher. But new stems will grow near the point that you cut them.

Bare near the bottom of vines is always a problem. Can you plant something in front of it or move a container in front to hide the bare stems/trunk of the vines?

I train and weave my vines in and out of a trellis, but that would sure be a lot of work to do that every day with your tall trellis especially since you have to use a ladder to do that! The nature of most vines is that they want to extend and grow upward. I think you've really got a challenge on your hands if you don't want them clumping up at the top and wandering all over the place. Good luck!

Maybe someone else on this forum has a unique idea to help you?

Ellijay, GA(Zone 7a)

It's getting tiresome climbing the ladder now. Kind of enjoyed it the first two weeks. Working out quite well but I may not get good foliage on the left side...running out of runners to send to the left side.

Thumbnail by kdfisher
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

OMG! That looks great! Hopefully you'll be getting blooms soon! Have you been fertilizing with Bloom Booster yet? I have good luck getting blooms from that product.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

I see blooms on the left side of your pic. Is that the same type as the lg vine that's not blooming yet?
Very impressive vine you've got going, congrats.

Ellijay, GA(Zone 7a)

I thought using fertilizer limited blooms on vines? I haven't used any.


Left side on railing are some moon flowers.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Use Bloom Booster by MiracleGro. It's great at promoting blooms on just about anything ... except Brugmansia. (Don't use BB on brugs at all! It makes the leaves yellow and fall off the trees/bushes!) This fertilizer comes in the blue crystals that you mix with water and then water around the ground over the vine's roots. MiracleGro makes all different kinds of fertilizer. This one is for promoting blooms on flowering plants. It works!!!

Gorgeous Moonflowers, BTW!

Mesilla Park, NM

It looks great, all your work paid off. You can also cut the tips of the branches on the left and they should make some laterals for you. Just pinch the tips, it may be too late for this year, but you never know there may still be time they grow so fast.

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