Need Success Stories using 'Garlic-spray Against Insects'

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

We have dogs, and ticks. I have MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivities) so cannot use chemicals. FGDE (food grade diatomaeous earth) works best in dryer climates--ours has become humid. So I want to know how effective others have found spraying their yards with garlic, for mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, etc. . . . Also, what kind did you use, or did you make it yourself (& how), and did you apply ONLY the garlic spray, or something else, too?

I am mostly hoping to hear from organic gardeners, as I want to be sure nothing else might have contributed to their results.

(For those unfamiliar with using garlic in this manner, the smell supposedly disappears reasonably fast as far as humans go, while the bugs are still confused by it, making them incapable of locating their prey. So they just keep looking.)

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