Elderberry Bush

Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this or not. If it isn't, could someone point me in the right direction?

I have two Elderberry Bush, and would like to get more, but can't find them for sale anywhere. New ones do grow off the roots, but I've never had any luck in transplanting them. Do any of you know of any way to grow more of them? Maybe from cuttings? And could anyone provide directions on doing that?

Thanks for any help that can be offered!


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Here are some sources for them. http://davesgarden.com/products/ps/search.php?search_text=sambucus&submit=Search Since you didn't mention specifically which elderberry bush you're looking for I don't know if that exact one is listed, but maybe it is or else maybe you'll find one you like even better.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

If you were simply to sever some of the root system and replant it, you will get a cloned plant of the parent.

You can cut thick stems in winter, and drive them into wet soils and they will root. This is termed live staking. These will be clones of the parent plant as well.

Look up Lawyer Nursery in Plains, MT. They grow a zillion different species, many of them hard to find natives. You should be able to get young bare root plants from them.

Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

Thanks for all the great info. I had no idea that there was more than one kind of Elderberry bush! The ones in my yard are the only ones I've ever seen. My neighbor has wanted them for years, and we are always digging up the new ones that grow off the root and trying to get them to grow, but we always fail! My ground is frozen solid in the winter, so I'll have to do something other than "live staking". Better yet, I'll just order some from the nursery!


(Zone 7a)

I started a cutting from my black Elderberry very easily. It was so simple, even I could do it. It even overwintered in it's pot outside this past winter. My neighbor has it now and he loves it.

Just there on the left is mine.

Thumbnail by kwanjin
Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

WOW!!!! I LOVE that one!!! It's way better than the one I have! So how did you start it from a cutting? I'm totally clueless when it comes to starting things this way! I thought everything came in a pot from a nursery! LOL!


Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

Here's a picture of the Elderberry Bush in my yard that I'd like to start from cuttings, or any other way that I can get it to start!


Thumbnail by nhuntley
Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

Here is the flower

Thumbnail by nhuntley
Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

These are the berries, but they are still green. They are black when they are ripe.

Thumbnail by nhuntley
Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

Here are the leaves, if it helps with identification! I should post this on the plant ID thread!


Thumbnail by nhuntley
Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Looks like a big ol' Sambucus canadensis...

Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the ID ViburnumValley! Saves me from having to repost on the Plant ID forum, and I will eventually wear out my welcome there! I've had so many plants that I didn't know the name of, and thanks to this site, I'm learning more every day!

I don't have the slightest idea of what I'm doing, but I took some cuttings from the Elderberry, dipped them in Root Tone, and stuck them in pots. Hopefully they will grow, but if they don't, I'll try again! Or, I'll try something else!


Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

That's how we all learn - try, try again.

Sault Ste. Marie, Canada

Our American elder (S. canadensis) has been flowering up here the last 2 weeks - I've taken cuttings in winter and rooted inside then outplanted - extremely successful - regarding the leaf pic above, note the small sub-leaflet off one of the lower leaflets, a characteristic I've seen on S. canadensis...

Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

routledge, Thanks for the info. If what I'm doing doesn't work I'll try it this winter. I've heard that they can be sown outside in the winter, and I even came across a great web site about it, but can't find it again now that I need it!

When you are rooting them, do the roots grow right from the bottom of the cutting, or would it be from where the leaves grow? Sorry, I don't know the terminology! I took some cuttings yesterday, and not knowing where the roots would start, I made the cut about an inch below where the leaves where, I cut off the leaves, and put it in potting soil to where the leaf area is covered. I sure hope it works! I'm sure I'm doing this totally wrong, but I've got to start somewhere!


(Zone 7a)

The new roots will grow from below the leaves. I cut the stems just above a set of leaves then put the them in about 3"-4" with 2 sets of leaves above.

Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the info kwanjin! I think I did it almost this way, so hopefully it works. I probably cut it a little bit more than "just above" a set of leaves, and then cut off the set of leaves above that, and stuck it in the potting soil so that this entire area was covered. Does that make sense? Probably not! I also cut off the leaves above this area so that there are just 2 sticks in the dirt! Looks so pretty! haha! If you think it would be better to keep the top leaves on, I'll do that!

I really appreciate the help!


(Zone 7a)

Nothing wrong with trying it both ways. LOL

Sault Ste. Marie, Canada

When I took cuttings in winter I made sure there were 2 nodes (nodes = where the buds are) buried in the soil (I used a peat/perlite mix - called PROMIX) and made sure there was at least 2 nodes above the soil - the roots grew from the nodes if I recall - I never used rooting hormone, so success could be maximized with the correct rooting hormone and concentration. Good luck! I have always enjoyed propagating my own plants.

Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

Good idea kwanjin! I better get some more potting soil! I can see the backyard covered in little pots of starts now!

routledge, thanks for the great information, and for the correct terminology!


Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Love the black elderberry! Gorgeous! I'm going to have to go on the search for one around here so I can try getting some cuttings and starting my own. Are they fast growers? How old is yours? It really is gorgeous!

(Zone 7a)

Mine is only 3 years old and has been cut back but not by much. I love it.

Holladay, UT(Zone 5a)

skellogg, here is the link that ecrane posted above for places to purchase Elderberry

I'm sure you can find a place to buy one at the above link! I've never seen them for sale around here before, so mail order may be the way to go. I think one of the links above was for a place in WY, and hopefully they are near you!


Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Thanks Natalie!

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