Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Will pray for all that to happen Thunder.

(thunder)Wildwood, FL(Zone 9a)

thanks Betty, and Robyn. it has been a very long 11 months.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Quote from Robynznest :
Will pray for all that to happen Thunder.

Me too, Thunder.

(thunder)Wildwood, FL(Zone 9a)

thanks much Jaye :)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Gues you all may of heard about the Oklahoma earthquakes. There is a T-shirt out that says "I survived Oklahoma 2011. Snowmagedden, Tornado Superoutbreak, Summer, Oklahoma Earthquakes" with a check mark beside each of them, then the last one has no checkmark and a blank. LOL it's cute! There are a bunch of shirts out about the quakes now.

(thunder)Wildwood, FL(Zone 9a)

My soldier boy WILL be home before Christmas!!!!! got the news last night, when I called my DIL, to see how her hand is doing !!!!! she had just gotten off the phone with him!!! He could not give specific dates, but after 20 questions guessing game she concluded he will be home for their anniversary! which is Dec 22 ^_^ and could be a bit before that!!!

thanks Y'all for the thoughts and prayers.

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Wonderful news Thunder. How is the hand doing? I have a feeling that news made it feel a whole lots better.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

That is great news!

(thunder)Wildwood, FL(Zone 9a)

hurts like crazy when she moves certain ways, they have her in a brace..to keep movement to a minimum, but she is already saying she is gonna take it off :( I told her NO NO drs said 7 - 10 days...she should leave it on!!!!

oh it is such great news!!!! My cheeks hurt form smiling so much ^_^

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Soooooooo happy for you thunder!

(thunder)Wildwood, FL(Zone 9a)

Thank a Soldier today!!! and when ever you see them!!!

cute and quick little story.....

I was wearing a hat with an Army insignia on it, and a young man came up to me and said "you know a rak?" pronounced rock...stands for Rakkasan one of the units my son has been in... I said Yes, my son..he then proceeded to tell me he had been a rak....got out due to injuries.....well I teared up, and reached over and gave him a great big hug, and said Thank you very much, and I wish you well.....he said thanks and walked away............a short time later his wife/girlfriend came back and said thank you, for saying thanks to him.....you will never know how good that made him feel !!!!!

you may feel a little uncomfortable the first few times you walk up to a stranger and reach for his hand, or give a hug.....but I have found that they REALLY appreciate it!!!! and you will feel so good, when you see their smile.....they gave for you...give a little back..it is awesome.....

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Way to go Thunder. So proud of you!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Whenever I see someone wearing a hat or vest from one of the military branches, I always go to them and thank them for their service to our country. They are kind of taken aback at first, like 'how does this woman know that?????' lol then say Thank You. I often wonder how long it takes them to realize what they are wearing that tipped me off.

(thunder)Wildwood, FL(Zone 9a)

hats are a great "give away" that is often how I see a veteran I just ask?? what unit? is that an Airborne symbol? or some such??? then they tell me and I say "thanks".... I work in a retirement community, so there are a lot of veterans. and some of those old guys just love to have a bit of conversation!!! also helps that I sell Ammunition!!!! lots of vets shooting guns these days!!

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