TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)


Betty's the only one who hasn't received her Patriotic Gift Box.
In the meantime, while waiting on Canada Post to catch up on deliveries, let's play a game.

Do guess 1 original item in Betty's box that is not found in other boxes.

Guesses so far:
LK-------------Quilted Placemats
Liz------------Solar Light
Betty---------Flag with Maple Leaf and Stars and Stripe.
Thunder-----RWB Towel made by me
Marion------- Previously, Toilet tissues. Current: RWB Jelly Beans
Patti----------Red Hot Candy
Robin--------Moose holding RWB Flag
Faye---------Red, blue coasters with white stars
Charleen----Flower pot
Pegi----------Rwb Button
Sis Kathy---- Paint
Synda--------RWB Wind Spinner

This message was edited Jul 21, 2011 11:52 AM

This message was edited Jul 21, 2011 2:34 PM

This message was edited Jul 21, 2011 4:52 PM

Thumbnail by heavenscape
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the new room!

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

You're welcome!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Found you all, gabbing while I take a rest...

Hmmm will have to go find that link or did Judy already do it..need a pick me up after all the office slugging I've done in the move, even filing cabinets falling on me..yikes...sooo tonight I'll go back and read that exciting time in my life..reading it you can just feel the hype that was going on..

Lordy, think they even did a search to find out who my neighbors were so they could call to make sure I got the box...lol

Now that's something right..

another load to new office, gab after.

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Do I understand this correctly? Something that is in Betty's box, RW&B, that has never been received by any one?

Okay my guess is: drum roll please!!! R,W&B toilet tissue. LOL

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

OK OK OK ..... here is my guess ...... an American Flag!

Glenview, IL

hahaha, so funny Marion!!

Hmm, i'm thinking an Apron, at least I don't recall ever seeing one.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Sigh.. only our Unique Maid Marion will guess an 'original'.
Toilet paper it will be...

Betty, if you found that roll, hold it for next year's gathering, pls.
We'll need it to wipe our tears!

Patti, Synda got a flag, think it's from Judy. Try again, and toilet paper's thought of already.. sigh...

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Canadian Flag? :-))

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Where did you find patriotic toilet paper?

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Ahh Patti, that's a different type of flag!! Of course, Canadian then.

LK, I'd sure would like to know too.

Marion, Kel had a good laugh before he left for work. I'm sure he'd be asking his colleagues whether they've seen 'them' before.

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

I'll allow Thunder's guess, as she specified towel's made by me :D

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh, I thought you already had the items?

here ya go!


Victoria Harbour, ON

You guys are just too cute to want to play with me while I wait..ahhhh yes, bet it is a Canadian / USA flag, 1/2 and 1/2

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

LK!!! Lolol.. trust you to find it!!!

Yes, there are flags and towels received, but then.. oh well.. being it's for fun and Thunder and Patti are more specific.. :D I

Now Betty, that would certainly be a money maker .. 1/2 Canadian, 1/2 American.

Glenview, IL

Wow!! What a Cool idea on the half and half Flag!!

OMG, ROFLOL when I saw that TP, I said Holy Crag they did make some....hahaha, now i just realize what i said, still laughing!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Nothing planned for the weekend so best a make one, either sewn or painted!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Betty, did you ever find out if you have to paint those glasses for a wedding? Think you said black and white?

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Betty, have you ever tried your hands at molding clay?
Bet you'll be good at that!

Judy.. I thought of that but am too ladylike to say it out loud!!

Victoria Harbour, ON

No, told them it was too much to do at the last minute..besides after doing 5 major wedding over 1,000 I'm not too excited about doing more! Last time I did some was for last years sister reunion at joyce's as gifts..have a box downstairs..should get the done..so laughing LindaKay, you caught me this week with not finishing stained glass piece and now not taking on the wedding glasses!

Glenview, IL

LOL, Betty, someones got to keep you on your toes!!

ROFLOL Sistah!! Usually I would use a different word! Alas couldn't help it, it just slipped out of my face!! oops!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Lol, I'm not the one that needs watching Judy...I don't get into mischief unless I've nothing to do, that's when someone should be keeping an eye on me...just realized, next weekend is the Collinwood Elvis festival..get to find me n Elvis. Lol

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

This message was edited Jul 14, 2011 8:34 PM

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

OK ..... I will make my guess Red Hots. You know, the candy?

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Ah ;hum, to "lady like"? You said what was in the box that NO ONE had received so far and naturally well...............................................

Tell Kel I am so happy I could provide him a good laugh. Now does he want some paper?

Victoria Harbour, ON

Working from home today, really just sitting outside enjoying the sunshine and painting, being there just incase a call comes in..excited as can be..but, wish I had your RWB toilet paper, ran out and using Kleenex. Lol. Hoping someone drops in so I can send them on a buy. But if it's in the box of goodies I'll wait!!

Please confirm..

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

Ooooh.. Marion.. I was just surprised that tis you that would be thinging 'outside' the box!!! Lololol...
but smart- derriere Kel this morning said that I just gave away that the Glorified Toilet Tissue rolls aren't in the box :((
See, I can't even play the game!!!
So, smart MaidM, guess another. Go on.. my mistake..your gain :D
Nahhh.. you don't have to send him any TP unless there's Casey Anthony's face on it :D

Betty, it's so nice to be hardly working from home!!! Especially when your weather's beautiful and your gardens, heaven!
Looks like I'll be the one eating crow and bring along some RWB TP to Canada!!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Lol, you are too funny Jaye..no need to bring anything with you, unless it's kel of course.

Doing nothing you say?? I've just done cleaned all kitchen appliances (no fun) might tackle the cupboards, amazing what you find expired in tins and boxes ..my shift ends at 3.. Have a headboard sketched out, cuts on mdf on the sketch, will attemp 2 stores and if no headboard that meets my need I'll spend the weekend making one..

Other then that, yes relaxing and enjoying

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Okay, R,W&B jelly beans.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Well if I get even a few of the things you girls mentioned I'll be a happy camper...back to cleaning!

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

RWB moose.or a moose holding something RWB.

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

My guess is Coasters. Red and Blue Coasters with white stars.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Hmmmm, now that's quite a box you have going there girls...imagine how excited I shall be to open it..

I get to host the 2012 Dg Friendship reunion at my house..my aim is for those who come (all invited) that we'll celebrate many of the main holidays...soooo I'm thrilled that I shall be able to add more RWB so you will all feel at home...

TabacVille, NC(Zone 7a)

I missed the first Sistahs' Reunion at Sis Kathy (jordankittyjo)
Now I'll be missing the 3rd at Judy's (Seedtosser1)
For sure I won't miss the 4th at Betty's.. (DG Friendship sounds good)
Crossing my fingers that when the 5th comes around, I won't miss that neither....

Betty I hope you'll get your box next week.

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Unfortunately I have missed several but I will make the Canada trip!!!! Besides, Betty promised me butter tarts. LOL

Some where in the back of my mind, I think I offered to host the 5th one. Nothing like going to extremes from North to South is there?

Victoria Harbour, ON

You could always host it in the winter, omg I'd be there in a flash, having time away from the snow would be fantastic...I'll even make butter tarts!

Stopped at the vegetable and fruit stand on my wad home from town, tried a new one, had coconut, rhubbarb and strawberries almost done in a pudding mixture..I had all intentions of bringing it home to you bt...well, you know the end of this story!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I showed my husband my save a penny pot for the reunion at your house betty. Then I told him where it was and he just looked at me and said 'ya right'. lol Told him it was a year a way. We save change all the time so might as well plan on putting it to good use! ^_^ Good Lord willin' and the Creek don't rise.

(Marion) Havana, FL(Zone 8b)

Crit, let him "ya right" the idea. Mine did once also until I empty the jug..ended that in a hurry. Of course that was many moons ago as it is almost 7 years since he passed. I have a coffee can with "Costa Rica" crossed out and "Canada" on top. Of course I have double reason as my niece lives in Ingersoll, Ontario, and I miss her and her family so much.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Marion know your family will be thrilled if the plan comes together and you can come...Crit, not much of a like if you can't dream

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

What is this reunion about? Who is invited?
Absolutely nothing would make me happier than to meet each of you. NOW..was that plain enough? I want an invite lol
Love & hugs

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