CLOSED: Birthday Club 2011 # 12

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Joy you totally rock!! My hero!.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Awesome Joy!!!!! I agree .... you rock! Those wild hogs can be realllllllly mean!!!! I wondered when you said you were only armed with a .22 rifle how you would handle it, but you are an awesome shot! Good thing you had the 4 wheeler to dive over. I've heard the wild hog is good eatin', but after all the running and mauling that one took, I'm sure he wouldn't of been. I saw a pic of one, don't remember where it was killed, but it was 600 lbs! One BIG porker!!!!!

Lovely heifers your son has. Are they Simental?

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

DH and DGD's chillin' in the pool

Thumbnail by Crit
Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Joy, you're something else. What bravery and quite a marksman/woman. Gosh I admire you!

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

WOW! Thats a story Joy! Had me at the edge of my seat the whole story!
Just returned from Lowe's with a aculpoco orange agastache. Says its for my zone so I'm hopin!


(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks guys, we just call it a days work here. Most hogs won't come through our fencing with the LGD's around. Haven't seen another one here although I know they are all over.

Patti they are Simbrahs, but the percentage is skewed toward Simmental.

Found two beauty berries today, and two Pride of Barbados. All are going to go around my pond if we ever get any rain.


Thumbnail by rouxcrew
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

They are lovely Joy. We use to raise registered Gelbvieh. My kids and I broke and showed them, limitedly. 4-H fairs, large local inter-state fair that encompassed people from all over KS and OK, and the Kansas State Fair. I would use all my vacation time from work to do the fairs in the summer. Great memories for me and my kids!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Wish I had gotten Evan into showing cattle at a younger age, we sure enjoyed it, and they are totally ridiculous pets. He sells the calves to help pay for his college. Occasionally one goes in our freezer as well.
We have two calves on the ground right now, one of whom (bull calf) is named Bubbles. Long story. Cows are Sprite, Hunny, and Polly. Other calf is Beau. Got one due in a couple weeks.

Thumbnail by rouxcrew
FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Good lookin' stock there Joy. Both the critter and Evan. :))

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

"Now I have to change my drawers, grab a bottle of oxygen, and figure out what I am going to do with a dead pig. Think I'll look up pig disposal in the yellow pages thank you very much."

ROFLMAO!!!!! I'm laughing so hard, I've got tears! Bottle of oxygen- I think it should be tequila at the very least!!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Come on down Chris, I have some in the freezer, as well as a bottle of Gray Goose! How's it going up there???

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

DH found this in the cellar today. Its a luna moth caterpillar! =)

Thumbnail by momoftwo607
FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Awesome Erin. We have the moths, but I've never seen one of the cats.

Joy I shared your story with my Mom who is still laughing. She needed that. Glad you survived without anything more than some soreness. But WTH at our age I can get sore brushing my teeth.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Awesome cat!!!

lol @ brushing teeth

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Our luna moth caterpillar turned in to a cocoon yesterday. Can't wait to see it come out!

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Just checking in to say hello to everyone and keep this thread open. Stay cool if possible.
Love & Hugs to all

Thumbnail by dahtzu
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I had no idea what their cats looked like. So cool it has cocooned and you get to watch it.

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

The kids like to watch them too. Last year we had 4 monarch caterpillars!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

We have Lunar Moths too but don't think the kitties let them live long enough to lay eggs. What I usually see are just tattered wings :(

One of the B-Day Begonias you sent me, Paula, is blooming like crazy. So pretty and this is how it looks after rain beat through the screened-in porch this afternoon.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Fruity those tubers that you gave me just started blooming too. Yellow!! Yippee. Now if only it wasn't so hot so I could out and enjoy them.

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Fruit - it looks like the blackberry lilies that I received from you are getting ready to bloom! Can't wait to see them!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

"Sunny Day" Begonias, Neener? Mine were so slow to take off and are now loaded with pendulous Yellow blooms. Next year I'm going to put them in baskets. Over the last couple of weeks, they started to have a brownish melt-down, and decided they'd be happier on our back porch in indirect light, instead of where they were on our front porch in blazing hot late afternoon Sun. Course I could have contributed with a heavy watering hand 0:)

Good for you, Erin. Mine don't even have buds yet. How's the deal going with your well?

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

I was able to take a shower yesterday. Did dishes, everything seems to be going well. Haha. no pun intended! Just have to bury everything again. This time we left the top of the well out of the ground so we know where it is, if it ever happens again!

Red Shift is blooming too!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Got a chuckle out of your no pun :) Are the blooms on your Coreopsis "Red Shift" still mostly yellow? Mine took two years before the petals really started to show off tinges of red. Pic is from last August.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

nope they are red in the middle.


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

fruit - just looked up sunny day begonias - sort of looks like the ones I bought this spring. Yours?

mine has been blah along with my double impatiens and fuschia.

p.s. Can anyone make suggestions about my fuschia? It had tons of blooms when I bought it. Same as the impatiens. The impatiens turned yellow and stopped budding. I thought waterlogged - put it in a different pot with better drainage and better soil. It is greening up and budding.

The fuschia stopped budding. It's not growing or dying. It's in MG potting soil, part morning sun then shade/bright light. Now that I think of it it might want more light. It is one of these new upright varieties I think. Whaddya think?

This message was edited Jul 26, 2011 8:49 AM

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Manda I always have trouble with those upright fuschia. I stopped buying them. Sorry, but I never figured out what they needed either.

Sorry ladies to be so late checking in, but I've been outside and then upstairs downstairs all around. Can't believe it is lunchtime. I know we need a new thread, but I'll have to do it later. I'm moving the rock and if I stop now it will roll back over me.


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Sorta, Manda. Sunny Day is pendulous instead of upright. Can't grow fuschias worth a toot so I'm no help either.

Rock & roll, Neener?

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

rock n roll.... lol

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Feel like I've been rolled right now. What a day.

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Ultrasound in the morning. Have a cyst on my ovary (only one left) and its been hurting lately so I guess we'll see what the doc says. Say a prayer for me. I'll let you all know how I am doing after I get home tomorrow afternoon.


(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Quote from rouxcrew :
Come on down Chris, I have some in the freezer, as well as a bottle of Gray Goose! How's it going up there???

It's going very good, Joy :) I've got 5 days of vacation still.. saving it for this winter LOL.. already told the boss that I've got an invitation to spend the winter in the Galveston area with some friends and if it gets too nasty up here..I'll see him around MARCH LOL..I think I have him worried ^_^

I'm going to start making a list of friends like you who say "come on down" and if I spend even 3-4 days with each one..I'll be set for a long time LOL

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Captured a pic of a hummingbird moth. I don't think he liked his picture taken. He kept trying to get in my face.

Thumbnail by momoftwo607
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Lovely capture, Erin. Hummingbird Moths have especially been enjoying the petunias the last week or so, always a treat seeing them. I'll be thinking about you tomorrow, Girl! :)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

He thought you were going to try and take his flower. He was defending it. lol

Prayers be with you.

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

I tried to get him to land on my finger but he wanted nothing to do with my finger!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

If you put petals around the tip of your finger he might, thinking it was a flower. lol

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Hang in there Erin. I've had those problems as well and they hurt like heck. Mine usually resolve on their own. Be thinking of you.

Started at 6AM outside this morning and just stopped for breakfast. Got the watering, fertilizing and dead heading done. Planted some Fall crops and trimmed out the hydrangeas. Do I get a gold star?

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Finally captured a couple good pics of my hummingbird moth! 1 of 2 photos.

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Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)


Thumbnail by momoftwo607

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