CLOSED: Birthday Club 2011 # 12

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Rule number one is HAVE FUN! If you can't bring a sense of humor or a smile to the party don't come.

Rule number two is about the "gifting" of birthday goodies. New plan that I hope will solve the problems of most of the people with financial issues. All goodies must fall into one of these 3 categories:

1. A handmade or crafted something that you do. Most everyone I know on DG sews, paints, crafts or does some sort of hobby that they could share in some small way with the birthday people. If it is only a handmade card that you can send for $.44 that is terrific.

2. Second category would be plants. Hey we are a gardening forum after all. A lot of folks have extras or starts or cuttings. Send what you can afford to ship.

3. Gift cards for plants, or gardening related items or anything else that people have mentioned in their wishlists. I am not going to set an amount. Make it whatever your budget allows. Once again it is about the thought and the effort. Anyone that does crafts would love a card to Micheals or JoAnns etc. I know I would. Keep in mind a lot of gift cards can be done online eliminating the postage issue all together.

Now that we have the ground rules set I encourage everyone to go to the New Likes and Dislikes link and adjust their posts accordingly. List your plant wants. List the places you like to shop or would like a gift card from.

Current Members:

Rouxcrew (Joy) Jan. 15
ClanCampbell (Chris) Feb.28
FruitoftheVine- (Susan) April 9
Janaestone - (Dianae) April 12
choochoogirl - (Lynn) May 1
momoftwo607 (Erin) May 6
Crit (Patti) May 10
GAgirl1066 (Paula) Sept. 1
Ridesredmule (Charlene) Oct. 1
Rvnsbrk - (Juanita) Oct 9
GardenQuail (Michelle) October 28
Dahtzu (Faye) December 25
Hope43 (Hope) Dec. 28

New Likes/ Wants Thread

This message was edited Jul 18, 2011 11:33 AM

Thumbnail by rvnsbrk
FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

New thread as promised.

Since my Dad died, my Mom has taken to e mailing me "blurbs" countless times a day. This is fine since it makes her feel connected and it's kind of like talking without the phone ringing all the time. Anyway she is telling me about one of the guys that my Dad trained at work who stopped by to see her today. They just sat and chatted and had coffee just like the times when Daddy would bring the trainees home during the day. Just suddenly it finally hit me that he is really gone. For good. No more hugs. So now I am sitting here eating peaches and yogurt, starting a new thread and bawling my eyes out. What a world....

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

(((((((((((((((((((((((Neener)))))))))))))))))))))) ............ so sorry hon!

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Your making me tear up. So sorry Neener. (((HUGS)))

Blackshear, GA

We love you Neener, it will get better. Go ahead and cry, it does help, at least for me it does. (((Hugs)))

FU, United States(Zone 9b)

Neener, it feels horrible that you are sad. I'm choking up, I feel for you. You and your Mother just keep yourselves as busy as you both can.
If it's too hot out, find something you enjoy indoors to do. 'Many' hugs for you.

And, that's a cute photo of your kitty. I see those gorgeous Hosta plants in the background. You obviously are great with plants, in my opinion.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Thanks everyone. I'm kind of a mess, but I guess this was to be expected. Three weeks today. Oh well life goes on.

Christina those hostas where just thrown in back there because nothing else would grow there. Don't even know their names. I planted them before I knew Frooz :)) She'll have my head if she finds out.

FU, United States(Zone 9b)

Neener, it is understandable. And it takes lots of time, more than just months, especially after losing someone. Take your time, and I'll loves ya even while you are a mess.

Well, regardless, those plants look wonderful. And it's all too obvious your plants love you :]

Thumbnail by LoveForests
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

(((Neener))) These are still tender days, Hon, for you and your Mom, and know how a photo or a remembrance easily opens the dam of tears. Cry all you want to as long as you need to, and don't keep your emotions pent up like I did trying to stay strong for my Mom.

Look at Pely, such a pretty kitty all grown up now :)

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

Oh my word i had typed for 5 min and nothing here.. This is the place to come we need to help each other if we can.. my thoughts and prayers are with you all.. I never forget them dailey.. times i wonder why this what now you all we all know how it si.. blessings everyone.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Hey girls ... have a prayer request. Found a lump so scheduled a mamogram and I have to have it biopsied on Tuesday. The Dr. didn't think it would come back malignant, but wanted to test it to be sure. I'll go back Wednesday for a follow-up mamogram and get the results of the biopsy. I feel in my heart that it will be fine and come back benign. But all prayers help ...............

Thanks! Love you sistahs!


FU, United States(Zone 9b)

I can cry almost every day (and have) and not a single soul will ever know about it. Even back when my partner of 7 years died of cancer, many many years ago, (of course my alcoholic/childish step-mother screamed at me to "get over it" after only 3 weeks), but I've gotten used to my step-family's "self-obsessiveness" and abuse.

Twyla, sorry you wrote alot and that it did not show up on here. I hope you are doing ok.

FU, United States(Zone 9b)

Patti, my thoughts are with you, and hope things will turn out to be ok. Think positive.

I have plenty of lumps hear and there, but don't bother to go to doctors, (can't afford them & it's not worth it to go to them anyway).
Would rather have a fast and short life than suffer in this 'mentally-unhealthy' family I got stuck with :]

Hugs to you.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Everyone of you are my extra special Friends and just wanted to reinforce my heart-felt feelings no matter what you're going through or have been through.

You have the best attitude, Patti, always looking on the Sunny side, and want you to know I'm holding you close to my heart that your mammogram results will be benign.

I love ya all!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Hang in there Patti. It's going to be fine. It has to be because I refuse to have another friend with something physically wrong. Nada. Zip. Done with that. All will be well.

Woke up to a really crappy fibro flare today. Haven't had one like this for a long time. Guess I've been overdoing it again. Life doesn't stop, so I'll suck it up and get on with the day.

Cheers to all!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks girls. I refuse to 'worry about it'. In my book, "worry is the interest you pay on something that hasn't happened yet". ^_^ It won't change anything, so why waste my energy? I am in God's hands so why should I try to outdo Him?

So sorry for your sorry step-family Christina. Some people can be so cold. Good thing is, you have a loving family HERE that love you and care about you and your feelings. I too am full of little liquid cysts and spots, but those haven't changed since my last mammogram (I'm embarrested to say was 6 years ago) so they are not to worry about. They drew fluid from several then and there was nothing to worry about with them, but this lump is new. He said if it was there then, it wasn't noticable.

Thanks Neener. I have enough problems, don't need to add another one to it. ^_^ My fibro has been bothering me some the last few days as well. I think it is our weather bothering me. Sometimes it just flares up for absolutely no reason whatsoever. Since my Dr. put me on Cymbalta, my problems with it is much less.

Need to read some more threads then off to work. Have a blessed day and everyone know that we all love you and you are OUR family too!!!!!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hope everyone has a beautiful day. I know at least Froots and maybe Neener and I will have a bit of a reprieve from the temps. For everything that may be "wrong" with my life, I know I have so much to be thankful for.

You guys are all part of the thankful part. ;)


FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Glad for you to be thankful for me A. :0) It's gonna get better squirrelly girl!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Patti, good luck!!!! You are in our thoughts. Neener, you just need to hop a jet and head this way! Bring your mom, yours and mine can entertain one another while you and I talk plants, animals, and life in general. I'll even let you fish, although I am not sure what we will catch with the pond as low as it is.

On a completely different note, I am heading into the kitchen after I type this to make Knock You Naked Brownies!!!! Evan noted that I had not made any in YEARS. And that they are his total favorite, and that if I made two pans he could take one back to College Station with him. So we will have my Italian Meatloaf with Provolone and Fresh Basil, fresh green beans, some of my itty bitty asparagas, toasted baguette slices, and brownies. Y'all wanna come over?


Thumbnail by rouxcrew
Blackshear, GA

I am on my way....set a place. Sounds like you need to share the brownie recipe.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Hey, Joy.. do you hear the stampede headed your way??? LOL... and I'm in the lead!

Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

Never been to Texas! That would be a great visit!

Thumbnail by momoftwo607
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

You've got my curiosity up, Joy. Wonder if I could use your recipe for our anniversary

Oh Erin, what a beautiful capture!

Spent half the day at the doc for hubby's regular 8 week appt. Yeah, it would have been nice being out there today. Gotta a sore butt and achy hands from pruning the past few days.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Frootz I thought your anniversary was last month. On the 16th. Same as ours. Did I misunderstand. ??

Joy I'm headed your way. Give my Mom a glass of wine and she can be very entertaining. :))

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

See, y'all all think that I am so generous, but I'll tell you, come out here and I WILL put you to work!
Which one Fruity?????

Here due to popular request is the KYNB:

Oh, I use the new caramel bits, they are the size of choc. chips and no unwrapping. Downside, takes two packages. Take 1/2 heaping cup from the second package for the recipe, eat the rest. Yummo.

Knock You Naked Brownies

Time 35 minutes
Serves 24(not at my house)


1 package German chocolate cake mix (18.5 oz)
1 cup chopped nuts
1/3 cup + 1/2 cup evaporated milk-divided
1/2 cup melted butter
60 vanilla caramels unwrapped (one 14 oz package)
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips

How to make it

In a large mixing bowl, combine dry cake mix, nuts, 1/3 cup evaporated milk and melted butter. Press half of the batter into the bottom of a greased 13x9x2 inch glass baking dish. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 8 minutes.

In the microwave or top of a double boiler melt caramels with remaining 1/2 cup evaporated milk. When caramel mixture is well mixed, pour over baked layer.

Cover with chocolate chips. Chill for about an hour or until the caramel is hard.

Press the remaining batter on top of morsels. Return to oven and bake 28 minutes (or less for gooier brownies). Let cool before cutting.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

We're celebrating our 17th.

It was me who misunderstood, Neener, and realized later yours was June about the time you went on your get-away. I wanted to be married on my parent's anniversary, July 17th.

Sounds yummy, Joy. The only ingredient in-house at the moment is butter. I've been really good about trying not to eat much chocolate since the 1st of the year, although you could never tell by my shorts.

Hadn't thought about "set a place" for years, GA, and brought back fond memories including my job growing up to "set the table".

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


Good thing I'm broke or I'd go right out and buy those ingredients.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Yum Yum

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

OK.. I could eat one of those. Just one.. So someone else has to make them and send me just ONE!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Ya right Neener. You would be kicking yourself if you just got one .... unles it was an 8x8" piece. lol

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Ha ha ha - for some reason my heart goes out to Neener who is so damned healthy. Hope you live a long long healthy time. :D


FU, United States(Zone 9b)

Patti, that was so awesome of you to say, 'Thank you' so much for that. I hope things turn out well after your Dr's appointment. I hope you don't stress yourself out over it.

Neener, you and your Mother should head over to Joy's for a little 'get-away' and stuff yourselves with great food :]

Here are some pics of the flowers I got from BlueStone from the certificate Fruity had sent me for my b-day. The flowers are doing their best to adjust to this weather. I love how bright and big they are :]

Thumbnail by LoveForests
Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Christina hope your plants will make it. The 2 I already received didn't make it, and I know I did everything I could to save them.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Looking good, Christina. Seeing your blooms makes me smile.

Faye, Call or send Bluestone a note listing the plants you lost and they'll send replacements, free of charge, and no questions asked for up to a year after you purchased them.

My Lilies have finished blooming except for Black Beauty just starting to strut her stuff, and Casa Blanca now in full flush. Don't look, Neener, she's White.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
FU, United States(Zone 9b)

Faye (dahtzu), mine arrived very dry due to the high temperatures, but I kept them in the full shade with moist soil for such a long time, they recovered nicely (but it took a while). Even though it took a long time, they are now happily blooming in the ground out in the sun, and will definitely make it. I transplanted them into slightly larger pots the day they arrived and kept them in full-time shade for about 2 - 2 1/2 weeks, then planted them into the ground in the sun, (giving them a bit of water every other day after that).

Oh my gosh, such beautiful Lilies, Fruity.

Ok, here's a 'Spider Photo warning' (for those who don't wanna look)....
This is a pic of a tiny green spider living on my Tomatoe leaves.
I figured I would leave him alone and not remove him because lots of tiny white flies have been feasting on my Tomatoe's leaves, so I figure that spider will be eating those tiny white flies.

Thumbnail by LoveForests
Nineveh, NY(Zone 5a)

I absolutely love your picture of your little spider. Great pic!

Lily Triumphator

Thumbnail by momoftwo607
FU, United States(Zone 9b)

Thank you Erin. I abhor spiders, but this little guy can stay, lol.
It's the 'black widows', 'brown recluse' and large 'swamp spiders' that aren't welcomed on this property.

Holey cow!, ... Your Lilies are so healthy looking, Erin! Love them.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Christina that is a fabulous shot of that spider! I love bug photos. Call me crazy.

Frootz that's a cool lily even if it is white. DH has decided that lilies are the bestest. Caught him last night looking at daylilies online. He is in the tank. I love it when that happens. That means more flowers for me.

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Look at these beauties from Susan. They are even larger now and so pretty on the patio.

Thumbnail by dahtzu
Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Beautiful flush of lilies!!!! I can almost smell them! Mmy Casa Blanca has already bloomed (except once, even though it is white I bought it for the smell) That is the HUGE bloom that I showed a pic of and cut it off to bring in the house! Smelled soooooo good!

Thanks Christina. Really pretty flower pics!

Good to know about Bluestone. I noticed yesterday one that I had gotten from them had died.

Have a great day everyone!

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