Unfinished Projects Drain Us, Part 4

Northeast, AR(Zone 7a)

We came from here:


I'm happy to report that I've finished most of my indoor projects (Haven't touched outdoor ones!).

My brother replaced the broken ceiling fan in my bedroom with a new-in-the-box fancy fan that I bought for $20 at a yard sale. Normally, it would take 15-30 minutes to hang. But it took him all weekend! The directions were impossible. And the person who had tried to put the fan up before obviously couldn't figure it out and ripped it out of the ceiling, ripping out a crucial wire, which my brother had to reinstall in the fan. He told me I got gypped on the fan. I laughed and said, "NOOOOOO, I got exactly what I wanted, a nice new working fan with a beautiful light kit. YOU got gypped." LOL I traded him 8 boxes of new ceramic tile I had bought at a yard sale for $25 for a few "honey-do" chores. So he had to do about 5 chores for me to acquire the tile for one of his rent houses. Most of the chores took about 15 minutes, but a couple of chores took entire weekends. So for my $25, I got a lot of work out of him. I didn't get gypped; he did!

I also found a brand new ventahood to replace the broken one over the stove. It was $10 and was on the "honey-do" list for my brother.

I got a new roommate this month and he's working out great. I ran an ad on Craigslist for someone to cook and help with cleaning and handyman things, and I got about a dozen responses. The first 10 just didn't seem right. #11 was the first one I replied to. I interviewed him for about 2 hrs and my brother met him too. And I offered him the room. He came over in mid June and installed the new hardwood flooring I had bought at a flea market for $35 for his room. Had I paid full price for the hardwood, this particular brand and grade would have cost $500!! Anyway, as his deposit, Lewis installed the hardwood before he ever moved in. We didn't even have a contract or anything. We worked well together; he is polite and courteous and hardworking with a good sense of humor. He's intelligent and easy to get along with. He moved here to look after his elderly parents in town. His mother starts chemo this week, so he has visited her often since he moved in. I hardly know he's here except he always puts dinner on the table. He's an excellent cook!

Lewis also installed a new chandelier in the foyer which I bought at a yard sale recently. It's very nice! And he's fixed the screen door that the wind kept pulling open. Anytime I mention something needs to be done, he gets the tools and goes at it.

Since he moved into the guest room, I was forced to clean it out completely. Most of the stuff went to my flea market booth. I also had to reorganize kitchen cabinets and clean out the a cabinet over the washing machine and a cabinet under the bathroom sink and a portion of the medicine cabinet so he'd have a place to put his stuff. I don't know how I did it, but I managed to clear out a whole room, several cabinets and a closet without piling anything up in the other rooms.

I did have to store a few things in the exercise room, but it's neat and tidy and we can work out in there. He wants to lose weight like I do, so we're working on it together--with his cooking and my workout equipment. He sure makes it easier for me to work on other projects since he does all the kitchen stuff. He also does a lot of the grocery shopping too. So I get to just sit here and be the Princess I was born to be. LOL

I'm waiting on cooler weather (It's been 105 here!!) so I can tackle outdoor projects. I'll have more time for them since I won't have to do any of the cooking and kitchen cleanup. I did get outside and clean out the tool shed when the temperature went down a little. I carried the rest of my holiday decorations to my flea market booth. I'm just too lazy to bother with holiday decorating anymore. I'd rather sit and paint with my Bob Ross videos.

Who else is tackling projects? Isn't it great to cross things off the to-do list?


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