Your weekend.

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

Well what have you all been up to this lovely warm weekend,besides going for our long walks along the Leeds-Liverpool canal, i have been going to our friendly horse breeder for a load of well rotted manure, he has piles of it, i call it the Matterhorn,went yesterday and today and put them around my roses for the winter,and i have enjoyed it as well, me and manure i love it, hope through winter to put maybe a layer all over the garden maybe 6ins thick, i do not have any grass just patio areas and a cottage garden, it will do the garden good cant wait to see how well all my plants do.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello Sheila! Great that you could go for a walk. Nothing like manure!!!!
I've been stuck inside at the computer. Nearly gave myself heart failure yesterday. Thought I'd missed handing in an assignment. Due on Friday. Coming Friday. Thought it was last Friday. There was a mix-up and they'd rescheduled the accompanying lecture.
Been working on notes for another module. I'm not the only eager beaver working away. One of the other students on my course popped in earlier. He wants to know how to do this assignment so he can get a Distinction in it. Don't we all!
Have to look at things called SWAIN analysis. Haven't got very far yet. Will put heads together with some of the other students methinks...

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