CLOSED: Second Annual FALL Houseplants / Tropicals Swap

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


I tried the pie. :)P

Thanks. We loved it.


(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Glad you liked it Amanda ^_^ I'm not allowed to make it lol. I got a bit carried away with the goodies and gained 10lbs. I blew the whole moderation system we had adopted.

Side note but it's hard to type this on my ipod when my cat insists on sitting on it lol

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Ang- I used nonfat yogurt/ice cream and a lite version of the whipped topping. The only fat coming from the crust - now, moderation can't mean eliminating any ONE thing entirely!!!


I can't seem to shake (HA! it does, though) the extra weight from the holidays/winter now that I'm laid up with my various maladies. I'm not trying really hard though, either. ;)

Have a great day.


p.s. send any other recipes that you are not allowed to make, please!

Athens, PA

Quote from AmandaEsq :

I can't seem to shake (HA! it does, though) the extra weight from the holidays/winter now that I'm laid up with my various maladies. I'm not trying really hard though, either. ;)

Have a great day.


p.s. send any other recipes that you are not allowed to make, please!

Hmmm - I thought I was the only one. Have to see the doctor on Monday - I am sure she will bring up the holiday weight! My problem is that I love to cook and try new recipes ^_^

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

This is not politics. This is about the reality of climate change.


Well my doc was ticked about my 213.9 pounds,,sigh,,yup,, all I can have is healthy choice dinners,, seems I forgot how to count calories.....

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

BAH! It's all muscle and muscle weighs more!!!

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

We went to the nursery for soil and I visited the houseplant greenhouse. Oh I can't wait to get my plant bucks ^_^ Lots of common houseplants, carnivorous, succulents, cacti, tillandsia (HUGE ones) and what not.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Got an Avon meeting tonight. My first one. I am nervous about going. Yep my dr will preach to me next week when I go but I am not listening. He will have to deal with it as I always have. I have always been over weight and when I have dieted I gain back even more than I lost. I don't want to weigh a ton so I quit dieting. I am just short for my weight that is my story and I am sticking to it :)

Inside of me is a skinny woman trying to get out...I keep her sedated with Chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes my screen name is what it is and like anyone who may bring that to my attention....(don't think anyone here will judge me)...But maybe a passerby) Is that a stone in your hand?

Just feeling very lonely and a little rebellious. *shrugs shoulders* this too shall pass ....and come again....and pass....and come again *long sigh*

Guess I better go if I am going :) Huggs

I will answer riddle later see if you can guess...

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey peeps! Long day and took advantage of our gorgeous Springlike temps with low or no humidity working outside from early this morning til mid-afternoon. I didn't even break a sweat til 1 o'clock and by then it was time for lunch. The last couple of weeks, my clothes have been sweaty early on doing nothing but pulling a hose.

How was date night, Elfie?

I bet you weren't the only newbie at your meeting, Sandy. Did you get to gabbing with your cohorts and came away feeling at ease? I hope so knowing how important this new venture is for you :) Can't wait to hear the riddle's

Manda,the Kangaroo stick thingy never took, but that's OK since everything else you gave me has taken off. Begonia cuttings rooted right away and have already put on new leaves. The red one's been blooming the whole time and think another one is getting ready to. Coleus are looking good...well everything is, including the Geranium I just love and think the raspberry colored blooms are unusual. Should have snapped a pic last week to show ya and will next time she blooms.

Anybody else want to give an update about the plants you received last time?

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I will gladly offer an update ^_^

I received several mints, a monarda, a lambs ear and two hens n chicks from Chris (ClanCampbell). I'm not sure if I received more than this though, my memory sucks lol.
After putting them in pots I bought a second plant of each mint so the pot filled out quite a bit. Most got damaged by the weather but eventually bounced back and the pots have filled out quite well. Applemint has been quite puzzling for me. One of the stems has typical applemint leaves while the other has curly, they are not connected. I've separated the curly in case it's that curly leaf mint.
The monarda has grown some but all my monardas seem to be growing on the slow side due to shaky weather. The hens n chicks have put out babies already and share a collander with two my son brought home on mothers day.
The only casualty I'm aware of has been the lambs ear.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Firetruck :) HA!

and on that note..I'm off to bed.. this OT is going to kill me .. but I'm glad my offerings to you Ang are going ok.

I get to babysit my angel Kailey this weekend..woohoo!! Have I shown off this pic yet? I can't remember! ( even if I had, I'd show it off again LOL!)

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Well hey, Froot, I'm so glad you like the geranium. It is probably my favorite - it is most unusual, and I bring it in for the winter every year. Glad everything else prospered. I tried the rabbit food too - didn't know how to propagate the air root. Maybe next time. ;)

Jax sent me three lovely babies, and they are all doing well. An aloe that is at least double the size it was when it came, a bromeliad that is sending up new leaves, and I guess my favorite has been an airy little fern. I transplanted it into a larger hanging basket, and it too is thriving.

Froot - finally got to put the hyssop in the ground that you gave me at the RU. The Tutti Fruity is my favorite - love pink flowers don't 'cha know? I was surprised when I removed it from the collective pot that it had almost no roots. Hope it does okay. I concocted a tent with old bird seed bag, an empty soil bag, a giant mesh peanut bag, and a few bamboo sticks. The Golden Jubilee looks good. I was sorry to see that the A. raspberry (?!) didn't make it, but the blue fortune and blue licorice will go into the ground tomorrow.

I did a butt-load of gardening today! (can I say butt-load on DG?). Yay! I felt good, but as the day wore on I got to feeling some symptoms in my damned right hand again. Put the brace back on towards the end of the day. Haven't worn it in weeks. Guess something will show on the MRI. It's scheduled for next week.

Okay ladies - going to end this here.

FU, United States(Zone 9b)

I agree Neener, I used to work a job that was so severely physical it felt like your arms or legs were about to fall off. However, it was an enjoyable job because the people I met there were fun and friendly. So I wouldn't have traded it in for anything.
Unfortunately, now, I can't find those types of jobs around me where I now live, so it s_cks.
I'd rather work a job that is 'physically tough' but has cool people around, rather than work a job that is 'mentally excruciating' with irritating a-holes around :]

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

I surely understand. I stopped at AutoZone on my way home as it just sprinkle hehe As I was coming out with the worker female) and this older guy (my age) let the door close in my face. I turned to her and said now that is a real gentleman spelled with an A.

Chris you smarty yep it is firetruck for all you dirty minded people lol

Yes I feel better. The meeting was great. I learned more than I knew and won a new 3 pr set of earrings that will be coming out in the next 1 or 2 campaigns. I really like them. I really hope this takes off as I can use something to stay busy. Fruity I did get credit for your order and Elfie I got credit for both of yours. You should both be getting some great emails from Avon and the brochures in the mail.Skin so Soft is great to keep mosquitoes off or they also have mosquito sprays also. OK commercial is over.

I did stop at Lowe's on the way home *shudder at the thought* and got a 4 1/2 ft. braided Hibiscus Tree for 12 dollars. . It is the one in the pot in the picture on the left and also pictured on the right the It is The orange El Capitolio with the red one Maybe with any luck by spring I will have some cuttings rooted. It just needs a bigger pot and more dirt and a good soaking.

Really need some sleep. Nite all and Thanks for being here. Major Hugs to all!!

goldhillal no seeds yet :) I am sure they will show up.

FU, United States(Zone 9b)

Yeah, 'ilovejesus99', respect and unselfish thoughtfulness these days is becoming rare or has become rare.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

More people need to learn the whole courteous and polite habit. I always hold the door open for people. It's sad that so many people are surprised that someone is being nice. I made a dad at the zoo speechless as I held open a door for him. He had a stroller and his wife/partner, who was expecting, had her hands full

FU, United States(Zone 9b)

Ang, I hold doors open constantly! Many look surprised or shocked, and many don't give a crap.
As far more people needing to learn more courteousness and politeness?'s not going to happen anymore. It's a fast dieing breed. Unfortunately.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Thanks LoveForests. That actually was the first time in a long time someone hasn't held the door when I was within 2 ft like this time. I really wish people had the compassion and thoughtfulness like when people did barn raising or whatever their neighbor needed. Now people just don't get involved even when they see a child being taken or someone in an accident. It really has become a cold place sometimes. But then I come here and find refuge from all the coldness with all the thoughtfulness and compassion I could ever hope to find.

I really love all of you and thanks for being you. I could not find a better group of family to hang with. I really appreciate each one of you and love to hang out here :)

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Your hibiscus is beautiful! I have a peach formerly braided one from a neighbor who moved. One part of the braid had died before I got it and another cracked and died, but it is now a single stemmed plant. It is growing bushier this year. I just put it in a bigger pot. It hasn't bloomed this year, yet. I'll try to find pictures.

Could you give us details on how to shop avon so that you get the credit, Sandy? The above link didn't work for me. I need some skins so soft with free shipping.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

whoops no wonder it did not I forgot the slash. It is

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Last night for the first time in a while ,it was cool enough to enjoy sitting on the porch. We had rain and it was fairly pleasant. I started to smell something familiar and knew a nite cerrus was blooming. I grabbed a flash lite and went out to see. There were 6 beautiful blooms!!! I have 4 or 5 pots that I being out of the greenhouse and sit near the porch for the summer. The plants are huge (5ft or more) and ugly misshapen things, unweldly and prone to falling over but nothing compares with their flowers!!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Rain, Rain, Beautiful Rain. Started last evening, and continues, slow and gentle. Got 1.3 inches so far and it continues.

Yes,, lots of gentle rain today.. of course that is because I was going to move all the plants this morning,,,lol.

I over did the polymer clay stuff yesterday.. I was trying to recondition the very old clay I found in my storage room and now I am paying for it with lots of elbow and hand pain. Dumb Elfie,,,,
Anyhow, Been doing nothing today except watching the rain, sleeping and planing for tomarrow,,
Huggs to all....

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Christina, hey sweetie, I'm so glad to see you here. Does this mean I can add your name to our list of participants? Sure hope so :)

Shipping for my order, Sandy, was only $3 and know it had to cost more than that but will keep the code in mind next time. So glad you had a good meeting and are getting your feet wet.

After all these years, Hubby still opens doors for me when I don't beat him to it. Can you say I've always been an independent cuss?! I do open doors for young 'uns juggling strollers and especially older folks having a hard time shuffling their carts. We live in a small town and most everybody waves and holds the doors open. Now what gets me is shopping in big box stores and folks are blocking the aisles talking to each other like they're long lost cousins but just saw each other at church or a local sporting event the week before.

Love & Hugs, Everyone!

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

Fruit, I agree whole heartedly!! Here in small town USA, I think they must schedule family reunions at WalMart. I said"Pardon Me" to a bunch blocking the deterent aisle, and one of them looked at me and said"We'll be done here in a minute". DH grabbed my arm before I could open my mouth in reply, so unfortunately, I didn't get to tell them what I thought of the "Manners'! Most everywhere else in town, people are friendly and helpful. Everyone I know hates to go to Walmart, but it's like we are a one store town, and if you don't want to go out of town, you have to go to Wallyworld. The only competing Grocery store is owned by Krogers and they are a lot higher on their prices than wallyworld, so what's a person to do? Lou

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Fruity, will you be putting up a wish list post for this swap?

Also, I'm so excited! I bought myself an early Birthday gift - TWO dragonfruit cuttings. Both are self pollinating and self fruiting. I hope to eventually find a yellow one.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Put me on the list of folks who despise shopping at Wally World, Lou. We have a Kroger too and agree it's pricier but do try to take advantage of their "10 for $10" specials for non-perishables.

You got it, Ang.

Here's our link to Wish Lists:

What does everybody think about having a cut-off date of August 1st instead of the 31st? That would give us eight weeks til our September 30th mail-out date and plenty of time if you want to take divisions or get cuttings rooted.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Thanks Fruity ^_^ I also put a link to here in page 20 so that those who might want to join know which is which.

I don't like going into Wally World either but it's not really the shoppers but more because I have a theory that companies send them all their reject items. It's based on my experience with items from there and elsewhere. Same models but the Walmart purchased one breaks down.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I read that dragon fruit plants need to weigh 10 pounds before they start blooming. Anyone know anything about this?

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Talk about a poked, prodded, and zapped week. Friday we finally had some rain and a severe thundestorm. When I got home my son told me there was a very loud explosion near by. He wanted me to check the intenet. My computer would not tun on no matter what. The phone wouldn't work (Vonage) and I checked the router and it was dead. Brian my renter put in internet america and ran the antenna really high. Well needless to say it took a direct hit on lightening. Fried the router, the Vonage box, and hopefully only the power supply to my computer. I won't know how bad my computer is untill Brian gets a chance to get and put in a new power supply. I am using his old laptop and the R's are sticking. So if a word doesn't make sense ad an r somewhere or anywhere. We might create a new language. lol

It sprinkled yesterday and it is right now today. Hope it continues fo a while. I took alot of pictures yesterday to post fo all of you but can't till my computer is fixed. :o(

I will stop back in later.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)


I got this from a friend. I haven't checked it out but if it is false it can not hurt to heed to the information. Better safe than sorry!!


Hi All,

I checked with Norton Anti-Virus, and they are gearing up for this virus!

I checked Snopes, and it is for real. Get this E-mail message sent around to your contacts ASAP.

You should be alert during the next few days. Do not open any message with an attachment entitled POSTCARD FROM HALLMARK, regardless of who sent it to you. It is a virus which opens A POSTCARD IMAGE, which 'burns' the whole hard disc C of your computer.

This virus will be received from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact list. This is the reason why you need to send this e-mail to all your contacts. It is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and open it.

If you receive a mail called' POSTCARD,' even though sent to you by a friend, do not open it! Shut down your computer immediately. This is the worst virus announced by CNN.

It has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no repair yet for this kind of virus. This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard Disc, where the vital information is kept.



(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

goldhillal I've read that too and I've also read that you'll get flowers sooner if you get a "vine cutting". Not sure what that means. How old is your Dragon Fruit plant? I'm tempted to order some yellow or orange dragon fruit (selenicereus) seeds since I can't seem to locate cuttings for less than an arm and leg lol.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I have forgotten how old they are. I would guess maybe 8 years. They have "arms" that are 4/5 feet long. To tell the truth I have never done much for/to them. I probably have 8 or so. They are in 8 inch hanging baskets. I will try to take a picture so you can see. They are not pretty things. I recently gave them some phosphorus in hopes of zizzing them along toward bloom. The origin of these seed was a grocery store dragon fruit. I have had excellent results with seed saved from grocery tomatoes (yum on those grape tomatoes, as well as others) and all sorts of peppers. This year I have some beautiful Cubanelle peppers grown from a pepper . Who can say whether this will work for dragon fruit?
If you want me to send you a (some) cuttings, just email me your address.

Has anyone heard from janaestone/ Di??? I sent her a package and also a couple of d-mails and have not heard back from her. I looked and the best I can tell is she last posted 2 weeks ago. Hoping she is ok??

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Funny you should ask Elfie. I was thinking of sending her a note today about something she sent me. Could be on vacation. Let's hope it isn't something serious. I can't take much more of that stuff this year.

Me too. Good news,, Goober and Gryphon will be coming to spend 2 days here tomarrow morning..

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Terrific!! mud-Elf.
Hope you have loads of fun!!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I was thinking my Buddy for the last exchange was Plantsforpeg but I was planting the Cuban oregano out in the flower bed this AM and the stake I had put in it said Happgarden. How have I gotten so mixed up and who was my Buddy. 'Fess up now!

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