CLOSED: Second Annual FALL Houseplants / Tropicals Swap

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Here's your chance to update us with progress reports about the plants you received in our Spring Houseplants/Tropical swap, chat away, and express interest in joining us again in the Fall if you haven't already done so. The last day to sign up is August 31st and you will receive your Buddy's name in a D-mail shortly afterwards. Please strive to Priority Mail your package no later than September 30th.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

If you are new to DG or have not previously participated in a swap I've hosted prior to posting, please D-mail me your name, mailing address, phone number, and email address. No one's personal information will be shared and is only for my log.

You will only be obligated to send to one person, your assigned Buddy. Any side trades you all decide to work out should be handled through D-mail.

DO NOT post Delivery Confirmation Numbers directly on our threads...doing so is an invasion of privacy. Instead, keep your receipt handy, or you can D-mail me the number so I can let your Secret Buddy know their box of plants is on the way.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Our Guidelines below are the same as they have been in the past...
We're sharing a minimum of 3 healthy houseplants and/or tropicals whose value is $20 excluding Priority Mail with a Delivery Confirmation number. Feel free to divide plants you already have or start propagating new ones from cuttings. If your budget permits, you're also welcome to include other gardening items like gloves, water globes, plant markers, Fall bulbs for Spring blooms, etc.

This message was edited Jul 11, 2011 7:20 PM

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Reserved for Participants...

AmandaEsq / Amanda
candles4u / Crystal
careyana / Carey
Carolyn22 / Carolyn
catzgalore / Stephanie
chellflower / Chell
Cville_Gardener / Carole -- maybe
dispatcher1 / Lou
FruitOfTheVine / Susan
GAgirl1066 / Paula
GardenQuilts / Lori Lynn
goldhillal / Crystal
happgarden / Joyce
ilovejesusus99 / Sandy
janaestone/ Di
jsxtiger / Jax
Mud_Elf / Kris
plantsforpeg -- maybe
rouxcrew / Joy
rvnsbrk / Neener
tikipod / Angie
Tina_A / Tina

This message was edited Jul 12, 2011 8:02 PM

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

I found my way.....

Did someone say they have problems growing Jasmine?????


This message was edited Jul 12, 2011 12:08 AM

Thumbnail by
Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I am the one who struggles to keep jasmine alive. It must be fantastic when your jasmine blooms, mudelf. I have to console myself with Jasmine Green Tea. It must be a challenge to grow miniature gardens in your area. The plants must want to grow huge!

Every spring, I wish I lived in the south when I see your early blooms, but when summer comes, I am ready to head north. I can handle the cold, but can't stand the heat. Must be my viking blood.

I went to College in Ithaca, NY. The lakes are beautiful! The terrain is rocky with steep hills. I only wore flip flops at the pool. Warm, water and salt proof boots are the footwear of choice - except for the people in the bagel shop. They wore Birkies (with purple socks in the winter).

My friend's mother is having a colonoscopy today also. I hope that you both have nothing amiss. My friend's mother is a cancer survivor and worries about every test. Hot weather makes me nauseous. I would throw up the yucky drink and have to reschedule.

I am enamored with salvias also. There are some beautiful ones growing nearby. I grow Coral Nymph and Marble Arch Rose. Neither are winter hardy here, but both reseed. I am researching hardier varieties.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

No elfs for me today, I'll be busy Dancing With Dragons!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I am going outside as soon as I can find my aqualung.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Too funny you guys! Aqualung for sure!

FogFeels like: 88°
High 96°
Low 74°
Barometer30 in
Wind0 mph
Sunrise5:44 AM
Sunset7:54 PM
Visibility4 miles
UV index4 Moderate

I am with Crystal. I am drowning here,,,sigh..

Dragons,, who got dragons?? Elfie has dragons, and gryphons, and fairies, and elves, and werewolves, and mermaids, and, and, lol

Thumbnail by
Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Elfie that is beautiful. I feel like I am fighting something.from both ends lol

I am so ready to be done with this. From being nauseous and having a the impression of the toilet seat on my back side to other horrible side headache from no food..stomach upset from the stuff I have swallowed and slid....I want some food. I loved 7up till now and never want lemon jello ever again in my life. We have to be there at 11:00. Then more prep of the negative kind. When all is clear they will start the IV for lala land. Then I am going to wake up and eat and eat until I catch up from nothing but liquids since Sunday. :P

GardenQuilts I hope your friend's mother comes out with flying colors.

Have a great day to all!!!

Ventress, LA(Zone 8b)

I am doing the same thing later this month. I was told Crystal Lite makes the taste a slight bit better.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

This morning we had some baby birds dropped off on our deck. Cute as all get out and very curious. One flew onto the sliding glass door screen and just watched us while he or she waited for their mama.

I can't believe it's already July 12th and in a month (12th) I'll turn the big 3-0! I'm excited ^_^ Also in August I'll find out something that will apply to this swap - how many plant bucks I've earned at our nursery. My Dad has been making work purchases under my name, instead of his, so I'm bound to have a lot! Last year he and I each had 10.

I LOVE their houseplant greenhouse.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Fruity - sign me up?

GardenQuilts - CU or IC? CU '90 here. Like your description of the folks in purple socks. :)

Sounds like we are all suffering through the summer - I am glad I have you to commiserate with this year as I cower indoors. Yesterday Court came to me and said the inside temp was 77 but the a/c setting was 73. We rent, don't own the house. We both groaned and hoped it wasn't the "system." When it's that hot outside, I just don't think it's going to happen in this old house. I gave it a break and pushed the a/c setting up to 76. Today I will leave it at 78, which is still cooler than out THERE.


Keep your cool.


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Evening all :)

Is that Sweet Autumn Clematis, Elfie? I'm trying to grow Carolina Jessamine on a arbor but it's been there two years and the darn plant just isn't cooperating. Several folks have sent starts of Sweet Autumn Clematis in the past and every one of them bit the dust. What's your secret?

Is it hot enough for you, Amanda? It was 98 in the shade here today at 4 o'clock with a heat index of 113! The A/C felt so good when I came in, probably too good, and may regret bumping the thermostat up from our usual 78 to 80 when I wake up sweating in the middle of the night. That's an old-lady thing you and Ang have to look forward

Athens, PA

Quote from FruitOfTheVine :
Evening all :)

when I wake up sweating in the middle of the night. That's an old-lady thing you and Ang have to look forward

Amen to that. Hopefully I am on the backside of that!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Everything was fine except for (from what I remember) I have 1 diverticula. I have a follow up the end of this week. No polyps or anything else. I am very blessed except the lasting effects of the treatment still has me going to the bathroom and having a tough time sitting down. But I am so glad it is over and all is well.

I don't know about mixing crystal lite with it. Sunday was only clear liquids and the stuff I drank. It did come in cherry flavor but I figured if it was yuck and it was then it would be cherry flavored yuck. Sat. I didn't have to drink the gallon of stuff just a 16 oz(maybe) bottle of magnesium citrate @ 3:00 pm and 3 hrs later @ 5:00 pm 3 Ducolax tablets and this morning a Ducolax suppository. They gave me an enema at the hospital and I was clean enough I only needed 1. They say some need up to 5 of them. *wiping my brow* it wasn't me. 1 is more than enough. Also could not drink or eat anything red as the dyes can mask things.

I wrote this incase it will help anyone to prep for one and possibly make it a little easier. If it TMI lmk and I can edit most of it out.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

That's not TMI, Sandy, just helpful info for others going through the same situation. By the way, my Avon order arrived last week and hope you get credit for it.

Is it ever over, Carolyn? I thought I've been on the back side for years, but then again, I did started more ways than one.

Edited to say: OK, granted this isn't a houseplant or a tropical, but have to share blooms with ya'll of one of my late booming Lilies.....'Scheherazade'.

This message was edited Jul 12, 2011 10:56 PM

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Amanda - Cornell.

It was so hot and humid yesterday. The next couple of days are supposed to be cooler - only in the 80s. I am glad that it gets cool at night. I like to open windows for fresh air.

The struggling arrowroot plant/cutting from the swap may survive. It is sending out a leaf. I'll take pictures tomorrow, if I remember. The palm cutting didn't make it. The wandering Jew and Chocolate mint are thriving.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Frootz: looks like it's hot enough for everybody and their grandfathers too.

Does anyone still need scientific proof of climate change?


2 more horse pills for me. I can't remember what it feels like to feel good. Gettin' tired of this s$!t. :D

Peace and love,


Athens, PA

Quote from AmandaEsq :
Frootz: looks like it's hot enough for everybody and their grandfathers too.

Does anyone still need scientific proof of climate change?


Amen to that Amanda!

Sandy - glad your experience is over. I always dreaded colonoscopies. I remember when my sister had her first one - she mentioned me that she was shocked that the stuff you drink to prep your body for the procedure was not a prescription, but rather stocked on the shelves of the drug store. She told me after her procedure that now she knows why that stuff is on the shelf without a prescription - she said that even somebody suffering from anorexia wouldn't want to go through that!

Fruity - it's been 10 years and I am HOPING I am on the backside of all of that stuff and nonsense. You know if men went through all of this, they would have found a cure for it years ago!

I cannot beleive we are to the middle of July already. Looks like I won't be getting my tomatoes in anytime soon. The poor things are still in the original peat pots I bought them in back in May and they are trying to grow and bear fruit. It's rather pathetic.

- We should start a thread of all the things we wanted to get to this Summer and never did...... I didn't get all my caladiums planted - does anybody know if I don't plant them, will they die? I am thinking I need to plant them to keep them alive enough for next year.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

OK, what is IMK and HAGN?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I think LMK is let me know. :D

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

ok got it TMK-too much info and lmk let me know.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Glad that you are recovering from you test. I haven't heard from my friend about his mother's test, yet. She was running to the bathroom and had a headache from not having any coffee. He suggested that she have some diet cola or some black coffee, but she said that she only drinks it with her creamer. Her headache mustn't have been that bad. I get migraines and would drink anything short of cyanide to make them go away when they hit. (Unfortunately, the migraines are usually accompanied by nausea and worse so very little stays down). Doctors seem to think up all sorts of tests, but they are preferable to the diseases they screen for.

I have some things rooting for the fall swap. It started raining, but I have plenty to do inside. At least I probably won't have to water today.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

TMI - ha - heard that first when I moved to NC. Having grown up in PA, it never occurred to me that it could mean any other thing than Three Mile Island.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I just spotted buds that are about to bloom on my Dwarf Hyssop and Two Agastache. I'm excited ^_^

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Amanda lol to Three Mile Island. I was born and raised in Washington, PA. Not sure I would live through the winters with my Major Depression. I hate the heat and climate (Hurricanes) here but seems that everywhere has something.

HAGD is Have A Great Day, TMI is Too Much Information, LMK is Let Me Know, Sometimes I read threads that have like PM and I have to go back to see what they were talking about like Peat Moss and so forth. I will catch on some day. OMG is Oh My Gosh or Oh My God.

Ok brain is totally exhausted from over use rotflol. Got to give it a rest.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


Rolling on the floor laughing my wings off,,

Crystal... we were going to see about coming up tomarrow to cut on dat darn tree some more.. however Ralph has to work,, sure be glad when he finally gets some peeps who want to "WORK" and not just idiots who want a job with pay and no work involved. You would think with the unemployment rate the way it is that folks would be putting in applicantions in droves,, but no,, sadly they are not and Ralph is working 7 days a week.
He has a couple of so called assisant managers who are completely worthless,,,sigh. They tell him when they can work and if he is 5 minutes late due to toal exaustion,, they walk out the door and leave the store un-maned except for a driver!! One of the told Ralph that they just could not put in such long hours,, he was schedualed to work from 8 am to to3 pm!! WTHeck??? 7 hours a day 4 days a week is too much?? Sad very sad... Sorry I am venting,, Ralph has been working 12 to 14 hour shifts every day and I am getting fed up. I knew this was going to happen,, he has way to much integrity to just do the 55 hours he is supposed to do and will not let the store or the customers suffer because of idiots!!

And now Dominos in thier infinate wisdom have decided that drivers are like waitresses, so they cut all the drivers pay to $4.00 an hour!! They say the drivers get lots of tips and are being "OVER PAID".. Let me tell you,, I was a driver for dominos for 5 years and with pay ($6.50 an hour) and tips I averaged 12.00 an hour,, sounds good right,, ok, now subtract for gas, oil changes, tires, higher insurance than other folks due to "high risk" of the job. Also figure I had to buy all my own uniforms and could not wear anything other that the $65.00 company jacket in the winter, which by the way they change the design every year and you have to get a new one. We have to buy aour shirts from the company and then have to return them when we leave?? We also have to wear only Dickie work pants that cost $20.00 to $25.00 per pair and that gets costly too!! Also that delivery fee you pay to get your food?? The driver gets not one red cent of that either.

Sorry,,I should get off my soap box here. I am just a little upset that Ralph is working so much again..

Going back to gazing out the window at the pond that it is toooo hot to get out side to sit at,,,, whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Vent all you like Elfie. I think the same way. I can't understand how there can be so much unemployment in this country yet a lot of people don't want to work at the menial kinds of jobs that are available. No one wants to get their hands firty anymore. The govt. has made it too easy to get a hand out and the younger generation especially feels entitled to that hand out. Is it any wonder that we are going down the toilet faster than you can flush??

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Elfie, been thinking of calling to say, let's give the weather a chance to moderate a bit. Although the temps have been reasonable, this humidity is a killer. I called the other guy but he does not return my call. His mother was in hospital, so something may have happened, but I can't know if he does not call. getting a shower here right now. They say a good chance for tomorrow also. If Ralph gets a day off you two should rest and enjoy it. We will get my tree when we can. I had thought I would work on the branches some more but the weather has pretty much defeated me.
Sorry about Ralph's situation. Hope things start looking up soon.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

ilovejesus99, did you get the seeds I sent yet?

Ralphie called is getting of early!! Says to get dressed we are going out to dinner!! whoo hoo!!

Crystal, lets see if the humidity drops some maybe then we can come out and get it chopped up some more?? Huggs

Night all....

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh I feel for Ralphie, sounds like the same deal hubby used to go through before he retired. Enjoy your night out!

Get a load of this. Back in the Spring when the temps were pleasant, we were paying $10 an hour to this 20 something year-old unemployed guy to split wood for us. He wanted to run his mouth more than he wanted to work. After being a no-show for a week, we went in with a neighbor and bought a wood splitter. In the meantime, hubby and I have just about finished whittling down the mountain of wood. Ha! Now the guy wants to buy a truck and use our wood splitter to finish what little wood is left and still be paid $10 an hour. Say what? Not a snowball's chance! See the pile way back there? We did that and have enough wood split to last at least two Winters.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Wow! fruity, what beautiful flowers. wood's pretty nice,too.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

FOTV does he want you to chew his food for him too??? WTH This world is going to hell in a hand basket!!! What ever that means!!ROTFLMBO ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING MY BUTT OFF!!! hehe

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b) Ewwww the baskets they delivered severed hands were later used for fruit or towels?? Wish I had not looked it up.....

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

The hard work was two years ago, Crystal, when I first planted that garden. Winter before last our monthly electric bill was pushing $400, our highest ever, and we don't have a big house. Can't tell you how many nights I laid there wondering how to rob Peter to pay Paul. When we brought our wood stove out of storage last Fall and starting using it again, we easily cut our electric bill in half. Granted I lost a lot of houseplants, either from my neglect or the dry heat, but would rather replace them than be be freezing cold. Which doesn't sound bad at the moment. Our heat index yesterday was 113.

Ang, I haven't forgotten a lot of my Agastaches have your name on them :) At this rate since several are already going to seed, it my be Fall if that's OK with you?

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL Sandy! He had free range of the fridge when he got thirsty, and I made sure he was never hungry. He really is a good kid overall, just a bit on the lazy side, but he has a great sense of humor and always spouts off with something off-the-wall that gives me a chuckle :)

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

No problem fotv. I'm still cleaning up and repotting things so it'd be best.

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