Manzanitas in the SE?

Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

Just wondering if anyone has tried growing Manzanita in the SE and/or the East Coast. I bought an Arctostapylos John Dourley and intend to try it here in TN/z6b. It is supposedly hardy to z7 but I grow SW Oaks here that are rated z7 and higher and they come through the winter still evergreen.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Humidity and wetness will be the enemies. Plant it in sand or scree - sharp drainage.

Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

Yea, I plan to plant it high. But then I plant most things on a slight berm anyway. I think I'm going to try straight loam. I had a seedling Quercus ilex come through last winter completely evergreen. The others had some damage but all lived.
I wonder if anyone else has tried one.

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