saucer magnolia issue

Socastee, SC

HELP!! I've been looking for an answer to whats wrong with my saucer magnolia and have turned up nothing. I planted it about 3 years ago in my front yard, which gets full (South Carolina) sun. Every summer I battle to keep it looking healthy. The leaves get wavy and turn yellow, then eventually brown, and fall off. Sometimes the leaves get grey spots on them. The people at the local gardening center felt I should use an antifungal on it, which seems to help but only if I keep up with it *religiously*. I would like to fix it for good, but if that's not possible I at least want to know what it is that I am up against?? Despite its problems, my little tree flowers for me profusely and I hate seeing it sickly :(

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

Sometimes it is something in the soil, have you had yours tested? You can take a sample to your local Clemson extension office and they can send it off. I would also bring in a branch from the magnolia showing the dying leaves, perhaps they would have an idea on what is going on.

It does sound like a fungal problem, is there good drainage in the area where it is planted? Also, how about mulch under the tree. If the affected leaves falling on the ground are not raked up quickly they could be dropping spores on the ground which could re-infect the tree. . You can try giving the area under the tree a good cleaning then re-apply the anti-fulgal.

Good luck.

Socastee, SC

Ah...these are all great ideas. Thank you!!!!

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