Carolina Jessamine - how poisonous, etc.

Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7b)

I have two very overgrown Carolina Jessamine plants, they are huge and totally unruly. I know this is past the normal pruning time, but I really would like to cut them down radically, almost to the ground if advisable.

What should I do with the cut off vines? Can I put some softer parts into the compost or not because of the poison? I could just drag them into the woods somewhere. Since there is so much, do I need to wear long sleeves and gloves?

Are the roots also poisonous (just in case I decide to get rid of one of them completely).

Many thanks for your advice.


sun city, CA(Zone 9a)

deer wont eat it so that tells you how poisonous it is, i think. anyway, the sap can irritate your skin if it gets on you, if you are sensitive to it. it doesnt bother some people at all, others get covered with a rash. hard to know but best not to take a chance i think. i would wear gloves and long sleeves. (you could always rub a drop or two of sap on your skin and see if you react, kind of radical, i know)

Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7b)

So, what do you think of putting the softer vines into the compost? How long does the poison persist? Or is that too much of a risk?

Saraland, AL(Zone 8b)

I cut mine back and transplanted them around the first of June and they are coming back pretty well. These dudes are fairly tough so I don't think you will have any touble doing a massive pruning.

They have never ever given me any sort of irritation so I would think tossing them in the compost would be fine.

Chapel Hill, NC(Zone 7b)

Thank you both for your advice. It is so terribly hot here, I can't see how I can do much out there now. So I'll just cut some off occasionally, esp. where it grows into the eaves, and do something more serious next year.

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