Tips on forcing a Cypress Vine to bloom?

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

My start-from-seed cypress vine bloomed very early on (while still near the ground!). Over the recent weeks, it's climbed, thickened and spread onto my wrought iron fence, as planned. However, it's not *blooming* anymore! Any ideas, tips?

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

Did you ever solve this?

I wondered if you might have over-fertilized with nitrogen, forcing too much green growth.


Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Has it been very cool or very hot in your area? Mine won't bloom if temps are too warm or too cold. Mine quit blooming about a week ago and are now budding again.

Bessemer City, NC(Zone 7b)

It gets very hot in summer here. And they do seem to bloom better when it isn't so baking hot, but I just thought it was because they went dry so much faster in the heat.

I have never had any bloom when short like yours did. Mine grow at least 2-3 feet before starting to bloom.


Laingsburg, MI

I also started this vine from seed indoors, hardened it off, and planted them outdoors when several inches long in a full sun setting against a fence. A week has passed, and half of them look near dead. I have watered them every other day. Where is this fast growing vine as was described? What am I doing wrong?

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

HopeSue, the roots are probably still tender, If the soil is not rich and loose, it is harder for the roots to take hold and thrive. It has been 2 weeks since you posted. How is it doing?

Laingsburg, MI

Hello. They seem to be a bit more bushy but have not grown in height. I also have to either uproot or spray morning glory vines that are rooting on the opposite side of the fence. The vines are still quite small. Maybe they are competing more against those than anything else.

I had high hopes (no pun intended) for these vines as we are sprucing up the church grounds for our Pastor's daughter's wedding reception outdoors as they have this fine baby's nest appearance. I also planted some zinnias last week as I started to panic because the wedding is one month from now!

I started another batch from seed, and they are twice the height of those I planted outdoors.

I really have no idea as to how rich the soil is, but it was fairly loose when I planted.

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

I grew these vines from seed in my last home & current one. In my former garden, they grew rapidly and bloomed regularly. The soil was a heavy clay there. Here, the vine itself is slow to grow or fill out and it has never bloomed -- and my soil is loose and sandy. I imagine that to be the culprit now!

Dewey, AZ(Zone 7a)

I have found that cypress vine and morning glory and cardinal creeper won't flower as much if they're given lots of water. It's hard to not water them, given a hot tx summer, but do you water them a lot?

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

This year's vines did not really start growing until the ground started to dry a bit and it got a little cooler.

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

They love hot and dry. No fertilizer. They are after all a weed.. They are a bad weed here in southwest Georgia. They cover things almost as bad as Kudzu.. Yet they are a pretty bloom and the hummers and butterflies love them.. Do not coddle them..


Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks, All! I threw some of my seeds into a very dry, untended area of the my bed lining a fence -- they grew and bloomed quite a bit! I think all of the advice to (basically) ignore them was SPOT ON!

Happy New Year!

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

You will now have them forever!

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