JBs Favorite Fragrant Plants

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

This beauty welcomed me to the bird room this morning. It is a Gardenia Jasminoides Fortuniana.
This is one of the easiest Gardenias to raise indoors.

This message was edited Jul 6, 2011 11:48 AM

Thumbnail by JBerger
Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Another little gem that is beginning to bloom again is this one.
Mitrolostigma Axillare - " African Gardenia"

The tiny pink flowers have the softest, sweetest odor you have ever smelled. I have not yet had the courage to take cuttings because it will not stop blooming and I enjoy it so much I do not want to stop it from blooming by taking cuttings. This is a must for anyone who enjoys a variety of odors.

Thumbnail by JBerger
Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Last but not least my very favorite, Gardenia Jasminoides 'Aimee'. Strong gardenia fragrance, large flowers are prefect for floral designs.

I have 2 year old standard plants on sale in DG Marketplace for $25.00 plus shipping (out of the pots) to save postage. They are all blooming or have bloomed. They require good lighting and lots of water.

This message was edited Jul 6, 2011 1:14 PM

Thumbnail by JBerger
Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Here is what I saw first thing this "hot" morning. Outside in the sun this baby is starting to bloom for the first time this year. It is called Gardenia Jasminoides 'Frostproof'. One tiny flower but what a great aroma.

Thumbnail by JBerger
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOOK at your pretties, JB....I can smell them from here. Mercy you still have that gardenia 'touch' don't you? My 'frostproof' is in my back yard so I don't get to enjoy her scent nearly enough. I think we need to talk a trade later on....that Mitrolostigma Axillare - " African Gardenia" has my attention and I know I have a gardenia that (I think) you don't have.... ^_^ Will message you... Hugs, my friend...miss talking to you!!

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

I am so happy to hear from you again. I see your name pop up on ATP and was hoping we would cross paths. I like it there very much and am meeting some really fun people.

As for trading....you betcha....I have taken cuttings on the African Gardenia and they honestly look really good. In fact they all got a good feeding this morning, which I do not usually do, but this weather and the greenhouse being so hot is stressing the heck out of them, so I gave them a good shot today. I will keep you posted on their progress. If it works I will be one happy lady. I also started cutting Star and Royal Jasmine. We will see what happens there.

Keep in touch, my friend. JB

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

One of my friends on the Propagation forums sent me some cuttings of a Golden Vicary Privet. I had no clue what it was or what is was going to look at since it is not a tropical and you know me and my tropicals. I planted them and waited and today I got my first look and fragrance from this beauty. Very strong but nice odor. I love it and can not wait to plant them outside in a garden so I can enjoy them in their natural environment.

Thumbnail by JBerger
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Describe the scent if you would please JB. And come on over to the thread I started and add your pretty "white" blooms.... http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1218294/

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

I had to go to the greenhouse and sniff the vicary this morning to see how I could describe it to you. Much to my surprise, it had a much softer, sweeter fragrance than I thought it had yesterday. Maybe because the Jasmine Maid of Orleans was so strong when I opened the door that I was overwhelmed with the one and could not get a good sniff of the other.

I wish I could describe the scents the way you do. To me they are either strong, soft, heavy you know. But you can almost smell them when you describe them. What is your trick to learning how to do that? That would be a good lesson for all of us. How do you learn to describe the scent of a Flower? I am old but willing to learn.

I will be happy to share my "whites" with you when I get my chores done. The tree men just completed the removal of 6 old locust that were damaged during Irene, now there are two more storms heading towards the East Coast and the humidity has already arrived. I was going to plant some cuttings because the greenhouse was cool, well forget that, It is now in the 90s again in there and my head is swimming due to the inner ear problem. So, I will sit down and play and send you some pretties. Thank you for the invitation.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

JB...i know you have talked of them before, but do you have some fragrant camellias? I do wish there was a camellia forum! (and a cyclamen forum!)

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi Dabney, they are not blooming now and I do not remember. I have April Tryst and April Blush. Just did some cuttings and they look like they may make it. I see you on Facebook once in awhile with all your good smelling stuff. I go around sniffing everything and my kids think I am weird. LOL Have a good day and stay dry. Looks like another one is coming. I just paid the tree men for taking down 6 old locust trees (they smelled good when blooming) that Irene did a number on. Now I will not have that pretty odor anymore. Always something to mess up my life. LOL JB

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

Ah Shucks!! what is life w/out fragrance!!
You take care too JB. xo

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

JB - you do a great job describing your babies. I'll tell you who the scent description guru is though - our Miss Dabney!! You should read her site...I feel some shopping coming on... ^_^

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

I adore Dabney, I purchased some things from her in the past. Really interesting what she does. Wish I could be so creative as she is.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

My dear JB you are SO blessed with your ability to root anything you touch...our very own DG Midas!! I can't tell you how often I wish I had your gift!!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

thank you Chantell...and you are also so right about JB! She must have chlorophyll in her veins!

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hey girls, it is not chlorophyll, it is red wine.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 8a)

atta gal!!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL I love it....better yet I found a Chocolate Red Wine...oh life is good, isn't it?!!

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

OMG I heard about that...............never too old to try something new. Yahoo off I go to the booze store. Life is good and gets better every day. JB

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Here is one of my gardenias that I do not propagate, it is called Fragrant Delight. I need to move some of those pictures to Cantell's list but I have really not felt well enough to do it. I have had a sinus infection that it is impossible to sit in front of the screan and see what I am doing. My vision is blurred from discomfort etc. Having only one eye makes it even worse. I promise I will get to it in another week or so. I just had to show you all this beauty. There must be 5 clumps of buds. It has been sitting in the greenhouse getting a little water daily and it must like it. I certainly have not done anything for over a week to make it bloom.

I can not describe the fragrance because I can not taste or smell just now. How bad it that?

Thumbnail by JBerger
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Ahhh JB - hugs n prayers my friend !! Hope you're feeling better!! Heading dn to visit my folks. I know I was a tad disappointed knowing various plants incl my Chuck Hayes had buds n would probably bloom while I'm gone

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

I need to apologize to Chantell for not getting the pictures moved to her site yet. I have had the darn inner ear infection on top of the sinus infection, and then putting Barney down on Sept. 9th just about put me over the edge. I have been fighting these two infections since then and here it is the middle of October. What a lousy Sept. I had. Wow, I am only now getting my hearing back. Both ears were shut for weeks. One is open now and the hearing aids do help since I had them adjusted yesterday.

Here is a picture of Diamonds Fragrant Delight , the Gardenia that has the ugliest plant but the most fragrant flowers I have ever smelled. They are so sweet and strong smelling. One little flower makes the entire GH smell so good. This flower is just one of several this plant produced this summer and Fall. I stuck it out there because I had no room for it in the house and it is like the ugly duckling until it blooms. What a beauty it is now. It is so happy out there just sitting on the cobblestone floor getting water when I think about it.
Can't you just smell it?

Thumbnail by JBerger
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

JB - another beauty of yours, eh? Is that the newer one that is hardy to zone 7? You know me - I'm always looking for another Gardenia that will survive our cold. My first one 'Shooting Star' planted in 2007 is just about as tall as I am (ok so I'm on the short side...but still). My Chuck Hayes (he's still on the short side maybe 3' now) put out a full flush early fall of all times this year. 'Frost Proof' is in the back yard so I never see when she's in bloom but I picked up another while at my grandma's funeral last month (something to remember her by) - amazing the plants you can find in FL Walmarts. $3 for 1 gal size pots....picked up a 'Mystery' Gardenia as well - although I think it'll be iffy if she'll withstand our winters. Going to put her down from the Chuck Hayes - in front of my brick front - south facing...fingers crossed....
Hopes this finds you feeling better.... Hugs

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi Chantell, I am feeling much better thank you for asking.

The 'Diamond's Fragrant Delight" is hardy in Zone 8. Takes full or partial sun and 60 deg. is the magic number.
Of course, mine is indoors all winter but it loves the GH. It is still blooming and its fragrance takes over the entire greenhouse. You would love it. It is a soft sweet aroma...........I can smell it now. Logees has it for $19.99 in a 4" pot and it is a fast grower. It is not a bushy plant, in fact it has an ugly look about it but the blooms make up for everything else.

Funny you should write today. I thought about you this morning when I got up and the African Gardenia was full bloom again. Here she is. What a wonderful plant. It is hardy for Zone 10 or higher so that one is not a good one for your garden. Here it the beauty. She blooms constantly but really about every two months it just gets full of blooms. The one I had thought was dying has new growth at the bottom and at the top of a 12 inch stem it has a few little leaves and God Forbid, Buds. LOL

Keep in touch.

Thumbnail by JBerger

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