How do I get rid of a mulberry tree/bush/whatever?

Oak Park, IL

An errant mulberry tree has rooted right next to my neighbor's foundation. It's probably been going for a couple of years - got to about 3 feet high. Earlier this year she hacked away at it, but it just started growing again. This evening I had a lot of energy and an obsession to get rid of that tree. I dug up many roots right to the tip, but the one main root (which looks to me like a tap root) I don't even want to attempt. This root is about 2" in diameter at ground level. Do I have to get that whole darned root out, or can I just dig down, say a foot or so and hack it off? I wouldn't want to put anything poisonous down there, but is there some way I can ensure that the tap root won't spring back, filled with rage, and destroy the foundations of both of our houses?

This message was edited Jul 5, 2011 9:46 PM

Portage, WI(Zone 5a)

Make a clean cut and brush some full strength RoundUp on it. I have seen this done to kill some very stubborn trees and bushes.

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