Flower Child's Garden(s)

Riceville, TN

Has anyone dealt with these people.....either irises or daylilies? They aren't listed on watchdog. They have a couple of things that I can't find anywhere else and did answer a question or two a couple of weeks ago but I haven't been able to get a response in the last few days. When I attempted to place the order online I get a few steps into the process and then get the message: There is a problem with this website's security certificate.

Here's hoping someone knows something. I'll post on Daylilies, also.



McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

Well, it says that they are a family farm that has been in business since 1957, but it seems they have a very casual attitude towards identifying their products. They give them their own names, and there is no attempt to give any information about them - how tall, dormant, etc etc. For NOIDS they seem high priced!

Enid, OK

I agree, prices are pretty high for NOIDs that they made up their own names for. Please keep in mind that if you do purchase items from them that you will not be able to trade them as named cultivars, they will always be NOIDs.

Which items are you looking at on their site? Maybe I can help you find the same flowers from a more traditional grower.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I think it's very sad they're doing this and getting all these irises mixed up in commerce.

Riceville, TN

Thanks all for your support. I thought maybe I was expecting too much from a vendor. The two that I want are Pearl Island and Angie. If you can help me find them somewhere else I'll be thrilled.


Enid, OK

for their white "Angie" look at Immortality

I can't think of a good one to compare to thier "Pearl Island" at the moment...however, there is a wonderful, knowledgeable, honest, reputable souce right here...I bet if you would ask PollyK nicely, she would help you select named, registered irises that would be perfect for your gardens! You might shoot her a D-mail, I suspect she is not allowed to "self promote" in these forums so I will do the promoting for her. If you want to deal with someone you can trust, talk to PollyK. If she doesn't have what you want, I suspect she has an iris buddy that does.

Enid, OK

Alice Harding is close to their Pearl Island

I don't know anything about the site you were looking at but I personally do not apporve of anyone giving irises names of their own. If they don't know what they are they could use a numbering system or something to ID them but selling them with names that they have made up themselves is just way out of line! Not to mention the prices are extreme for NOID cultivars.

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