CLOSED: FALL Houseplants/Tropical Swap Chat & Interest

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I had pools twice in the past. They were a lot of trouble but I have no cats and altho raccoon are around here, they never bothered the fish. It may have to do with the depth of the pool. I used one of those large kiddie pools one time, and there was not much of a place to perch on the side.The other I hand dug and apparently in the worst possible spot. The spot was absolutely chock full of rocks, big and small. But after all that work and cementing inside, it was located in a place that was downhill, altho not visibly so. When it rained, water would run into it and overflow it and the fish would wash out. I had to keep an eye on it when it rained and several times ran out to rescue the goldfish when they were washed out.
After a year or so it started to leak and I never really got it stopped in spite of repairing it several times.
I let it sit for years and last year started putting waste plant stuff in to make a sort of in- ground compost heap. It is nearing full now and my plan is to plant some bog plants or at least water-loving plants there. Any plant suggestions?
I have some goat's beard plants (aruncus diocus) that I have delayed planting as I did not know where to plant. I have no experience with these plants and feared the space might only be large enough for one. The one I have in the ground looks very anemic (yellowed). Any suggestions or thoughts?

Neener, the cats really are not too much of a problem, unless yours like to swim. As to the raccons I believe thier is a netting you can get that will stop the racoon problem. I will look online and see.
Most of my fish are cheappy fish from Walmart or Petmart. If you buy the little 29cent fish it doesnot hurt so much when one goes The best ones to get are to very carefully pick out the ones with the longest tail possible. That way as they grow they have really showyfins. I have some beaustiful white ones that I have collected. Unfortuneately my largest white one that I have had for 4 years died yesterday and while I could find not teeth marks,, Mooch sure looked guilty!!

The biggest reason for moving the pond is I put it where the landlandy thought I should and it was under a ceder tree!! I had to dredge out cedar crude every day and also the oil from the tree was covering the top of the water. It was just in a very bad place all together.. Mooch is not happy abouut having to use his small water bucket again. I think I will be getting him a kiddie pool to swim in too. The landlady sent out notices that everyones dogs had to be on leases or she would have animal control come pick them up. So Mooch is on a 75 foot run to keep him out of trouble. Poor Mooch is used to having a BIG yard to run in.

Hey Goldhill,, glad you are up this morning, Ralph is thinking we will come on Tuesday to get started on the tree?? Ok with you??

I looked up your plant, and it seems that here in the south it needs lots of water and shade. Maybe we can look for a spot for you to try on Tuesday?? Let me know..

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Sounds good, Elfie!
Come early because we may have to quit due to the heat at least by 10 AM

Tyler, TX(Zone 8b)

Count me in..... I'm sure to have new stuff by then.

Ok,, is 5 am good for you?

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I just hope my little starts will grow big enough for me to share. I think most of the things Fruity shared with me last year can be divided (especially the grassy stuff and the squill!) and possibly a couple of the succulents - they haven't bloomed for me yet, but they've gotten HUGE!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

You're in a great climate for succulents, careyana. ^_^

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I love succulents and cacti. I got into them after my son brought home some hens and chicks for mothers day one year. We've been reading up on them and even got a lot off Ebay for $5.00 plus shipping. He helped me pot the thornless ones.

All three of my Kalanchoe have rooted and the one labeled Mother of Thousands is even starting to make little babies on the leaves. The one I'd really love to prop is labeled Lace but I think it's fancy name is KALANCHOE LACINIATA. It's the one I'd really like to have more of and share with people.

OMG,,, everyone has to go read and see this... I have got to do this!!!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Too funny!!!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the pond info guys. I was thinking too about the cheap goldfish figuring if they got eaten, it wouldn't be a crisis. Problem here is leaves and tree crap. Unless it sit it dead center in the yard, I will have to keep cleaning it out. But according to DH me cleaning it out is better than him mowing around it once a month. :))

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

During me usual sunday trip to Home Depot, sumthing called me name! when i turned ta look..............i saw this plant, smiling at me. He said he was lonesome, so being a kind-hearted sumthin or nutter.....i brought him home wit me. Now, he's here. beez fed and watered but................. wont tell me he name!!! Do ya know he name????

Thumbnail by jsxtiger

no clue,, but I bet if you read the tag it may help,,,lol put down the baileys jax,,,,lol

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Count me in. I need more plants like I need another hole in my head :o) A;; my marbles fell out of the holes I already have :)

Could his name be Fred??? lol Hope you find out his name Jax.

Blackshear, GA

Looks like it might be Philodendron 'limelight or moonlight'. I have one and can't remember which it is.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

FOTV thank you so much for your Avon order. I was wondering which Mosquitoe repellent was best and you answered that question for me. Got to get me some of what you ordered. Thanks Again!!!!

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I agree with GA, I think it might be Moonlight.

Athens, PA

Been working in the yard the past couple of days - I am so sore, but going to take tomorrow off. Just going to put my feet up,admire the gardens and read my magazines.

Ponds tend to be more work if they are smaller and less work if they are larger. We have been ponding for 11 or 12 years. I think we started in '99, but not positive. We started with a small walmart pond, put in another that was larger and then put in the final pond that is the biggest one. We can't go any bigger unless we move. You can spend as little or as much as you would like on fish and pond plants - personally, I wouldn't be without a pond.

I am going to have to figure out what I can offer for the Fall swap - I am looking forward to the swap. The last one was so much fun.

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes indeedy Carole, I've got my eye on a few others too...

And now I'm reconsidering on my Philo again. It may actually be orange prince. The last couple of leaves it put out were definitely more bronze/orange shaded than before. Little baby now has THREE leaves. Still just a tiny pup....but getting bigger!

Jax - it is definitely a philo, and I agree with the moonlight guesses.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Whoa.....Look what I miss not checking in but once a day in the evenings. Gotcha gals added:

Carole (I know you're a maybe, but you always come through :)
and Sandy (You're very welcome to my Avon order :)

Ya'll carry on with your pond talk or any other topic that comes to mind. Your Lotus flowers are absolutely beautiful, Carolyn.

Edited to ask> What's everybody doing tomorrow to celebrate the 4th of July?

This message was edited Jul 3, 2011 11:22 PM

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Fruity I'll be grocery shopping and then making buffalo burgers topped with goat cheese and spinach or basil with a side of roasted ears of corn.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Watching fireworks on TV in surround sound. :(

It's too hot to grill. Salads on the back porch with a cold beverage, I guess!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I wanted to see the NYC fireworks this year, but grumpy didn't want to go - too much traffic, crowds, gas, etc. Time for me to find a younger man (or at least younger at heart).

You can use bird netting over your pond. A solar powered fountain may deter cats. Friends have a pond. They added rocks and plants at the edge to deter cats. Their cat watches the fish, but doesn't catch any any more. You may want to leave your pond with just plants for a while before adding any fish. then add one at a time. If you add too many fist, the balance of nutrients gets out of balance and you start having trouble with algae. Frogs will keep the bugs down. If local frogs don't move in, you can buy tadpoles. I would love to have a pond, but don't have room here.

Now I have to google diy macramé hangers for my houseplants! I guess you could crochet them as well. How retro chic!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

In a couple of months, I am going to have to start moving my growing collection of tropicals and houseplants inside. My plant shelf was full last winter. My plants have grown and multiplied since then. Time for some plant hangers. I guess I could learn macrame - but "hippie chic" is not my style....

Here are some non macramé plant hanger links:

And a cool link for macramé lawn chairs.

This has to be my favorite plant hanger I need to start collecting "air plants" and glass candle holders.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Love the macrame! Old hippie-era gal here. ^_^

I've been editing plants, Fruity, if you can believe that ... so mainly have succulents, philodendrons, and some Bromeliads now. A few miscellaneous, of course.

No big plans for today. Just trying to stay cool and keep everything watered. ^_^

My Philo 'Limelight'

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Ooh that's pretty Carole! Is that just Limelight or is it mixed with another Philo?

Lori Lynn - I have several old pattern books for Macrame hangers that I bought off etsy. I need to find a good Macrame book (idiots guide, macrame for morons?) and someone who will sit down to show me. Until then I just buy them off ebay heh.
Some T sellers sell orbs like those in the last link you posted. I liked the idea of the orb so I decided to make one up on my own using a macrame hanger and a 0.99 cent fish bowl from Goodwill. :D Although I need T's to put in it since I've glued all mine to a stick lol.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

It's mixed with a green Philo, Ang.

This is a better shot of the color.

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Carole that is really pretty. Once my philos get a little bigger i may have to mix them like that. :)

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks, Carey. ^_^

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

oh lil elf, ya crack me up! of th course i looke at the tag...with one eye! it said "houseplant"! duh!

thanks ladies fer the info. i done thought it was philo, but i didnt know which one. so now i kin call him.........mooney!

cville-gardener, that is a great idea! i would never have thought to mix them! the color combo is fantastic. it shows off the best of each one!!!

ilovejesus, i do plan ta order me some avon! but right now, i spent me budget on plants! gotta git sumthing to make me smell good while i beez under the table!

i plan ta do nothing today. did not even go to the parade. too much walking! and since i spent the last two days in the jist sleeping where i fell......................under the table!!!!

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

After I posted this morning I left to go grocery shopping and it turns out someone went through our (Dad's) car. We don't keep anything important in our car so anything they steal can be replaced. The only thing I'm aware of being missing is a few homemade cds and a light bulb. I believe this might be the same genius who stole trash from my next door neighbors car. I'm a bit sad, I had hoped they would have taken everything - the truck needs to be cleaned!

Unfortunately they hit a few other cars as well and judging by some stuff we found on the grounds it looks as if someone left valuables in their car. (Cellphone bag, what might be a purse, papers)

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Carole that is absolutely gorgeous!!!

Jax you are way too funny. I love all you guys so very much!!! Can I take a nap under the table with you? Bet it be cool under there.

When you do order Jax or anyone use code FIRSTREP and shipping is free on any size order.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Carole the combination of green and limelight looks lovely together. I'll have to keep an eye out for that philo, I know they have ones about. I don't think it would look as lovely with my Micans.

Just got my second order from Sandy a couple of days ago. I ordered all kinds of foot stuff. Ralphie has promiced me he would "do" my feet tonight!! So my plans are to be a pampered baby,, however he also had to go towork today and if it is anything like the last few weeks he may not be home til late,,,,sigh.
So for now I am watching the fish pond and the BIG fish pond from out the window. And ate me some carrots and pickles for lunch,, stange I know but the cubbards are bare and I thought I was going out for lunch today,,,

Jax!! I have a little box or two comming your way. One is from EBAY!!!!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks, all. P. 'Micans' is a handsome one too ... I'm about to combine it with 'Silver', I think. ^_^

BTW, what are we ordering???

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

................"or two"???? whoopee! ouch! i bumped me head!

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Yes Elfie Thanks so much for both orders!! You all Rock!!!

What is Jax getting??? Can't wait to see. Well off to the store to get stuff to make Raspberry fig preserves. And stop at Lowe's *Sheepish grin* I'm a bad bad bad bad girl :)

Here Jax. Passing Jax the ice for her bump on the head.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh I've seen Silver, very lovely! A lady at a hardware store offered me a bit that fell off but unfortunately we found it was still connected so I told her to stick it back in lol. Right now I'm combining Wandering Jew colors.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Those WJs look good combined too, Ang. You go, girl!

Uh oh, Sandy at Lowe's and jax has two boxes of "something" on the way. But what??? I still don't know what ya'll are ordering. I'm always the last to know.

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