Chigger Control

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

I have had more chigger bites this spring/summer than I have had in 20 years put together. We had 22" of rain this spring. Could this be the reason for the chiggers? Usually, they don't bother me, but bother my husband. But, this year he has a few and I have had many. It seems I can't step outside w/o getting chiggers.
I have lots of birds in my yard that feed at the many feeders as well as 20 purple martins. I don't want to kill my birds, nor do I want to kill off the beneficial insects.
Is there ANYTHING out there that will get rid of these chiggers w/o killing off other good bugs and kill the birds??
I have spent a lot of time researching a solution and haven't really come up with anything.

Petaluma, CA

I just copied this from my other Chigger post with one caveat. Dragnet will not harm birds either. From other thread...

They are Chiggers and they come at the same time every year by the thousands if not millions. The most effective way to kill them is using a product I use on almost all insects. Dragnet or other potent pyrethrin. Dragnet is much better then the generic tengard which is dragnet spelled backwards. Other pyrethrins have a chemical smell, but dragnet smells like fresh flowers. The poison comes from the Chrysanthemum plant, so that is why Dragnet is so pleasant to use indoors and outdoors. I do it on the weekends for extra cash as a semi professional exterminator. Anyone want a treatment in Sonoma County CA, email me.

Why Dragnet, it only does harm to insects, you can drink it (wouldn't recommend that though:) and it wont harm most people. It wont harm kitties or doggies, or or other little trouble makers -KIDS. Unfortunately it wont harm mice or other critters, but it will kill any bug it finds and will last for months. You shouldn't spray near water supplies, as it will harm small fish.

To treat for Chiggers you want to use a fine spray and shake the wand back and forth to cover the entire area. It is easy and does not take that long to do a average sized lot. Do not spray flowers if you can avoid them, it will kill bees and that is not good. Spray everything else, cracks and crevices and (((bark))). Use a strong mixture, usually it is an ounce of concentrate per gallon, I use 2 ounces per gallon for Chiggers. Treat 3 times in 2 weeks, and the only chiggers you will see are ones that find their way over from the neighbors, but they will also likely die from the treated area too. You will likely not kill 100% as they are everywhere, but you will kill over 98% of them. Whereas you see them everywhere prior to treatment, you would have to go around the property and you would be lucky to find 10 Chiggers after the initial treatment.

Also, this is the second leading termite treatment so spray around your foundation once a year too. I also use 1/2 ounce Dragnet per gallon of water in an old gallon jug, and put a barrier around the home's soil. I use about ten of these per side of home, it will stop any termites in their tracks.

Now that my neighbors know my side business they alll allow me to treat their homes too, and I'm glad to do it. I treat my immediate neighbors and that drastically lowers other pests in my yard too. The next door neighbor is a doctor and he said this is what they used to use for kids hair for lice, so he has no problems with me spraying his yard down as he knows it is safe for kids. Get rid of those pesky Chiggers, don't let them over run your yard and home. It is easier then you think!!!

Petaluma, CA

If you use Dragnet, you will kill every bug good and bad. No way around that, especially Chiggers which require and blanket treatment. Also, I recommend a lower dose for area's full of birds. Even 1/2 ounce per gallon will kill every bug it touches, but that low of dose wont harm any bird. Especially when Dragnet dries and is it harmless against wildlife of any kind when it is dry.

Franklin, TN

Chiggers thrive in tall grassy areas. Try to keep the areas you spend time in short.
I put out insect granules which helps and also keeps the ticks down (which cause diseases of Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever).
I put topical Hydrocortisone 1% creme on the bites. Some people paint them with clear nail polish that will kill the chiggers as they are alive wehn they burrow into your skin.

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

I have read recently it's the chigger bite that makes one itch--not the chigger itself. It has something in its saliva that causes a histamine reaction. The chigger actually falls off the body.

I have so many birds in my yard. I cannot with good conscience use something that may kill the birds or for that matter, the "good" insects. Boy, have I changed! My motto used to be "the only good bug was a dead bug". Now, through gardening and research, I have discovered we need the good bugs around. I saw some small walking sticks in early May looking for a meal and was pleased to see them in my garden. I even try to attract the good bugs via flowers and herbs.

My husband did spray the yard with a mixture of sulphur and water. I have read that will make the chiggers go away. I have been on vacation since he did this, so I don't know if it works or not. I "believe" it's rained also. So, I am thinking it will have to be repeated. It doesn't take that long. He puts a big tank in a trailer and hauls it around via the lawn mower.

It's good to know the info re: termites. We will have to do that. Thank you.

We also keep the grass mowed, however, the edge of our back yard butts up against a deciduous forest where all kinds of "Wild Things" live back there! We've hauled off three coons and see from coon damage we have at least one more. Deer also tromped through our okra bed--big deep holes. It's a trade off as is most things in life.

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