CLOSED: Houseplants/ Tropicals Swap...Page 20

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Now that most of us are in a heat wave, if you haven't already Priority Mailed plants to your Secret Buddy, do so when it's convenient for you and you get a break from the heat. I'm sure we'd rather wait than have plants arrive as crispy critters.

If you can, please post a photo with a description of the plants you receive.



Our twice-a-year Houseplants/Tropicals Swap is held in the Spring and Fall. We share a minimum of 3 healthy houseplants and/or tropicals whose value is $20 excluding Priority Mail with a Delivery Confirmation number. Feel free to divide plants you already have or propagate new ones from cuttings. If your budget permits, you're also welcome to include other gardening items such as gloves, water globes, plant markers, etc.

Here's the link to our previous chat thread:

And these are our Links to Haves / Wishes / Cuttings / and Side Trades:
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This message was edited Jun 29, 2011 9:43 PM

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Our confirmed Participants are:

AmandaEsq / Amanda -- > Rec'd from jsxtiger
candles4u / Crystal -- > Rec'd from FruitOfTheVine
careyana / Carey --> Rec'd from ridesredmule
Carolyn22 / Carolyn -- > Rec'd from diamond9192002
chellflower / Chell -- > Rec'd from GAgirl1066
ClanCampbell / Chris: --> Rec'd from candles4u
Crit / Patti --> Rec'd from FruitOfTheVine
diamond9192002 / Anita -- > Rec'd from tikipod
Dispatcher1 / Lou -- > Rec'd from Carolyn22
Dizzy45vines / Carol -- > Rec'd from janastone
FruitOfTheVine / Susan -- > Rec'd from AmandaEsq
GAgirl1066 / Paula --> Rec'd from rouxcrew
GardenQuilts / Lori Lynn: --> Rec'd from Crit
goldhillal / Crystal -- Haves:
and Wants: -- > Rec'd from plantsforpeg
happgarden / Joyce: --> Rec'd from goldhillal
ilovejesus99 / Sandy: -- > Rec'd from GardenQuilts
janaestone / Di -- > Rec'd from happgarden
JenniferShipway / Jennifer: -- > Received from Neener
joeswife / Debra -- > Rec'd from Robynznest
jsxtiger / Jax ---> Rec'd from joeswife
Mud_Elf / Kris: -- > Deferred her box to another lucky recipient
plantsforpeg / Peggy: -- > Rec'd from Tina_A
ridesredmule / Charleen -- > Rec'd from ilovejesus99
Robynznest / Robin: --> Rec'd from careyana
rouxcrew / Joy --> Rec'd from Dispatcher1
roxxanne / Rox --> Rec'd from Chellflower
rvnsbrk / Neener -- > Rec'd from Di (Thank you for volunteering...again!)
tikipod / Angie --> Rec'd from ClanCampbell
Tina_A / Tina -- > Rec'd from roxxanne

This message was edited Jul 16, 2011 7:46 PM

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Fruity I think I might sign up for the fall one as well. This has been fun ^_^

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I hope things around here stabilize by the fall. Ugh.

I have one brug left, three of my roses have died, my tomatoes are the size of small marbles (they're supposed to be cherry tomatoes) and I think almost all of my callas melted. :( I guess we need more shade in the backyard. :/

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I like Amanda, she's silly. :)

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I am so sorry for those of you with watering shortages...we have had too much rain. I would send you some if I could.

Is it time to start rooting things for the fall swap already?

This message was edited Jun 30, 2011 7:38 AM

Athens, PA

Fruity - love the Calla. I have Capt. Romance that is in full bloom. I was going to dmail you a picture, but I am so far behind.

I think setting up a thread in the parking lot is a good idea. I really like this group and even though I am pretty much maxed on space - sign me up for the fall houseplant/tropical swap.

Color me dense - but I still don't get the PDQ - I put the D word in and I still don't think it is that bad - but maybe it's me....

Carey - whatcha doing up in this neck of the woods?

If you all want to cut down on the fat and sugar for the lemonade ice cream pie - use the Murrays' sugar free low fat cookies to make the pie crust. You'll still need a binder such as butter, but you will have more control over how much goes in....With the pie being frozen though, perhaps that opens the door to try some other things.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

My Callas are blooming also, I'll take some pics. They are a "blush " variety. They start white and age pink. Luckily, the bunnies don't like them, but they eat the California poppies around them. Time to plant more California poppies around the bulbs.

I am happy to have tiny green tomatoes, maybe I'll get some fruits before frost.

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

I have a lemonade pie recipe as well, there are several versions of the thing. We have never used ice cream but ours is much more problematic for dieting folks I think.

Lemonade Pie I

1 (9 inch) prepared graham cracker crust
3/4 cup frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed (6 oz. can)
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
1 (8 ounce) container frozen whipped topping, thawed

In a blender, combine lemonade concentrate, cream cheese, and condensed milk. Blend on medium speed until mixture is smooth. Transfer mixture to a bowl and fold in whipped topping. Pour mixture into graham cracker crust. Chill before serving.

Lemonade Pie II

1 (9 inch) deep dish graham cracker pie crust
1 (6 ounce) can frozen lemonade concentrate, thawed
1 (8 ounce) can crushed pineapple with juice
1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
1 (8 ounce) container frozen whipped topping, thawed

In a large bowl, mix lemonade, crushed pineapple, and sweetened condensed milk. Fold in whipped topping. Pour filling into pie crust, and freeze. Serve frozen.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I'm trying to hunt down a frozen lemonade concentrate that uses real sugar and not corn syrup.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

PDQ is pretty tame in this house. lol!

Carolyn - visiting my parents, sister, aunts...lots of family. We'll be there for a week, and then heading to Saranac Lake to visit DH's parents. I'm looking forward to seeing things that are GREEN!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Recipes- The fat in these things is worse than the sugar (unless you are diabetic) I believe. At least the calories are more concentrated. There are fat free varieties of all dairy (or so-called dairy) products. I make lasagna using fat-free cream cheese, sour cream, and cream cheese. Actually, I use fatfree dip instead of sour cream. maybe I am kidding myself about it being lower calorie, but that is what i do and I can't tell the difference.
Condensed milk even comes in fat free.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Well, I survived my husband's retirement luncheon w/o crying. Well, maybe I whimpered a little, but only to one person. One more to go tomorrow. I guess he is happy, so I try to remember that.

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a) here i still sit, under the table, where all that gooey, lemonade pie mix keeps dripping down on me! it's so good, i'm gaining weight! may need help to come out from under!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

goldi, the sadiest thing about my husband retiring is I have NEVER been home alone again....rofl. Love my DH to death but I haven't been home alone in 8 years? Wowzer no wonder I am nuts. Not that I do anything different than when he is there, guess I can't explain it.

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

.......i kin explain it! mine has been home fer two weeks,on vacation! all he has done is lay around, question me about e v e r y t h i n g! granted he is suffering from a ruptured disk in his just resting is probaly the best for him while he goes back/forth to chiropractor. but................his precense is a NUISANCE! not to mention, the additional work. ie: extra dishes/pots, cooking, cleaning, washing, etc. i run a day care, an he has constanly interfered with our nap or snack schdule. He brings in bags of snacks for the kids, or wants to play with them naptime!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Hubby and I are together 24/7 since he retired. You know it's true love when you hear every burp and fart and don't pay attention to either one of

Had to look up the name of that Calla, Carolyn. It's Callista.

Instead of starting a thread in the Parking Lot, I started a new interest thread for our Fall Houseplants / Tropicals exchange, so come on over! This thread will remain open until you receive your plants, Crystal / candles4u. I'm so sorry your buddy went missing and you will receive your box of plants soon :) And thank you, Di, for sending to Neener as her buddy flaked out too.

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

I have going in the mail tomorrow, some side trades. Fruity, Tiki, Diamond, Carolyn22 (trying again I hope these make it this time). We have a short reprieve in the weather. It will be around 89 for the next day or two.

Who else do I owe, I forgot to mark those that I sent out already, so I don't know whose are left to go out.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the heads up, Robin, so I can be on the look-out :)

Crystal / candles4u, a little birdie told me yesterday your box of plants have finally been Priority Mailed. Keep us posted when you receive them, OK?

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

You're very welcome.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

You've got me covered Robyn :) I think I have a home for one of the items you sent me too!

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Everything arrived ok I take it

Hixson, TN

Is it too late to sign on for the trade?

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

ChooChooGal this is the final post for the Spring one. If you click the link below it'll take you to the upcoming Fall swap ^_^

"Second Annual Fall Houseplant / Tropical Swap"

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

As soon as you find your camera and have a chance to post the plants your received, candles4u / Crystal, I'll close this one out.

Has this been a long strange trip or what since we started 19 pages ago?!

ChooChooGal, shoot me a D-mail with your name, mailing address, email address and phone number if you'd like to join us for the Fall swap :)

Everybody please check your subscription. You need to be fully subscribed by at least the last day of September to participate in the Fall.

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