Squash Vine Borer..Has anyone seen any activity in Illinois

Downers Grove, IL(Zone 5a)

Has anyone seen any yet? I haven't been in the garden much with work and my stuff is still under domes..wondering if they have come up yet...I live in the western burbs of Chicago. I have a ton of cucumber beetles so far spraying the un covered stiff for them..

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Just a side note. I have read squash borers won't bother butternut squash as the vine is to difficult for them to bore into.

Downers Grove, IL(Zone 5a)

I did read that as well, but they did wipe out my zuchini and spagetti squash last year. This year I actually tilled the garden a good 16inches down as it needed it then I actually covered everything under domes to keep them protected from the bores. A plant guy said if you plant after July 4th your safe but all the research I found showed them to be around a lot later then that so now that everything has been uncovered I am hoping the dusting is going to keep the worm at bay.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Just saw one in my garden yesterday; hadn't seen one before but posted a pic for ID here. Ugh. I've been chasing Jap beetles too, and now this??? What pesticide best gets rid of these borers?

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

For Larva
I read to slice the vine open lengthwise until you see the larva. Cut the vine off at this point. Bury the vine in the soil as it will re-root. Good luck.
For Eggs: Use masking tape to get the eggs off, then squish them.
My dad used Sevin for squash bug control. Not an organic option. You would loose all of your beneficial insects as well.
One can put down boards. The bugs will crawl under them at night, and then in the AM you can get them. Since they are isolated, I would think one could use and insect spray maybe for wasps?
One has to get rid of all debris at the end of a season to keep down the bugs from wintering over. Also, tilling helps.
Some of this is what I have re-searched and some is what I have tried.
Maybe someone else has more ideas.

Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

I hate using chemicals. My husband went out and sprayed Sevin before I had finished researching other options. :( I looked the leaves over for eggs and didn't find any . . . maybe the thing hasn't laid them yet? Or worse they've already hatched and the larvae are already boring away down there. It's too hot right now to go out and get down & dirty slicing open vines . . . it'll have to wait until early evening. Thanks for all the tips, birder17!

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Squash bugs are disgusting. Your welcome. The Sevin will work. It's so hot to go out and do anything outside. We do a little in the am and late evening.

Downers Grove, IL(Zone 5a)

Sadly last year with the heat the bore wasn't the only problem for my garden...I used the Sevin for the cucumber beatle but nothing works for the borer as the chemical doesn't affect the eggs and for it to work you have to make sure you actually have the chemical at full power when the eggs hatch and the larva eat thier way into the vine if you miss the door no chemical will work..

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