Viburnum pollination

Norridgewock, ME(Zone 5a)

I have just planted two new viburnums, my first. I have room for one more. I'm wondering what might be a good choice for the third one, thinking especially about pollination concerns (if I need to have any). My site is morning sun, zone is wannabe 5a (a bit lower temps than -20 are possible). The two I planted are V. dentatum 'Christom" (Blue Muffin) and B. plicatum tomentosa 'Mariesii' (Doublefile). Thank you!

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

I don't know much about Viburnums, but I do know for best pollination, you have to have two of the same species. e.g.: Two Viburnum plicatums; two Viburnum dentatums
I learned this on this forum. You might put a search in regarding Vibrunums to learn more about this.

Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

How did VV miss this thread? Is he sick? Should we call out a search party?

Jackson, MO(Zone 6b)

Yes!! I think we should! What I have learned about Viburnum pollination, I learned on this site from him.

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