CLOSED: Stella

Dayton, OH

Will have some FREE Stella Daylily seeds soon

Altus, OK(Zone 7a)

Count me in!

Thanks for offering!


Dayton, OH

Will do Dawn, I've been afraid no one wanted any of these seeds.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Are these easy to grow from seeds? I would love some. Any tips?

Dayton, OH

Here's a link for growing Dalilies from seed

I think I put the Daylily seeds in water in the Fridge for about two - four weeks and then followered the steps on the link.

Bryan, TX

I also would really like to have some of the lilly seeds. Also have no
experience with lillies from seed but would love to try.
Thanks, Geneva

Zwolle, LA(Zone 8a)

Would love some of these seeds!Thanks for offering.e-mail me what to do.Pay postage or?I love flowers
Thanks Rachel

Dayton, OH

No more Daylily seeds for now

Albany (again), NY(Zone 5b)

Sorry - all I could think of when I saw this post was Marlon Brando yelling - "Hey Stellllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" - Soeey for the threadjack.

Dayton, OH

sbarr, I love it

Utica, NY(Zone 4b)

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, I'm to late..... next time count me in =)

Utica, NY(Zone 4b)

I just wanted to say I have some stella seeds if you were looking for more at the mall the other day, there seed pods were ripe so I picked them. EXCEPT my hubby mixed the two styles one was a was yellow trumpet style the other was a yellow stella looking flower..... anyone is welcome to the seeds if you want them!


(Zone 7a)

I would love to have them, Jane, if they're still available.

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