Stictocardia ID help

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 8a)

This site has a lot of ID help, and more information.

Mulberry, FL

Good read wish the pic's were still there though, Thanks for posting this

Clatskanie, OR(Zone 8a)

Hi Dana. I just checked and the pictures were there. The 2 pictures I refer too were large and one was a plant that looked like macalusoi, which came from Logee's, labled as another specie. The other picture is one taken by one of the contributors, in Malawi,
North Central africa, and shows a long vine, with 5 leaf nodes, each having a cluster of maybe 10 or so flowers and buds , at EVERY leaf node. Perhaps campanulata he says.

I just saw somewhere beraviensis seeds, 4 for $15. LOL. The site mentioned above said that beraviensis is an ANNUAL. This is tragic news if it is accurate.

Imagine a nursery with a misnamed stictocardia, fronting $10,000 to get it mass produced in tissue culture, and then they all die the second year because it was mislabled as perrenial when they bought it.

Regarding macalusoi, having the largest flower in the genus is interesting news.
Also that it is propagated by rooting cuttings of last year's wood , instead of new growth is, also important to know. So far, it seems, that all sources of macalusoi
seeds, trace back to an origin in Central Africa, and that it is not a pan tropical specie.
This might explain why it is so hot blooded and heat loving .

Another interesting thing on this site is that they are able to separate the species by how they bloom. Knowing these things about these several species, you should be able to identify the blooming plant that you have. One blooms at all the leaf axils once it starts its bloom season. Another one in many flowered terminal umbels. Another with less numerous large flowers 6.5 cm long, in dispersed groups, etc.

The problem with all the information confusion, is that ANYBODY can put a name with a picture, on internet, there is little to no oversight. No qualifications are required. This leads sometimes to institutionalized confusion. I suppose the silver lining is that it will make us experts on Stictocardia sooner or later.

If you come across an interesting site about Stictocardia, info. pix or whatever, don't be shy about posting the link here! Frank

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