Picking a Peck of Peppers!

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

Gosh, I have been AOL from DG forever! First off, Hi everyone!!!
Well, I started my peppers the first week of April-Carmen, Gypsy, and King of the North. I ran out of room for them inside the house in mid-May and placed them out of the deck during the day but they kept getting beat up with all the high winds and rain we were having. So we planted them (hesitantly!) out in our south-facing garden. At first they looked like death warmed over and my neighbors kept telling me to never plant them outside so early. I totally agreed with them but felt like I didn't have a choice. Thankfully we had no frosts and warm enough temps at night. I have never had peppers so early in my life!! We've already picked from them a couple of times. Yumm!
How's everyone's veggie gardens doing?


Thumbnail by saanansandy
Thomaston, CT

The peppers look great, Sue....you must be having better weather. It has rained incessantly here, my veggie garden is a mud pit....cannot walk in it, can't weed in it....the tomatoes look awful. Peas, of course, are loving it.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Hi Sue! Wow - long time no see. Thought you didn't love us anymore. ^_^

We have an edibles thread going where we discuss all our veggies and fruits. So far for me, okay, but too much rain recently. Also, some critter ate my son's cuke plants down to nothing. Bummer.

Sue, RI(Zone 6a)

HaHa! The love is still there!!
Can't say the same for my internet service though! I get back on Dave's and my verizon service went kaput!
Sorry to hear about all the rain woes. My peppers and tomatoes are in a garden bed which has a gravel bed so the water drains off without leaving a muddy mess.

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