CLOSED: Show Us Yer Ugly Mug! (Mug Swap Reveal) Page 2

Well I managed to get my back to pop back into shape, the arm looks much better and does not hurt,, but my poor tummy looks AWFUL!! I have a 2 inch circular welt on my tummy.. Ralph smeared it with mud the let it dry then washed it the covered it in benadyll. So I am ok. Just looking bad. Land lords are going to spray for the yellow jackets tomarrow. Also they gave me a garden cart so I will not have to hand carry all the plants for now on!! So all is well here!!

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

glad to hear you are better!

Me Too!!!!!! ;-}

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Oh Elfie ..... bless your heart!!!! You'll do anything to get Ralphie to wait on you won't you????? LMBO All kidding aside, take care and hope you feel better tomorrow. And you got a garden cart out of the deal ....

Whitsett, NC(Zone 8a)

I checked the mailbox today, and there was a slip in it! I went into the apartment office, and there was actually a box to match the slip! (long story).

Here is a pic of what I received from Oldmansdarlin:

2 mugs (1 handle broke, but I've got some good adhesive for it!)
2 cans of pirouline cookies (one of which the contents of disappeared rather quickly!)
4 seed packets (my daughter has already decided which seeds are getting planted first!)

Thanks a bunch, Shelly!

Thumbnail by Syrumani
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

@ rvnsbrk - I received word that your super secret swapper shipped your package today. I have a DC number I will Dmail to you.

@ Froggies_girl - your package is also in transit.

How is everybody looking for shipping/receiving? I found my camera! I will post pics of my mugs AND of my possum.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Still looking for mine. Have a couple more stores to check out for what I want. If I can't find what I'm looking for, will have to change my idea.

Got everything, got it all boxed up, went to print lable and found out I have no paper. Ralph is bringing me paper tonight. So mine gets mailed tomarrow...

Clifton, TX(Zone 8a)

Syrumani - So glad you finally received the package. I'm so sorry that a mug was broken. I wish the USPS would be more careful with packages. Hope you enjoy.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Aw Elf - one thing after another it seems.

How are your sinuses? I am hoping you are feeling better. :)

I am taking benadryl and a sinus med too. The sting /bites on my tummy are now infected somehow. So Ralph wants me to stay in the house. I AM BORED!!. I will have stuff todo tomarrow, just need to get past today. Do you have any idea how hard it is to move around in an 25ft RV with 6 to 8 boxes half to fully packed to be sent out to folks??? I had to open 4 back up cause they had plants and I wanted to mist / water them agin before they went out, and some will now have to wait till Monday so as not to sit in the PO for the weekend...

I have a Doc appointment on the 11th of July and I am going to talk to her about all these new sinus problems,,,sigh.. I just want to be able to go outside with out getting bit, getting a rash, or getting all clogged up. Is that so much to ask for!! DARN IT. I want to play in the garden.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm shaking my head for you because I know how you feel. A little. I had the sinus thing really bad this spring. To the doctor's office 3x - no infection but ears, sinuses, nose, eyes. Ugh. So that kept me from starting the garden. Of course my stupid hand injury. And the mosquitoes are so bad from the wet spring I actually get bruised where they git me!

I must say that having ALL of that at one time just don't seem fair. Wish there was something we could do to help. At least you have internet! Wow - remember when you were heading there and thought you wouldn't? Geez. So you're not cut off from the world.

You can get through another boring day. I guess if you try real hard. :D

We love you!!!


Thanks Amanda, You have become a good friend and better yet a truely funny one!! I will (sigh....) struggle though this day. What a whiner I am,,lol

Just think tomarrow I will be able to play with my Polymer Clay. I ordered some molds and clay it all came in yesterday morning and I was going to start some projects and realized I need talcum powder. So it is on the list of things for Ralph to bring home tonight. We have decided that I need a car. I have not had my own car since 2009, but I am wanting to get out more now and it is just a pain to wait for Ralph to take me anywhere. He drives a Stick Shift truck that is ancient and horrible to ride in,, much less drive, so we are going to find me one with Air Conditioning and Automatic Transmission. Preferabley a larger suv or a truck, other than that I am not Oh well I guess it needs to run too.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Been there, done that stepping over boxes in our RV that were waiting in the wings to mail..... fun, isn't it? lol Seriously, you have got to get yourself healed up so you can have some quality gardening time. While you're waiting for a new car, is there any chance someone in the campground could take you with them when they run errands? Several of us used to do that and was a great way to make new friends and get to know our neighbors better.

Just a reminder folks...the PO is closed Monday for Independence Day.

This one's for you, Carole :)

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Due to the vacation, the weather and my need to catch up on some evidently very needed sleep (dreaming I was napping, while I was napping - unfortunately, it doesn't give you double the sleep) I have yet to send my buddy's box out. It will go first thing Tuesday - I promise! Right now we are in severe weather warnings, so hopefully they don't get thrown around the yard tonight...

My box goes out tomarrow. I packed boxes all day, I am filthy, sweaty and I stink!!! But I am so proud to say I finished up some long overdo shipping. I sent out one more over 1 year old package. Sigh.. I am slowly catching up on everyone I owe. I have a long list yet to go, but I will finish it by the end of Summer. Thank goodness it is not all plants. I have stuff to make and send out too.

Fruity, several folks have already offered to take me any where I would like to go. I just hate to impose,,lol. And a new car will get here sooner or later.. not in any real big

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

Good grief - Thank you Mud - it is Friday today, isn't it...I may get it out tomorrow then. I will do my best :)

Minnesippi,, just call me Elfie,, everyone else does...heehee.. And yes it is FRIDAY....

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Your mini mug o' plants (or would that be cuppa plants?) looks good, Susan. I hope the other Jovis are getting established too. Remember, there are lots more where those came from. I would offer to provide a bunch of them for the tea cup project at the KYRU, Elfie, but due to circumstances beyond my control, I am often MIA so hate to promise something that there is at least a 50/50 chance wouldn't make it to that shindig. I'm just hoping I make it. ^_^

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

I my mug box yesterday!!!! My buddy was our intrepid hostess with the mostest Amanda. She sent me a lovely mug that says "Sunshine" all over it. That reminded me of my Grandpa always singing the song "You Are My Sunshine" to me when I was a little itty bitty girlie. Then she sent a beautiful cearmic planter with little ladybugs and bees all over it. I have just the little plant to go in there. Also some ladybug plant clips, one of which I have already used this morning to attach a lily to a stake. Those little things are going to come in very handy and I'm not sure why I didn't think of using those clips on things before this. I also got a smiley face bag that has a bunch of little smiley goodies in it that shall remain hidden as some of them may find other uses. There was also a nice book on aging and why we have gray hair and saggy boobs. I can't thank you enough for that insight my sweet friend. :)))) I will get even you can count on that. Hee Hee..

Neener, the gray one...

Thumbnail by rvnsbrk
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Well done, Amanda. Nice box, Juanita. ^_^

Neener,, I will be seeing her in September,, ya wants I should woop up on her for ya??

(Barb) Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

Great job Amanda. I love the planter with the ladybugs. It looks very delicate....

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I wanted to fill the boxes with chocolate but with the heat . . .. well you know. Neener told me to make her smile, and I think I accomplished the mission.

Neener - that's so cool! My Nana used to sing that to me too (could be a Pennsylvania thing?). It is my very favorite song, and I loved the mug so much I bought 2. I think of her every time I hear the song and now use my mug. You can see my sunshine mug pictured on the first Mug Swap thread. :)

Loveya. I'm glad you had a laugh.


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Well, I was out in the yard awhile ago and it appears that the 'Wilson Spider' DL is sending up buds, Debbie. Wow! What is not to love about a flower that you dug early, cut off most of the leaves, mailed, and it got planted in the heat and blazing sun of a Southern summer ... and it's already sending up buds?? Just gotta love that!! ^_^

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Amen to that Carole. I can't believe the daylilies I got at the RU are still blooming. Some of them didn't look too great by the time I got them planted, but they are kicking butt. Love it when something doesn't have to be babied.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I am so with you on that! Tired of babying things. :(

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Grinning with you, Neener, about your Smiley goodies. My Mom used to sing that song to me and I used to sing it to my sweet Pug. So what's the deal, you're not going to hang up your jugs.....I mean your mugs?

The cuppa is in my newest mini Friendship garden and used the recycled Zen-like planter you gave me that had the Palm, Manda, which by the way has shot up a new frond. See the succulents you gave me, and yours too Carole and there's also some in there from huggergirl. Clumps of Tri-Colored Sedum in two of the corners, Elfie, are yours, waiting for their journey to KY.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Nice planter! And I just knew you would be the perfect foster mom for the palm. I am so glad. :)

I also see the plant that looked like the brain in the upper left corner. Mine is sending off a mini-brain shoot. I could use some extra brains.

Ladies for some reason today just dragged its arse (can I say arse too?) and would not end! The heat, methinks, kept me inside and had a bit of cabin fever. Got so much done yesterday, but just skulked around inside from the heat. O well.

Got to go feed that possum.

Night y'all.


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Cool planter there, Fruity. Right up my alley. ^_^

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Now isn't that a nifty little deal the Fruitopia. Love it!!

I am a fan of your planter too!!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Great stuff everyone!

Victoria Harbour, ON

Keep losing you office said that come Monday I will be able to put my box in the apologies to my swap buddy..who would have know the entire country would close down and have a cuppa coffee or tea for a month or so...

YOU have not been forgotten, feel badly but come Friday it will be in the mail and will send as quickly as possible..

Post office says my box was delivered today...

Victoria Harbour, ON

How are you doing Elf..enjoying your new surroundings butk missing the grandchildren?

Hey Betty,, Yes loving the new place!!
I am still working on setting up everything the way I would like it!!
Yes missing Goober and Gryphon. Long story there. I have been missing you too.... Please send Shirley and the others my love.

Thumbnail by
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

You know I have to tease you, Betty, if the Royal Wedding Couple's visit just might have had anything to do with you post offices re-opening?

Looking good to me, Elfie. What more do you need?!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh .......... home sweet home. ^_^

I need a break from the heat and humidity for 3 days and then I can finish all the big projects I have to do,,,lol

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