CLOSED: Show Us Yer Ugly Mug! (Mug Swap Reveal) Page 2

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

We came from here:

. . . the first annual (!?) super secret mug swap. :D

This thread is for swappeees to show what they got from their super secret swapper!

Here is a list of our swappeeeees and - - - - - - - - - - > swappers:

AmandaEsq - - - - - - - - - < Neener (Juanita)/ Froggies_girl(Julie)
irisluvr0252 - - - - - - - - - < Susan/FOYV
Cville_Gardener - - - - - - - - - - < Debbie/irisluvr0252
abbisgranma - - - - - - - - - < Mud_Elf/Kris, Ralph, Gryphon and Goober
taters55 - - - - - - - - - < minnesippi
Quilter5bdsr - - - - - - - - - < Mittsy
rvnsbrk - - - - - - - - < AmandaEsq
roserairie - - - - - - - - - - <
Crit - - - - - - - - - - <
froggies_girl - - - - - - - - <
mittsy - - - - - - - - - - - < jsxtiger
FruitOfTheVine - - - - - - - - - - < Cville_Gardener
minnesippi - - - - - - - - - <
Syrumani - - - - - - - - - - < oldmansdarlin
jsxtiger - - - - - - - - - - - - <
Bettypauze - - - - - - - - - - - <
oldmansdarlin - - - - - - - - - < roserarie
Mud_Elf - - - - - - - - - - < Taters55
Neener - - - - - - - - - - < AmandaEsq

It has been so much fun already, and there's more to come! Stay tuned as folk start receiving coffee, tea, or crafty mugs and perhaps an assorted goodie or two.

Update: We have pushed the ship date back to Monday, June 20, but not later than June 30 please.

Thanks!!! :)


Image courtesy of Rhonda Elpers:

This message was edited Jul 10, 2011 11:19 PM

Thumbnail by AmandaEsq
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the new thread. Love that mug!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

I beez here. What's left of me anyway. 100% humidity today. Worked outside doing mulch this morning. I'm also making my first batch of yogurt in the dehydrator. So far it doesn't seem to be working. Conflicting directions in the literature. Oh well...nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks, A, and just in time for me to easily load a picture of the contents of my Mug Swap box from Debbie/irisluvr0252. It just landed and is it ever wonderful ... perfect and personal! Fits just about every adjective like that I know. ^_^ Thank you so much, girl, it really is perfect and I am delighted.

Soooo, here's my box:
***Two very large clear glass cups/mugs -- now if those won't be just perfect for the amount of tea and coffee I sometimes drink and perfect for curling up with a good book or magazine ...

***and the coffee and tea to go in them, of course ... Raspberry Scone ground coffee and Republic of Tea Orange Spice Green Tea. Wonderful!!

***along with a package of shortbread cookies (the kind made with REAL butter),

And for the kicker ...
***7 huge 'Surprise Lily' bulbs. Now here's the thing Debbie didn't know, but if I had to pick the one plant on my WantList that I most wanted right now, it would be the Surprise Lilies!! Blew me away!!!!!

***Yet more ... a nice, big 'Wilson Spider" Daylily ... another choice from my list and the first daylily of that color combination I've gotten for the "purple and chartreuse" garden area I'm working on.

Well, I about fell over when I opened this box. Sort of gave me goosebumps because on the way home from the store awhile ago I saw some gorgeous lilies and started thinking about the Surprise Lilies and how much I wanted some.

Again, thank you so much. Talk about making someone's day. You surely did make mine. ^_^

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

That is sooo awesome! And the surprise lilies - someone out there in the cosmos was picking up your vibe. Neat. See, I'm working on that whole "manifest your destiny" thing. I keep imagining me winning the lottery, but I hear you have to play to win. Hmmm.

Thanks for all your hard work Debbie in putting together such a super swap box. ;)


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Yah, those cups/mugs she sent each hold 16 ounces of liquid (2 C) although the size is difficult to tell in the picture ... so that gives you some idea of the size of the bulbs next to them.

The mugs will be great for soup in the winter too. I've become fond of clear glass because you get to see the colorful contents.

Happy dance! ♥♥♥

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sounds like Your going to have a bunch of pretty blooms next year!

Nice job Debbie!

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Wellllllll, I will have to say I did some homework and checked your 'want' list! Those surprise lilies are from my grandma's yard and have been around quite a long time! If you want more.....I know where to get them! I'm sure they were handed down to her from her family somewhere along the line. She passed away in 1981 and we have moved most of them to either my yard, my sister's or my mom's. My mom passed away last year so now we are moving all her plants to my yard, my sister's yard and my niece's yard. I love the Wilson Spider daylily......hope it does well for you! I hope the tea and coffee are as good as they sound! And those cookies are a must with tea! (I had a note all ready to go in the box and darn if it didn't get all taped up before I put the note in!) :(

Oh well, Enjoy!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

LOL ... I've done that myself. Everything is just perfect, Debbie, really. And even though you checked my Wants list, it didn't say which plant I wanted the most. So that's the very special part of it all. I'm such a hopeless something-or-other. ^_^

Yes, this should be an annual swap. I'll vote for that!!

Mammy CyMo

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

What a wonderful and thoughtful box, Carole.
You must have had your detective hat on, Debbie. I never thought to check your wants :)

Anywho, somebody clue me in. I'm growing several hybrid Lilies but want to know.....what is a Susprise Lily?

This message was edited Jun 22, 2011 9:36 PM

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

A surprise lily is a lily you get in a secret swap when you weren't expecting one.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm gonna get you for that!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Groan ... everyone is a comedian. ^_^

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

LOL! In the spring when the daffs are up and blooming, the surprise lily (magic lily, naked ladies) will send up a nice bunch of wide daff looking leaves. Those die down and the in July/August, almost overnight, a nice stem with a pink lily bloom appears......a surprise bloom!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Oh naked ladies....I have those. Never heard them called Surprise Lilies before but that makes sense. The leaves on mine just died back and I covered it all with mulch. Can't wait for the blooms to appear. Wonder if they have any naked men plants??? Hmmm....

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)


Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

now that would be scary! :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Well, I won't post a picture here, but if you google an image for pecker peppers, you will be very surprised!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


anyway. :D

It has come to pretty much everyone's attention that postal service to/from Canada is suspended indefinitely.

We have some participants who are swapping across the border. YOU know who you are. :D

If you have already let your swappee know then I think it's okay to share here too. We will hold the swap thread open until everyone's trade is complete. I hear some more folks are thinking of hand delivery. Thanks for all your ingenuity!!!

Have a great day!!!


(Barb) Manchester, NH(Zone 5a)

My buddy is Betty and she knows I'm holding her mug. I am visiting her in Aug but if the strike ends soon and I feel confident she will get ALL that I put in her box then I will mail it sooner....Customs can also hold packages for quite a while!!!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Neener Neener Neeeener:

I got your package yesterday, but I haven't been able to find my camera cord to upload the pics. :P

Neener sent me THREE mugs. But I only have two hands!

* The first one has a picture of a lizard which says, "No, I'm not a morning person. Why do you ask?" That's perfect because my iguana is really NOT a morning person. We all love that mug. :)

* The second mug is a little taller than a regular size mug and also has a picture of an iguana on it. It says: "Godzilla don't need no stinkin' sunscreen!" Hee - I washed it out and started using it immediately. ;)

* The third mug is a very pretty delicate white mug with a picture of a kitty looking up at a birdie in a holly tree. Neener said she fired that one herself. That's why I will never use it and always keep it in the hutch with mom's fiesta ware. ;)

She "also" sent a bag of Godiva "chocolate truffle" ground coffee which I promptly opened and will have to hoard because Court is away on family vacation and can't have any. :D

- And second bag of sumatra blend medium roast whole beans from Mayorga - has a picture of a tiger on it - ROAARR!!! I have never tried this coffee so I'm eager!

- AND a chocolate coated butter cookie from Ritter sport which felt like a gel pack when it arrived. Neener - 2 hours in the freezer, I peeled that wrapper off and ate that sucker for dinner!!!

- AND the BEST part is a playing-card sized famous autographed card with 2 iguanas on it which says "Iguana be your friend forever." Precious! Thank you sweetie - you truly are a crafty gal. You have inspired me to want to go back to painting and making things. So far I only have inspiration but nothing to show for it.

I love everything you sent. My mug closet is alive and slithering! Will edit this post and add snaps later. ;)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Can't wait to see your mugs! I take it you have an iguana? Would like to see him too please?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I have a confession to make. I screwed up. Sort of. Don't hate me!!! Here goes:

Hee - well when I was drawing names for everybody it was truly random. I don't know how else to draw names except to write them down and pull from "the hat."

Well, I kept pulling those names and as I was pulling Fruity's name I said, "one for you, two for me." I swear that's how it happened!!!

So I have 2 not-so-secret swap buddies. I didn't realize until after I ate Neener's chocolate bar that someone might be confused by that (besides me).

I am sending 2 packages. I might (!?) therefore receive two packages. If you have questions please direct them to my people by Dmail.

Thanks in advance for your understanding - you all know how it is between Fruity and me. :/


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Pictures of Rita the lovely lizard lady...

Thumbnail by AmandaEsq
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


Thumbnail by AmandaEsq
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


Thumbnail by AmandaEsq
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Last one:

Thumbnail by AmandaEsq
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Wow, that iguana is huge! How old is it?
I have made the same mistake, and had to sent out more D-mails to correct it. But usually caught before anyone sent out packages.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

I got a wonderful box of goodies from Minnesippi/Stephanie today! Wow, another box stuffed full of cups and goodies! First of all I have to say I am sorry, as my computer crashed, and I can't post pictures for a few days. I am using. Y iPad, and I can't get pictures from here.

OK for the first mug, I guess she heard that things in Texas are bigger, and I got this huge mug planter. Next is a beautiful turquoise coffee cup, with several bags of coffee. I have McGarvey's English toffee coffee, Archer farms fair trade Tierra del sol, and French vanilla. A bottle of vanilla for flavoring the coffee. A bunch of biscotti cookies/biscuits? Very good... A box of Godiva chocolate covered strawberries, a garden gnome holding a rain gauge, and a very beautiful glass garden flag with a hummer on it!
I promise to post pictures as soon as I get the new computer this week end.
Stephanie, if you have pictures please post them?
And thanks again for the wonderful package, nothing was broken, it all arrived in tip top shape!

brainerd, MN(Zone 4a)

WOW! You got it already?!!? That's great! Im glad everything arrived safely! I did not take pictures :(

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

That all sounds great, Linda and Steph! Looking forward to the picture. ^_^

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Love those biscotti's! Yummy! I'll have one of the coffee's in the morning.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Awesome box of goodies! Nice job minnesippi!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

This is the first thread I've checked today and am already rolling. OMG LK! Google is my home page and just had to check the infamous pepper. I don't know what a glass garden flag is, but the glass nut in me has to have one!

Ewww, Amanda, I guess beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. What does an Iguana's skin feel like? Or do I really want to know 0:)

Guess you can tell I don't know much of nuttin' this week and have more questions than quips...Surprise Lilies, Nakes Ladies, ? naked men plants -- oh Neener, one that comes to mind is Amorphophallus titanum. Google

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Well, what I am calling a glass garden flag, is a little metal shepherds hook, with about a 3 inch round piece of glass with a hummer in the middle.
I will get pictures as soon as I can get my new computer bought and set up. Hopefully Saturday.

(jax) Dundalk, MD(Zone 7a)

...........did the lizard have on a pamper?????? i jist glance, got bailey's in the eye!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Yes Amanda, lovely Rita IS HUGE! I don't think I would want one as a pet, but to each his own. I had chameleons when I was a kid, but that was as big as I go with dinasaurs. My sister had a little collar with a chain for hers that she could pin to her should and let it crawl around.

Great boxes everyone. Mine will be out before the deadline, I promise. Keep looking for something but have not been able to find it. :-( May have to go another way.

uuugggg,, GOOBER broke the mug I had set out to pack!! Now I got to find another one,,,whaaaaa

Clifton, TX(Zone 8a)

well, I sent my package out on the 9th and have not seen a comment from my secret swapper yet as to whether she received it yet. Do I Dmail her and ask if she received it or what do I do?

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