help finding a Honeysuckle variety?

Greenwich, NY

Hi! Just joined and looking forward to learning from all of you. I am searching for "American Beauty" honeysuckle. Have tried the web and found one place in Florida but they dont seem to have it in their on-line catalogue. Can anyone help?
I was walking down a sidewalk in Cambridge, MA, peering at people's gardens and this plant stopped me dead in my tracks...I am pretty sure that this was the variety (it was pale peachy pink and pale yellow), though if I am wrong I hope someone will tell me before I waste money on the wrong plant!!
Many thanks

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Welcome, Little River Farm. You're bound to enjoy it here.

I didn't find 'American Beauty' but Plant Files has many photos so check them out and maybe it's known by another name:

Hope you find the one you want.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Welcome Little River...nothing by that name in plant files but I did find one with that name. ^_^

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Seems all by that name are only in Europe
this one at Big Dipper looks very similar
Lonicera brownii 'Dropmore Scarlet'

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