Rooting a coppertina ninebark?

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Was hoping someone here could help me. Deer or rabbits or something, broke a couple of branches off my coppertina ninebark. It is a relatively new plant, put in last year, and the critters pruned it severely then, but it is rebounding nicely, albeit still small. I'm wondering if it is possible to root the branches that they broke off, and what suggestions anyone might have on how to go about attempting this? Any advice or suggestions would be great! Thanks!!

Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

I don't know if they can be rooted or not this time of year. But if you want to propagate it you can stick new wood cuttings in the ground this fall or winter after the rains set in and the ground will stay wet till Spring. I rooted Summer Wine that way last year and plan to do Coppertina and Dart's Gold this year.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Wonder how that will work here, when everything freezes really hard? Be worth a try! I love it, and would love to have more for free, lol!

Christiana, TN(Zone 6b)

It gets below 10 here sometimes. I don't thnk freezing harder will make a difference but I could be wrong. Nothing to lose by trying, hey?

Burien, WA(Zone 7b)

I have rooted cuttings of a coppertina before. Don't remember what time of year it was though. But I did want to share, when the first new leaves came out they were green not red. So it took a little bit of time for them to turn that coppery shade, just in case you see this when you try it.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Thanks for the info, HydroPinke! Guess that I didn't notice that before with mine, so appreciate that info! Will try rooting and see how it goes.

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