fragrant peonies ?

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

Thank you Sally. You are very funny!

I use epsom salts on my roses in the spring, in April, when everything is breaking dormancy. I've always understood that to be the ideal time. But perhaps someone has anothere thought?

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Nope, no such luck on peonies getting into the ground yet, just finished filling in open areas in the border and planting 650 iris, still have about 600 to plant yet. Just finished rototilling up my backyard and another open area for the iris. Was going to begin planting today but am sitting a sick gkid today so will have to begin tomorrow. Fingers are still crossed for planting weather to hold yet. PLEASE< PLEASE

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

sorry part of post got lopped off. Over in Cottage Gardening forum there is a seed swap we are looking for more to join, and there is also a discussion of seeds that can be started outdoors. If interested please come on over. Kathy

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Grin :o)

Breaking dormacy sounds right. I used to bury banana peels around the roses but really couldn't tell if they did much. Maybe I didn't bury enough. I am going to make an effort to try the salts. This summer I managed to get them, a gallon jug and measuring spoon to the garage. That's as far as I went, LOL!

I hope your Grandkid gets over whtever he/she has. There was flu reported in the middle of our state.

Are you in business with the iris? I would love to see pictures of sections of them blooming. (Excuse my brain if you said so earlier in a post :o)

We're getting one more beautiful day today. I forgot to look at the extended forcast, but it must be Indian Summer.

I'll check out the swap if I find time. I love cottage gardens! Thanks!

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

I also put super triple phosphate at the bottom of planting holes upon installation. The reason I do this is that this particular substance does not travel well through the soil. I read this advice years ago and I forget the reasoning, but my roses have rocked with this addition. Maybe the American Rose Society? They have good advice when they are not suggesting that, because of the fertilization and disease preventions they recommend, that you need to wear full body coverage for application to your plants (I kid you not!)

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b) not in business. Just got some great deals, Did several trades for such this summer, then bought some online (named so I could do some trading next year), then I found an add on Craig's list (10 for $1, just couldn't pass that one up, got 400ish), then I made the mistake of thinking I had enough time to dig my established ones out and move to outside of fenced area, found out the d

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

ooops. deer don't bother the iris. Often thought about starting a business of cut your own flowers but decided I don't want anyone else traipsing through my garden. Thought about me doing the cutting or cottage bouquets and I'm not sure yet. Still putting the garden together and have to see how things mature. Problem with selling the iris, most are unnamed, people want named, . as a cut flower might work, just thinking of different ideas that could become a business. I would like to try cottage bouquets in a few years, thats if I could find anyone to buy them and not for $10 or $20, I know there are people doing it. Like I say am still exploring ideas. Kathy.

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

For a while there I kept phosphate on hand. Then I took a break from ordering flowers for a few years and am sure I'm out now. Next year I HOPE to get started lifting and improving the soil around the neediest plants first. Last year the weather didn't cooperate and everything got too big to deal with. Not to mention being ready to bloom. I didn't want to dig up then. AND, my compost pile was sooo added to, it never had time to break down. Next year I hope to see some wonderful new dirt!

That gave me the biggest grin! You boldly went where I would like to go! Oh, the blooms will be wonderful! You would have a good business in cut flowers, but I agree, you cut the bouquets yourself. A Farmer's Market is the place to sell. DD's MIL would cut small sunflowers, from the sunflower seed kind, and people bought all she brought. Country Gardens sells Glads. He keeps them in buckets of water and has a successful Market spot too.

Awesome pictures! The first is so serene! The second dizzying!

My compost pile this fall. The plant is catnip. I was going to pull it till I saw how much the bees liked it. It's almost too potent for my cats. One almost gets sick after a little of it.

Thumbnail by billyporter
Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

The house I am moving to, and installing plants in, has a very well established compost set-up. I'm thrilled. No more buying compost, or even getting it free off-site.


Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

That in itself is a selling point with me, LOL!!

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

They have several compost piles and one of those composting tumbler. And they produce tons of leaf mulch as well. Thet are organic gardiners who produce tons of veggies every year. I am really looking forward to gardening there. I may buy the house in a few years, if Asheville doesn't beckon too much!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

This place sounds like Heaven to me :o)

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

It really is wonderful. I can't wait to move in. Today I installed chasmanthium (Northern Sea Oats) in an area that gets quite a bit of shade, and Peony Moonstone in a sunny area. Almost all of my peonies are showing buds, which makes it really easy to determine the proper height. The northern sea oats had spread a bit around the yard, making it easy to get a couple of nice clumps.

They also have raspberry plants (about ten!) I have learned how to prune them in spring. But I am considering putting one big thornless rose in the rear center of a veggie bed. Zephinrine Droughin, I think. Here it is this past year at my house. So fragrant!!!

Thumbnail by DonnaMack
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

I love it that you are able to move so many plants to your new place. I would cry a river if I had to leave it all behind.
You will love snacking on the raspberries! I wish I could find a non spreading kind. I'd love to freeze a bunch each year!

The rose would look awesome in the middle, and you couldn't help but appreciate it, or smell it!

We are getting the rain today! I am so glad because the pine trees need to go into winter, well watered.

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

Yes to the rain! It's coming down now.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)


Dahlonega, GA

Brrrrrrr !It's cold . Only 51 , but the wind off the water cuts right through .

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

PLEASE - give me 51. It's 37! And windy!!!!!!

Oh, but then you are in Georgia. I'll bet 51 feels worse for you than 37 does for me. Poor baby.

Dahlonega, GA

No, I'm on the coast in Texas .Summer is for Georgia .

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)


Merry Christmas!

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

A heat wave here! 40 every day! Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

44* here too :o)

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)


Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Sunny skies this morning will become overcast during the afternoon. High 44F. Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph.

We have a fairly mild week ahead. I do hope it snows tho. I want that snow cover!

Elgin, IL(Zone 5a)

Some of my plants in the garage are pumping out new growth. I threw perennials in there I didn't have time to put in the ground. At this rate I'll divide them by spring!

Dahlonega, GA

Supposed to get down to 40° tonight

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

FINALLY found the card with notes on it re the wonderfully scented peonies! Only took almost a year...LOL. Here they are: Pink Derby, Le' Charme and Festiva Max

Dahlonega, GA

Where is the picture Chantell ?

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL I hadn't bought them so sadly no seriously considering it though come the Greenspring sale this spring... Have any of you heard of these peonies?

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