Very Sad

Dayton, OH

I have lost 4 of my beautiful new Clematis's this year, and I think it was because of the heat.

Athens, PA

Rosey -

keep watering them. They may show up next year.

Dayton, OH

Thanks Carolyn, I'm glad I didn't dig them and throw them away, if there's a chance of them coming back next year.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

You may see some new stems emerge when your weather cools down. I hope so!

Dayton, OH

Thanks Pirl, that's really nice of you for your concern.
Hope you and your garden are doing fine

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I just don't want people digging up what they think is a dead clematis. Though I don't know the reason often clematises (especially new ones) go into hiding for a year and I had one that showed not a bit of green for two years and is now a lush plant. Maybe it's transplant shock or weather or some other reason but with their small footprints they hardly take up enough space to warrant digging up what may turn out beautiful at some future date.

Keep the faith!

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Pirl is absolutely right on this! Please don't give up on them yet! We bought this house 5 years ago, and last year I found a clem that the previous owners had planted! Had never grown before, but after 4 years it showed up! It's back again this year, so am hoping it blooms this year so I can tell what color it is at least, lol!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the reinforcement!

I hope it blooms for you - it's time!

Northeast, IL(Zone 5b)

I have a clematis I thought was dead, that came back this year! I am anxiously awaiting blooms, because I have put two blue clems in that spot over the past few years and both "died". So I need a few blooms to identify which one came back. I do recall feeding the spot where it/they had been planted this spring, just in case. Don't give up yet, in fact if it doesn't grow back this year, wait a year or even two before planting anything else in the same place.

Dayton, OH

Thanks everyone I will give it a try. the weather has cooled down for a while and we did get some rain today, so my Clematis's should have more of a chance now.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Good Luck! Don't give up, I would bet that they will be back! :-)

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Don't give up. I had one missing for 2 years. Finally showed it's little self and made a very nice clematis. Water and keep it marked so you know where it's planted. As long as you planted them correctly and watered well they should be fine. If you had a mole or something digging in the ground that ate the crown it may be a problem but I wouldn't think that happened to all of them.

After 2 years I couldn't stand it and dug gently around the missing clematis. There it was - so I just covered it back up and waited. They are tricky some times. Don't give up.


Dayton, OH

Thanks Kathy, I did notice one of them might be coming back. I thought I saw some new growth on it yesterday.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Just yesterday I spotted one inch of my original Omoshiro! I'm grateful regardless of the size.

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