Newport Plum help

Portage, WI(Zone 5a)

I had 3 at one time, down to one now. Put up a rabbit fence and the deer get them. Put up a rabbit fence and a cage for the deer and mice get them. Sigh. Ok, one lost the top and I cut if off leaving the 2 foot trunk standing. Now, it has sprouted out both green and red twigs. Looks like a small bush. Are Newport Plums grafted? Is the green from the root stock? Should I trim all but one red twig and hope it becomes a leader and into a new tree, or not? Maybe I should just give up on this one.

Sault Ste. Marie, Canada

I believe most plums are grafted (the native Great Lakes plums excepted; Canada and American plums) - should see graft union at soil level - suckers originating from or below the graft union should be removed - hopefully some of the suckers you mentioned have originated above the graft union in the 2 foot stem remaining. Regarding rodent issues, I would purchase some guards that slip around the tree bole (about 2 feet long) - deer proofing is another issue... lol

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