partial sun clematis

Pittsburgh, PA

does one exist?
give me hints, please

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Nelly Moser is the first one that comes to my mind. It does very well here growing by a stump with each side gets half sun and half shade.

How much sun or shade does the area get?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Here's a list I saved for partial shade clematises but you should still investigate each one just to be sure of what it can handle:

Bees Jubilee
Belle of Woking
Arctic Queen
Debbie Fischer
Duchess of Edinburgh
Etoile Rose
Florida Sieboldii
Kakio Pink Champagne
Kardynal Wyszynski
Miss Bateman
Multi Blue
Nelly Moser
Rouge Cardinal
Will Goodwin

Taylorsville, KY

I have Lemon Chiffon in pretty heavy shade and it does very well. It took a couple years to mature but now it grows and blooms very well. It is one reason I picked it -- the description from where I got it (Song Sparrow) said it tolerated shade. It has nice big leaves too and it never gets brown leaves or wilt. I would highly recommend it. kim

Athens, PA

Janet -

Chalk Hill put together a list of clematis that will grow in part shade or on a north facing wall. Here is a link to that listing......

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Maine, United States(Zone 5b)

I was just coming to post a similar question. How would you guys define "partial" shade? I have an area of what I will call "bright shade" basically gets little to no sun yet feels very bright...not dense shade. The only light that hits it is filtered through the high branch of a pine towering near this area.

I put up a trellis along our wooden fence that gives me a few more feet above the fence line- my goal is to screen out the neighbor's driveway, which I have wanted to do for years. I can't plant anything large, like a tree, because of the large pine roots in that area, but I could probably get a vine in there somewhere.

Of the available shade tolerant vine perennials, many have berries that are toxic to dogs, which I can't risk. I know Clematis is toxic too, but I notice that the foliage is higher up on the stems and since they have no berries, I'm less worried about I can fence it off from my dog a bit.

I don't even care if I get great blooming- I just want something that will cover the trellis in green fairly quickly in the Spring (doesn't have to cover it in one season). I like the Clematis idea because of the more delicate foliage...I 'm not really looking for a big thick hedge of something up there- just a thin veil of green would be good enough.

Do you guys think a Clematis could work there? (Hi Pirl!)

New Hampshire, NH(Zone 5b)

Silver moon takes a lot of shade. I have two planted in an area that gets some dappled sunlight but very little direct sun.

Thumbnail by SongsofJoy
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Pretty, Christina!

Claire de Lune, also known as Blue Moon, also performs well without much direct sunshine.

Considering the height of the trees you mentioned, Colleen, I'd go with a montana of almost any kind to give quick coverage and no pruning is needed.

Maine, United States(Zone 5b)

Thanks, ladies. I found a nice Claire de Lune at a local place and planted it in a slightly different location, but close to the trellis. I think (and hope) it will do well there. Still mulling over my options for that fence trellis. I might see how Claire de Lune does and then decide what to try on the trellis.

Pembroke, MA(Zone 6a)

Here's my Silver Moon Clematis in partial shade (photo taken in sun):

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