What is this tree?

Louisville, KY

This tree is in a cemetery in Louisville KY. There is no identification sign or tag, and I haven't found anything on the net to id. it.

The close range picture is the branch on the in the longer range picture. It almost looks as if it's infester with cobras, I assume the "cobras" are immature cones.

Thumbnail by JHarp
Louisville, KY

Reply to add second image which I think is necessary for an identification.

Thumbnail by JHarp
Northumberland, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Lebanon Cedar Cedrus libani. Not possible to determine which variety (Atlas, Lebanon or Turkish), but in KY most likely Turkish (Cedrus libani var. stenocoma; zone 6 hardy) as that is hardier and better able to cope with the KY climate than the other two (zone 7 hardy).

The green cone is immature but developing well (it is full size, and will be ripe in October), the smaller brown cones are aborted, likely due to poor pollination (from absence of other cedars nearby to pollinate it).


Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Agree with Resin - most Cedrus species of any size around Louisville (or Bernheim Arboretum, or Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati - home to some additional handsome specimens) are attributed to Cedrus libani var. stenocoma.

By the way - welcome to the Plant ID forum, from a fellow Kentuckian who just happens to work for your Louisville parks department. I assume that tree you've portrayed is at Cave Hill Cemetery? They've got more than a few nice trees there.

Louisville, KY

Thank you Resin and ViburnumValley. So could this be a descendant of the trees used to build the Pharaoh's ships and other things mentioned in long ago history?

ViburnumValley, you are correct, the tree is at Cave Hill, and it is a beautiful place with many fine trees. Actually I haven't seen it myself, but my wife volunteers to take photos of grave markers there for people who request them. She noticed that tree and thought it was unusual, so she took some photos and asked me what it was, and I didn't know. I'll go along one of these days and take a look at it, I'm always curious about trees and plants, and nature in general.

I volunteered in the nursery and greenhouse dept. at Bernheim Forest for several years, but have had to give it up because of back problems. Just can't do the stoop labor for any length of time without paying for it in pain.

Resin; I noticed you are in zone 9a. Is there an ocean current which brings warmer weather to the region? I'm not terribly familiar with the geography of the British Isles, but it seems I remember that London is farther north than Louisville.


Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

Resin is long in bed by now, but he'll no doubt inform you that he gets to wave at the Arctic Circle daily, and then thumb his nose at it, too, while enjoying the benefits of the Gulf Stream that we send to him.

If you still have a hankering for horticultural endeavors (despite your painful Bernheim experience), please contact us over at Metro Parks or the Olmsted Parks Conservancy. I know of quite a few ways that you might find satisfaction while providing benefit to the community - and not have to come away in pain.

Ask for the landscape architect tree guy when you call...

Louisville, KY

Thanks for the invite, but I don't think I'd better take on any outside activity now. I have a large lot with a fair sized vegetable garden, and several flower and ornamental gardens (more like jungles). I have grape vines, black raspberries, and a few blueberry bushes, so keeping things in shape around here is about all I can manage since I can't stick with it the way I used to.

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