Pandurata 2011

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Should have blooms any day now. I can't help it that I get so excited when pandy blooms, just a sight to see. :-) In the meantime, heres one of my favorite pics from last yr.

Thumbnail by patootie
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

I like this one too with the Youjiro blending. Helena, your blue no id looks a lot like this Youjiro yaguruma. I purchased this mg pkt yrs ago from Parks as Mt Fuji Blue.

Thumbnail by patootie
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Last one for now.

Thumbnail by patootie
Gautier, MS

Beautiful pictures of your Pandy Jackie. Also thanks for the ID.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Helena. I'm not sure the Youjiro is what you have growing but it does look a lot like mine.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jackie - Your pandys looked stunning with the contrasting Mt Fuji Blue last year! Are you growing another I. nil cultivar with your Pandys this year, too?

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Becky I have the blues coming back plus I have planted Tie Dye Pink and Wedding Bells. I may plant Red Picotee there which would be a nice contrast color.
Mine isn't a picotee and it isn't red but oh well, lol

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jackie - The nice thing about the Pandy's is they are white. And white goes with everything and makes a nice contrast to any other MGs that you grow with it! Sounds like it's going to be fabulous groupings again this year! Can't wait to see how the others will look with your Pandy!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Becky, the other colors are no where close to blooming. The blue Mt Fuji not has
made a few blooms on vines so short, they're no where near the fence yet, lol.
I'll just enjoy the pandy for now. This was the best pic today.

Thumbnail by patootie
Gautier, MS

Beautiful bloom Jackie of your Pandy. I'm happy yours is starting to bloom, mine has several blooms per day.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jackie - Great shot! I love the blooms on your Pandy's but I was looking at the foliage and it's an all around great vine! The foliage is just as beautiful! The pandy sprout from your seed is doing well, though I am sure it would do much better outdoors. I have to wait until a container becomes available. When an annual plant dies, then I have a container to put a new plant! It's musical containers here. LOL!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Helena and Becky.
Becky, I agree, just a great vine, foliage and flowers.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Pandy blooming everyday

Thumbnail by patootie
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

A little closer

Thumbnail by patootie
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Youjiro just starting up the fence toward the pandy

Thumbnail by patootie
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Why is it that when I crop, the resulting pic is in your face? Was just trying to remove the bottom half with the fencing and messy lvs on the ground

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jackie - Those blooms can be in my face any time! Love the photos your new camera is taking! Keep up the great job! Love your pandy! :-) And that Youjiro is going to be beautiful growing with it!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Becky. Pandy will open a bunch of blooms in the morning.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Pandy had some gorgeous blooms this morning.

Thumbnail by patootie
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jackie - Fabulous vine! What a winner! ♥

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Becky.

Gautier, MS

Your vine and blooms look good Jackie. I've been very pleased with mine too!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Helena. You can post your pandy pics to this thread if you want to. The more,
the better. :-)

Gautier, MS

I really like this vine and blooms too!

Thumbnail by helenahkh
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Great Pic Helena, of course you had a lovely subject, :-):-):-)

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I soooo need to get mine transplanted outdoors. I am waiting on a container to become available.

Jackie - This plant holds up and survives cold weather?

Gautier, MS

I can answer that for Mississippi Becky, yes I seen it growing and blooming along the road in spring even after a pretty cold winter!

Thumbnail by helenahkh
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Those are beautiful! Thanks Helena for that information. Works for me to grow them here as well. Just need a container ...

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Becky, yes Helenas right. The reason they survive is at the 1st sign of cold weather, the whole vine just disappears underground. It won't re-emerge here until it's
plenty warm outside, like mid to late April. It forms a large tuber underground, and as
long as the tuber doesn't freeze, the pandy will return in late spring.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

That's good news! Thanks for that info, Jackie! I know that they sure make beautiful vines! :-)

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)


Pandy doesn't take any bad photos, lol

Thumbnail by patootie
Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

One more from 6-29

Thumbnail by patootie
Gautier, MS

Jackie, Beautiful blooms! Yours is really awesome, worth every bit of the wait!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Just lost my first reply. Thank you Helena. Yours will be this big in a yr or so.
The bigger it gets, the more impressive it becomes. :-)

Thumbnail by patootie
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jackie - Truly stunning! It must be your pride and joy! :-) How many pandy vines are there along your fence? Is it just one or many?

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Becky, thats all from one seed planted in 06. But, heres the catch, it has 8 header stems coming up from that one tuber or it may now have 8 separate tubers.
Theres at least 5 feet from the original planting to where the last stem came up.
So I don't know how many tubers are underground now. I meant to dig one up for a friend which would have answered my question, 1 tuber or many.

Heres a shot this morning, notice 4 of the stems visible.

Thumbnail by patootie
Gautier, MS

Beautiful blooms Jackie!

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks Helena.

Jacksonville, AR(Zone 7b)

Lots of blooms every day.

Thumbnail by patootie
Gautier, MS

Look at those bloom, beautiful Jackie!!

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